【期刊名称】《电子显微学报》 【年(卷),期】2011(030)004
【摘要】1420A1-Li合金以其高比强度,高比刚度以及优良的低温性能,良好的耐腐蚀性和成型性而成为航空航天理想的轻质结构材料.本文对1420Al-Li合金进行了准原位拉伸试验,利用场发射扫描电子显微镜上安装的背散射电子衍射仪(EBSD-Channel5)对试样进行取向分析.EBSD结果表明:拉伸之前,1420Al-Li合金试样中存在弱织构{001} 〈100〉;拉伸之后,弱织构消失,试样拉伸区存在近似于{001} 〈100〉的{018} 〈018〉织构.拉伸过程中晶粒绕晶带轴[001]和[010]发生转动,引起合金试样拉伸前后织构的变化.20 alloy is Al-Mg-Li aluminum-lithium alloy. Due to their low density, high-strength and weldable property, 1420 alloys are regarded as ideal structural materials for aerospace and aviation applications. Quasi-in-situ tension experiments of the 1420 alloy samples were carried out on the specimens loading stage of NTSET-5000 tensile testing machine. EBSD tests on the texture in tension regions of the sample after ion etching were performed in field-emission scanning electron microscope by HKL Channel 5. EBSD analysis in tension region of samples showed the change of the crystal texture. Basal weak texture {100}〈100〉 was found in the 1420 alloy before tension. During the tension process, the grains rotated around the crystal zone axis [001 ] and [010]. As a result,
the texture of the extruded 1420 sample transformed from {001} 〈100〉 to { 018} 〈018〉 orientation, which was similar with {001}〈100〉 orientation.
【关键词】1420Al-Li合金;准原位拉伸;EBSD;织构 【作者】陈忠伟;赵静;艾艳玲
【作者单位】西北工业大学凝固技术国家重点实验室,陕西西安710072;西北工业大学凝固技术国家重点实验室,陕西西安710072;西北工业大学凝固技术国家重点实验室,陕西西安710072 【正文语种】中文
【中图分类】TG146.2;TG115.21+3;TG115.23;TG115.21+5.3 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_journal-chinese-electron-microscopy-society_thesis/0201235202764.html 【相关文献】
1.准原位拉伸1420Al—Li合金的织构变化 [C], 陈忠伟; 赵静; 艾艳玲
2.Al—Li薄板合金的织构梯度,平均织构和塑性各向异性 [J], Zeng.,XH; 谢世英 3.挤压工艺参数和织构对Al—Li合金挤压制品机械性能的影响 [J], Tempus,G; 谢士英
4.超塑Al-Mg-Li合金的显微组织与织构特性 [J], 李红萍; 叶凌英; 张盼; 钟掘; 黄明辉
5.胶接对Al-Li-S4铝合金织构的影响 [J], 孙振起; 黄明辉