CAMO和所有人/营运人的责任(摘录 张全治) CAMO Obligations of the CAMO and owner/operator CAMO(EASA的持续适航管理机构)和所有人/营运人的责任 5.1. Obligations of the CAMO:CAMO的责任
1. have the aircraft type in the scope of its approval;拥有其批准范围的飞机型号
2. respect the conditions to maintain the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft listed
(a) develop a maintenance programme for the aircraft, including any reliability programme
developed, if applicable;编写飞机维修大纲,包括编写所需的任何可靠性方案 (b) declare the maintenance tasks (in the maintenance programme) that may be carried
out by the pilot-owner in accordance with point M.A.803(c);表明那些(飞机维修大纲中)可能会由飞行员-所有人根据点M.A.803(c)的维修任务
(c) organise the approval of the aircraft's maintenance programme;组织实施批准飞机维修
(d) once it has been approved, give a copy of the aircraft's maintenance programme to the
(e) organise a bridging inspection with the aircraft's prior maintenance programme;组织实
(f) organise for all maintenance to be carried out by an approved maintenance
(g) organise for all applicable airworthiness directives to be applied;组织实施将要完成的所
(h) organise for all defects discovered during scheduled maintenance, airworthiness
reviews or reported by the owner to be corrected by an approved maintenance organisation coordinate scheduled maintenance, the application of airworthiness directives, the replacement of life limited parts, and component inspection requirements;组织实施计划维修中、适航审核中发现的、或者所有人报告的需要维修机构纠正的所有缺陷,协调落实计划维修工作、适航指令的实施、时寿部件更换及其检查的要求。
(i) inform the owner each time the aircraft shall be brought to an approved maintenance
(j) manage all technical re每次飞机将要送到经过批准的维修机构时都要通知所有人cords; (k) archive all technical records;建档存储所有技术记录
3. organise the approval of any modification to the aircraft in accordance with Annex I
(Part-21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 before it is embodied;任何改装执行前,根据规章 (EU) No 748/2012 Annex I( 附录 I ) Part-21(部21))组织实施其批准工作
4. organise the approval of any repair to the aircraft in accordance with the Annex I
(Part-21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 before it is carried out;任何改装执行前,根据规章 (EU) No 748/2012 Annex I( 附录 I ) Part-21(部21))组织实施其批准工作
5. inform the competent authority of the Member State of registry whenever the aircraft is
not presented to the approved maintenance organisation by the owner as requested by the approved organisation;通知注册登记的成员国之合格当局:飞机是否已经按照该批准机构的要求由所有人送往经过批准的维修机构。
6. inform the competent authority of the Member State of registry whenever the present
contract has not been respected;通知注册登记的成员国之合格当局:现时合同是否遵照执行。
7. ensure that the airworthiness review of the aircraft is carried out when necessary and
ensure that the airworthiness review certificate is issued or a recommendation is sent to the competent authority of the Member State of registry;确保飞机的适航审核在需要时完成,且保证其颁发适航审核证,或者报送建议给注册登记成员国的合格当局。
8. send within 10 days a copy of any airworthiness review certificate issued or extended to
the competent authority of the Member State of registry;10日内报送一份已经颁发或者延期的适航审核证副本给注册登记成员国的合格当局。
9. carry out all occurrence reporting mandated by applicable regulations;完成适用规章强
10. inform the competent authority of the Member State of registry whenever the present
contract is denounced by either party.知会注册登记成员国的合格当局现时合同有否为任何一方投诉过。
5.2. Obligations of the owner/operator:所有人/营运人的责任
1. have a general understanding of the approved maintenance programme;对于经过批准
2. have a general understanding of this Annex (Part-M);对于该附件(Part-M)具有一个总体
3. present the aircraft to the approved maintenance organisation agreed with the CAMO at
the due time designated by the CAMO's request;按照该CAMO指定的时间及时送交飞机到该CAMO确认的经过批准的维修机构、
4. not modify the aircraft without first consulting the CAMO;没有先咨询该CAMO前,不得
5. inform the CAMO of all maintenance exceptionally carried out without the knowledge
and control of the CAMO;告知该CAMO其了解和控制范围以外的所有例外的维修事项。
6. report to the CAMO through the logbook all defects found during operations;通过记录本
7. inform the competent authority of the Member State of registry whenever the present
contract is denounced by either party;通知注册登记成员国合格当局现时合同是否为任何一方投诉过。
8. inform the CAMO and competent authority of the Member State of registry whenever
the aircraft is sold;;通知该CAMO和注册登记成员国合格当局飞机是否已经出售。 9. carry out all occurrence reporting mandated by applicable regulations;实施所有适用规
10. inform on a regular basis the CAMO about the aircraft flying hours and any other
utilisation data, as agreed with the CAMO;按照该CAMO同意的周期定期向其报告飞机的飞行小时数和任何其它的使用数据。
11. enter the certificate of release to service in the logbooks as mentioned in point
M.A.803(d) when performing pilot-owner maintenance without exceeding the limits of the maintenance tasks list as declared in the approved maintenance programme as laid down in point M.A.803(c);在完成飞行员-所有人的维修工作时,填写M.A.803(d) 所提到的恢复使用放行证书到记录本中;该维修工作不超过点M.A.803(c)所列的经过批准的维修大纲中表明的维修任务限制,
12. inform the CAMO not later than 30 days after completion of any pilot-owner
maintenance task in accordance with point M.A.305(a).在根据M.A.305(a)完成任何飞行员-所有人的维修任务后,不得晚于30天,通知该CAMO。