You should exercise to stay fit. 4、你应该通过锻炼来保持健康。 It's important to eat a balanced diet. 3、饮食均衡是重要的。
It's important to sleep eight hours a night. 2、每晚8个小时的睡眠是重要的。 It's easy to have a healthy lifestyle. 1、有一个健康的生活方式是容易的。 健康
You should go to bed early for a few nights.
You should also lie down and rest.
You should eat fruit and vegetables and drink lots of
You should also listen to music to relax. 10、你不应该熬夜。
You shouldn't stay up. 11、疲劳时你不应该学习。
I am tall and strong. I have short / long hair. I often wear 1、我高大结实,有着短(长)发,戴眼镜。 人物
Take a long walk before going to bed. It helps a lot. 14、睡前散步,它有些帮助。 Don't get stressed out. It's not healthy. 13、不要有压力,那是不健康的。 You need to see a doctor / dentist. 12、你需要看医生(牙医)。 You shouldn't study when you're tired.
a pair of
I am outgoing / easygoing / funny / active / lovely /
smart / creative.
I am a bright and lively boy / girl. I am popular with 3、我聪明活泼,受人欢迎,对人礼貌。
everyone. I am polite to others.
I am a student / teacher in No.1 Middle School. 5、我是一中的学生(老师)。 I am 15 years old. 4、我15岁。
I want to be an artist / a scientist / a musician in the 7、我将来想成为一名艺术家(科学家、音乐家)。 I am a worker / nurse. I work in a factory / hospital. 6、我是一名工厂的工人(医院的护士)。
I take an active part in sports. I am interested in soccer / 9、我积极参加运动,对足球(篮球)感兴趣。 I like reading, chatting with friends and flying kites. 8、我喜欢看书、聊天和放风筝。
I spend plenty of time on TV and computers. 10、我花很多时间在电视和电脑上。
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