. success result ,outcome a favourable or satisfactory outcome or result when it passes into clean room a special field a room for the manufacture or assembly of objects (as precision parts )that is /white room maintained at a high level of cleanliness by special means dependent on one’s pipe profession or chief interests in life To musician –a simple musical ,played by tubelike instrument blowing To tobacco smoker and an architect –it suggests other and quite different meanings under the influence Nickel of local conditions new words move washable into the language in the U.S. means “a coin ,value 5 cents ” sth. is able to be sth. esp. clothing ,that can washed be washed in water without being solided breakable sth. is easily broken implies that one has to take good care of it and handle it carefully 专业资料
B. Extension of meaning (generalization) 词义的扩大/普遍化
? Extension of meaning: means the widening of a word’s sense until it covers much
more than what it originally conveyed. *Two main reasons for this tendency :
1. The predominant developmental trend is in the direction of differentiation rather than of synthesis;
2. Related to the first ,is that the formation of general concepts from specific terms is of lesser importance in non-scientific communication though it is rather a characteristic of scientific endeavor . eg.
Condition Words Original meaning Meaning extended after bird from OE bird ,a a young bird general term for feathered creatures with two legs and wings ,usually able to fly plant from L planta ,a a generic term for the sprout whole botanical species lost 专业资料
their thing a council ,court ,or used as a substitute for . precise (business ,state ,condition, controversy nearly any on noun the meaning and matter,circumstance, fact , have gradually faded into etc.) all-purpose word depending context in which it is used such a vague sense they stand almost anything that may for generous from L generosus willing of “noble birth” to give or share ;unselfish ;liberal
C. Degeneration of meaning (pejoration) 词义的降格/语义转贬 ? Two main forms:
1. The failing of word meaning into disrepute, for one reason or another . eg. silly
1) Originated from the AS s?lig meaning “blessing and happy”
2) Since the blessed people are usually those innocent of evil ,the word came to
mean “innocent” in the 17th century
3) As innocent people are so often those leading simple lives, it later came to mean
“simple” and “simple-minded”, which is often associated with “lack of intelligence” 4) hence the modern meaning of the word silly :“foolish”.
2. This form may take the form of the gradual extension to so many senses that any particular meaning which a word may have had is completely lost.
*This form refers to the weakening of meaning resulting from habitual use of particular words on unsuitable occasions.
D. Elevation of meaning (amelioration) 词义的升格/语义改良
? Elevation of meaning: a word meaning takes a turn for the better in the course of time, and has either risen from a “snarl” word to a “purr” word ,or from a slang term to a common word. eg.
Words marshal minister Original meaning a horse tender 驯马师 Meaning after elevation officer of highest rank 元帅;司仪 an attendant ,a servant牧师 a person at the head of a Department of State 部长;大臣 fond foolish tender and affectionate喜欢的;温柔的;宠爱的
9.3 Semantic Development or Change Resulting from the Figurative Use of
A. Metaphor隐喻,暗喻
? Metaphor is a figure of speech containing an implied comparison based on
association of similarity, in which a word or a phrase ordinarily and primarily used for one thing in applied to another, a process which often results in semantic change or figurative extension of meaning.
eg. food for thought ,a heart of stone ;thunderous applause
a cunning person –fox a beautiful woman –vision美景
? Two types:
a) The similarity between tenor and vehicle may be based on likeness in form or
appearance; on a resemblance in relative position; in quality or in function.
eg. eye of a needle
the teeth of a comb
the bridge of a pair of eyeglasses the crest of a mountain
b) There is one psychological process which also produces linguistic results similar
to those of metaphor:
eg. synaesthesia. 联觉 “which is based on transportation from one sense to another”
*Many words have been used so frequently as metaphors that their metaphorical sense have become well-established in people’s minds. They are called faded metaphors and appear as one of the word’s meanings listed in any standard dictionaries.