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申领登记表 ( 区)

幼儿园全称(章):______________________ 举办者(章):________________________ 申领日期: 年 月 日 许可证登记号:

In order to prevent undue losses, the Party decided to shorten the training plan. 1 month later, most of the trainees are assigned to four townships Ji Zheng, along with underground pro-democracy work; some of the trainees in the Ma Xiren rushed to get in touch with underground in Shanghai with the help of, then go north against Japan. \students later became strong anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters. (19) Shen Yingjie

填表说明 封面:



黄浦区:0101 卢湾区:0103 徐汇区:0104 长宁区:0105 静安区:0106 普陀区:0107 闸北区:0108 虹口区:0109 杨浦区:0110 宝山区:0113 闵行区:0112 浦东新区:0115 嘉定区:0114 南汇区:0119 奉贤区:0120 松江区:0117

金山区:0116 青浦区:0118 崇明县:0230






2(多个举办者时,按出资额自多至少,逐一填写,可附页;出资方式填写现金、实物、无形资产等,捐资办学者注明“捐赠”。 表四:

1.该表中填写的“教学点”指经区县以上教育行政部门批准设立In order to prevent undue losses, the Party decided to shorten the training plan. 1 month later, most of the trainees are assigned to four townships Ji Zheng, along with underground pro-democracy work; some of the trainees in the Ma Xiren rushed to get in touch with underground in Shanghai with the help of, then go north against Japan. \became strong anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters. (19) Shen Yingjie


2.教学点多于1个的学校,可将此页复印填写。 3.民办中小学、幼儿园不得设教学点。 表五:



址、法定代表人、章程、注册资金、是否要求合理回报等。 In order to prevent undue losses, the Party decided to shorten the training plan. 1 month later, most of the trainees are assigned to four townships Ji Zheng, along with underground pro-democracy work; some of the trainees in the Ma Xiren rushed to get in touch with underground in Shanghai with the help of, then go north against Japan. \became strong anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters. (19) Shen Yingjie

表一:民办学校及举办者基本情况表 全 称 电话 地址、邮编 法定代表人 园长 学

校建立年月 原办学许可证编号 情 况 注册资金(万元) 资产总值(万元) 批准批准机关 文号

举办者是否要求 上年度年*教学点数 取得合理回报 检结论 全 称 性质 举

常驻地址、邮编 注册地 办 者

情出资额(万元) 出资方式 况 法定代表人 联系电话

事业编制 教职工总数(人) 专任(人) 兼任(人) 在校生(人) 教职工(人) 财会人员(人) 采用何种会计制度 上年度办学结余(万元)

校园占地面积教学行政用房建筑面积现房地产权利人 有(亩) (万?)

办 学

条房地产权证号 件 (已抵押的注明抵宗地(丘)面积 使用权来源 用途 押终止时间)

教学仪器设备总值(万元) 所有权人 幼儿园 办 学幼儿教育 内 容


In order to prevent undue losses, the Party decided to shorten the training plan. 1 month later, most of the trainees are assigned to four townships Ji Zheng, along with underground pro-democracy work; some of the trainees in the Ma Xiren rushed to get in touch with underground in Shanghai with the help of, then go north against Japan. \students later became strong anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters. (19) Shen Yingjie


职性出生 姓名 国籍 学历 任职经历(教育教学经历) 务 别 年月 董 事 会 ) 理 事 会 ) 成 员 行

政 领 导

职性出生 姓名 国籍 学历 会计从业资格证书档案号码 务 别 年月 财 会 人 员

In order to prevent undue losses, the Party decided to shorten the training plan. 1 month later, most of the trainees are assigned to four townships Ji Zheng, along with underground pro-democracy work; some of the trainees in the Ma Xiren rushed to get in touch with underground in Shanghai with the help of, then go north against Japan. \students later became strong anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters. (19) Shen Yingjie


性 年姓 名 学历 职称 教龄 别 龄 国籍 政治面貌 身份证号 原工作单位 职务 起讫年月 工作单位 担任职务 备注 主 要 工 作 经 历

现决工 策核作 准机单构机 位关聘审 任意核 见意 意见(盖章) (盖章) (盖章) 见 年 月 日 年 月 日 年 月 日



