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unemployers par for (25)___________to workers in jobs that have become unnecessary. There are also subsidies for workers who must change jobs because of changes in the labour market .

Sweden introduced the fifth and final component of its social system at the end of the 20th century. This component corrects some of the problems created by the four (26)________mentioned components. It includes new rules that are designed to improve job stability , such as training programmes to help employees learn new skills as their jobs change and become more (27)______,Also ,the government has reduced social(28)_________and welfare payments .

So, in conclusion, the Swedes are happy with their system. Sweden has achieved more in terms of social equality, economic(29)________than many other economies. As a result ,most Swedes aren’t interested in any more reform of the economic system .However, because it is (30)_________in international markets, Sweden must continue to manage its social policies so that it remains competitive in the international marketplace.

Part II Vocabulary and Structure(10 minutes,15 marks)

31.The businessmen discussed the contract_____________but never actually signed anything. A.at length . B.at sea . C.at randon. D.at will.

32.Accustomed to the coffee from Columbia________Governor John said that ________coffee should always be strong. A./;a. B.the;a. C.a;a.


33._________a well-balanced diet,________adequate sleep ,is needed for good health. A.Alongside;with. B.Not only;but. C.Attached;to . D.Due to;so

34._________very familiar with inspection reports, I realized that some pages of this one were missing. A.To be B.That was C.Being D.So was

35.If you have not signed a contract, you are under no _________ to pay them any money.

A.responsibility B.liability C.circumstance D.obligation

36.As the market was _________ goods, the economy became more balanced , and inflation went down. A.speculated on B.subscribed for C.saturated with D.submitted to

37.Surveys show that the majority of passengers are pleased that an agreement has been reached to forbid smoking on _________ flights within the continental United States. A. economical B. commercial

C. global D. internal

38.The new CEO asked that all inter-office communications ________ in writing rather than in person , _________ possible. A.have been made; whoever B.would be made; whichever C.be made ; whenever D.stage bare of scenery

39.Written to be performed on a __________,Thornton Wilder’s play Our Town depicts life in a small New England community. A.stage scenery of bare B.bare of stage scenery C.scenery bare of stage D.stage bare of scenery

40.____________ school policy , the students had a holiday between Chritmas and the New Year. A.On behalf of B.With regard to C.In line with D.In case of

41.To sell the house , we made a __________ to the buyer by agreeing to put a new roof on it. A.consideration B.commission C.concession D.confirmation

42.Never before _________ available for quick and easy acess in so many different fields of study.

A.so much free information were

B.has so much free information been C.were so much free information D.so much free information has been

43.The computer company announced that the new solfware __________ in the first half of next year. A.be released B.will have released C.would have released D.was going to be released

44.Tina: A group of us are going boeling on Tuesday night. Would you like us?

Joe : I really would , but unfortunately I have a tennis lesson. Tina : Oh, that’s too bad. _________ Joe : Yes, for sure. Thanks for the offer. A.How do you deal with that ? B.Maybe another time then ? C.When will you come back ? D.Don’t you really like bowling ?

45.George : Hey, Agnes . How did the Human Resources meeting go ?I couldn’t because I was out at a sales conference.

Agnes : Oh, George . __________ It turned into a major argument. George : Really ?

A .Glad you’re back now.

B.You’re lucky to have missed it. C.Nice to see you again. D.You’re just on time.

Part III Reading Comprehension (20 minutes, 35 marks)

to join make it Section A (5 marks )

In this section , there is one passage followed by five question. For each

question, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D .You should decide on the best choice, and then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

When e-mail first came into general use about fifteen years ago, there was a lot of talk about the imminent arrival of the paperless office. However, it seems that e-mail has yet to revolutionize office communications .According to communicate ions analyst Richard Metcalf, some offices have actually seen an increase in paper as increase in paper as a result of e-mail.” Information in the form of e-mail messages now floods our computer screens. These messages can be distributed in the hundres.For those secretaries whose books ask them to print out all their e-mails and leave them in their intrays, this means using up a great deal of paper every month ,”Metcalf says.

Metcalf has found that because some e-mails get lost in cyberspace, as are increasingly likely to be asked by clients and colleagues to send all important documents both by e-mails and by fax or “snail mail”-though the post .This highlightsafuther postential problem with e-mail in today’s offices-it is taking up time rather than saving it.

“With e-mail, communication is much easier ,but there is also more room for misunderstrandings,”says psaychologist Dr David Lewis Generally ,much lsee care is take with e-mails than with letters or faxes and the sender will probably print the the documents and reread it before putting it in an envelope or sending it by fax.

More worrying is still the increase misuse of e-mail for sending “flame-mail” –abusive or inappropriate e-mail messages .Recent research in several companies suggests that aggressive communications like this are on the increase .E-mail has become the perfect medium for expressing workplace frustration because is so instant.

E-mail can also be a problem in order ways .Staff all too often make the mistake of thinking that the condense of an e-mail ,like things said over the phone ,are private and



