Big bad wolf (打狼) Go out (双手推狼出去) Big bad wolf (打狼) 31、Round the garden
Round and round the garden 绕着花园走呀走(用手指在孩子掌心画圈) Goes the little mouse 小老鼠不停的走(继续画圈)
Up upup he creeps 向上,向上,它向上爬(手指沿着孩子的胳膊往上爬) UP into his house 爬进了它的家(挠挠孩子的咯吱窝) 32、Yes ,Madam
The sun is shuashuashua shinning today .手举高画出太阳并做闪耀的样子。
The leaf is huahuahua falling down. 做叶子飘下来的动作慢慢蹲下。 The flower is pupupugrowning up. 做花逐渐开放并站起来的样子。 The tree and fence are standing there. 双手举起左右摇摆,站立排队的动作。
Attention . Yes, Madam. 原地踏步走,做敬礼的动作。 33、This little pig went to market.
This little pig (张开五指,另一只手点着拇指)went to market(手放下,作踏步向前状)
This little pig(张开五指,另一只手点着食指) stayed at home (膝上作坐状).
This little pig(张开五指,另一只手点着中指) had roast beef(作吃东西状).
This little pig(张开五指,另一只手点着无名指)had none(探开双手表示没有).
This little pig(张开五指,另一只手点着小指)cried wee-wee-wee(双手揉眼作哭状)
All the way home! (坐回位子上,慢者输)
1,2! How are you? 3, 4! Close the door. 5, 6! Count the birds. 7, 8! Eat a cake. 9, 10! Say it again. 35、Jump hop
I jump, I hop, I run, run, run; I jump, I hop, I turn around; I jump, I hop, I bend my knees. 36、Morning exercises.
One two three four, put your hands up.(双手依次叉腰、碰肩膀、举高)
Five six seven eight, put your hands down.(双手依次碰肩膀、叉腰、放下)
One two three four, jump jump high.(双手依次叉腰、碰肩膀、手举高并跳起)
Five six seven eight, stand stand straight.(双手依次碰肩膀、叉腰、放下并拍打双腿外侧) 37、Hands feet arms and hips.
One hand two hands, clapclapclap. One foot two feet, jumpjumpjump. One arm two arms, wavewavewave. One hip two hips, shakeshakeshake.
38、Everybody,hold your hands and form a circle
Big circle big big big...small circle small small small...Hands up 1 2 3...Hands down 1 2 3...Hands left 1 2 3...Hands right 1 2 3... 39、Johnny, Johnny
Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny(依次从小指点到食指) Whoops, Johnny(Whoops时,从食指顺着手滑到拇指的指尖) Whoops, Johnny(Whoops时,从拇指顺着手滑到食指的指尖) Johnny Johnny
40、You are dirty,take a bath (指向幼儿,然后两手搓背洗澡)
Xi shuashua, xi shuashua Beng cha cha ,beng cha cha Ai yaya ,aiyaya I’m clean.(两手摊开)
41、Shake, shake,shake your head(摇头)
Clap, clap, clap your hands(拍手) Raise, raise, raise your arms(举手臂) Kick, kick, kick your legs(踢腿) Stamp, stamp,stamp your feet(跺脚) 42、Two little hands,clap clapclap
Two little feet, hit hithit Two little arms cross crosscross Two little hips shake shakeshake 43、How’s the weather today?
How’s the weather today?
It’s sunny, it’s sunny, it’s sunny today. How’s the weather today? How’s the weather today?
It’s cloudy, it’s cloudy, it’s cloudy today. How’s the weather today? How’s the weather today?
It’s rainy, it’s rainy, it’s rainy today. 44、Where are you going?
I’m going to the park. Where are you going? I’m going to the zoo. Where are you going? I’m going to the school. School? Yes!
I’m going to the school.