cassette Table/Marker Notebook/DeskEgg/Fish Sneaker one to ten these? They are cassettes. 3.How many…? 分/this/these和复数的s结尾。 答,十以内的数字问答 P27A 课外练习5min 课堂总结5min t3
Father/mother Uni2 Sister/brother t4 Grandmother Grandfather Friend/Young Tall/Thin 修饰人的形容词,sister与其他的词结尾不太一样。 介绍,描述家庭成员,有礼貌的问候,否定表达 简单介绍,描述家人 看听学P31D P33C P37D
Yo-yo/Kite Uni2 Car/Ball Doll/Puzzt5 le Robot/Bat Bicycle/Big Little/ Long Short 1.Happy birthday, This is for you. 2.How old are you? I’m…years old 3.What is it? I don’t 修饰物的形容词,形容词的相对 年龄的问答,生日的问候,送礼物,描述物体 描述生日礼物 看听学P41C P42B P45A
know. Rainy /Windy Uni2 Cloudy/Snowy Flower/Tree Cloud/ Puddle 1.How’s the weather? It’s … 2How many (clouds)are there? There are … 3.Where the (kite)? 性 询问和描述天气,询问能够干什么事,数数 描述天气,是否能做某事 看听学P47B P48B P50B P51C P53A 课前热身5min 单词讲解10min 句型介绍15min 单词强化10min 句型操练20min t6
It’s in the tree. Can he climb a tree? Yes,he can.No,he can’t. Milk/Fish/Chicken/Uni2 Pizza/Bread/Rice/Cake/Ice You’re Here you are. Thank you 听力练习10mi 习题巩固30min 阅读训练10min 课外培优 询问某人的意愿,表达 阐释自己的意愿 看听学P58A P60A 10min 课外练习5min 课堂总结