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用二号宋体书写 激光透明陶瓷的成型和烧结研究
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上空一行,居中用小二号黑体书写,“摘”与“要”间空两格 摘 要
钇铝石榴石(Y3Al5O12,YAG)具有良好的光学性能,是一种重要的激光基质材料。与YAG单晶相比,YAG多晶陶瓷有多种优势,它可以制备出满足大功率激光器所需的大尺寸样品并实现高浓度的掺杂,因而是目前研究的热点问题。 本文采用的粉体原料是共沉淀法制备的平均粒径为20nm的钇铝石榴石纳米粉体,摘要内容用小4号宋体书写,行距取固定值23磅 以0.5wt%的正硅酸乙酯为烧结助剂。采用了常规的液压成型和冷等静压成型工艺,发现冷等静压成型明显地较常规压力成型获得更高的收缩率和致密度。在烧结工艺中,本文首先采用了两步真空烧结工艺制备了YAG透明陶瓷,其步骤为:将成型后的素坯在真空炉内首先加热到一个较高的温度(1700~1800℃),再快速降温至较低温度(1500~1600℃),并在此较低温度下保温10h。同时,还考察了常规烧结和微波烧结方法。透光率测试表明,真空烧结法更容易获得透明陶瓷,通过本项目的研究成功地制备出了透光率约为52.2%的透明陶瓷。实验结果更进一步说明了,要想获得透光率更高的透明陶瓷,坯体必须在烧结前期获得较高的收缩率,并且尽可能在高真空或还原性的气氛中烧结。
关键词:钇铝石榴石;两步烧结;YAG;透明陶瓷 在摘要内容结束后,空一行, 居左空两格,用小二号黑体
上空一行,居中用小二号Time New Roman体加粗书写 Abstract Yttrium aluminum garnet (Y3Al5O12,YAG) is an important laser material due to its excellent optical properties. Compared with single crystal YAG, polycrystalline YAG ceramic exhibits many advantages. The predominance of polycrystalline YAG ceramic is that it can be doped with very high concentrations, and it can meet the requirement of high power laser so it 摘要内容用小4号is the hot topic today. Time New Roman体书写,标点用英文形式,The crystal size of Nd:YAG powder was about 行距取固定值23磅 20nm, which was made by
co-precipitation method, and the 0.5wt% TEOS was used as sintering additive. Compared the conventional molding method, it found that the higher line shrinkage and higher density can be got by the cold isostatic pressure molding method. In the course of sintering process, two-step sintering process at vacuum environment was adopted first. Specific process conditions used in this paper is as follows: the samples were first heated to a higher temperature ranging from 1700℃ to 1800℃,then cooled down to a lower temperature ranging from 1500℃to1600℃, and held at the lower temperature for 10h. Compared with two-step sintering process at vacuum environment, the conventional sintering method and microwave sintering method were used to sinter laser transparent ceramics also. However, only the former method can produce transparent ceramics with transparence of 52.2%. The results farther showed that it is necessary to get enough shrinkage before sintering process, and it is important to sinter at high vacuum or deoxidized environment.
Key ceramic 在摘要内容结束后,空一行, 居左空两格,用小二号Time New Roman体加粗书写 关键词内容用小4号Time New Roman体书写,词间用分号“;”分开,最后一个词后不用标点符号 words: yttrium aluminum garnet;two-step sintering ;YAG ;transparent