大学英语精读第三版第 一册英语课后翻译答案
ComPany number : [0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108]
Uilit 1
Mrs. Slnith COmPIained to Ine that She Often found it SimPIy impossble to COlnInyiIiCate With her 16-year-old (IaUghten
2、 ’我坚信,阅读简写的(SimPIified)英文小说是扩大我们词汇量的一种轻松愉快的方法。
I firmly believe that reading SimPlified EngIiSh novels is an easy and enjoyable Way Of enlarging OUr vocabulary*
3、 我认为我们在保护环境不受污染(POlkItiOn)方面还做得不够.
I don't think ?ve're (IOing enough to PrOteCt OUr environment from pollution.
4、 除了每周写作文外,我们的英语老师还给我们布置了八本书在暑假里阅读。
In addition to /Apart from Writing COmPOSitiOnS on a WeekIy basis ,oιIr EngliSh teacher assigned US eight books to read (IUring the SUlnmer VaCation.
5、 我们从可靠的消息来源获悉下学期一位以英语为母语的人将要教我们英语口语。
VVeve Iearne(I from reliable SOUrCeS that a native EngliSh SPeaker is going to teach US SPOkelI EngliSh next term/SemeSter.
6、 经常看英语电影不仅会提高你的听力,而且还会帮助你培养说的技能。
Seeing EngliSh InOVieS on a regular basis Wiil not Only improve your ear , but Wiil also help you build your SPeaking skills.
7、 如梟你们对这些学习策略有什么问题?请随便问我。我将更详细地进行讲解。
If you have any questions about these IearIIing strategies, PIeaSe feel free to ask me. And PIl explain them in greater detail.
8、 那个加拿大女孩善于抓住每个机会讲汉语,这就是她为什么三年不到就熟练地掌握了汉语口 语的原因。
The Cana(Iian girl is good at SeiZing every OPPOrtUnity to SPeak ChineSe .That,s Why She has gained a good COmlnand Of SPOkelI ChineSe in IeSS than three years.
Unit 2
1、 幸好附近有家医院,我们立刻把他送到了医院。
FOrtUnateIy there WaS a hospital nearby and We took him there at OIlCe?
2、 胜利登丄乔治岛后,船长向指挥部去了一份无线电报。
After SUCCeeding in Ianding On GeOrge Island, the CaPtaiiI Sent a radio IneSSage to his headquarters.
3、 他决心继续他的实验,不过这次他将用另一种办法来做。
He is determined to COntinUe his experiment but this time he'll do it another way.
4、 她读这部小说时,不禁想起了她在农村度过的那五年。
When She read the novel, She COUIdn5t help thinking Of the five years She had SPent in the COUntryside.
5、 玛命觉得单靠自己的力量执行她的计划是困难的。
Mary thought it dif∩cult to Carry OUt her PIan all by herself.
6、 義们认为他不能在一刻钟内玉完那段距离.但H却成功地做到了这一点。
VVe didnvt think he COUI(I COver the distance in a quarter Of an hour,but he SUCCeeded in doing it?
7、 甚至在他的医生告诉他患有肺癌之后、奇切斯特仍不肯放弃环球航行的宿愿。
EVeIl after his (IoCtOr told him he had IUng cancer, ChiCheSter WOUld not give UP his OId dream Of
Sailing round the world.
I WaS busy Inaking a new device for CatChing rats WheIl Mark Came and (Iragged Ine OUt to a flower show.
Unit 3
1、 那位演员似乎很乐意在剧中扮演一个次要角色。
That famous actor SeeIned COntent to PIay a IninOr Part in the play.
2、 国庆节要到了,咱们把寝室彻底打扫?一下吧。
NatiOnal day is round the COrner? Lets give OUr bedroom a thorough Cleall?
3、 她非常爲强地同意让一位年青的医生为她作手术。
She agreed, Very reluctantly, to be OPerated On by a young doctor?
4、 他们已安排和让我们明矣去游览长城.我相?義们在那儿一定会玩得很开心。
They've arranged for US to ViSit the Great WaiI tomorrow ? Γm SUre we5ll have a good time there (we,ll enjoy OUrSeIVeS there)?
5、 老人读尤信后失望之极,竟用颤抖的手指把它撕得粉碎。
After reading the Ietter the OId InaII WaS SO disappointed that he tore it into IittIe bits With trembling fingers.
6、 老两口为他们的孙子感到骄傲,因为他在第二十六届奥运会上获得了两块金牌和一枚铜牌。
The Old COUPIe Were PrOUd Of their grandson, WhO got/won two gold InedaIS and One bronze medal at the 26rd OIyInPiC Gaines.
7、 即使他的祖母不粧来参加他的生日宴会,她也会寄给他一件可爱的礼物。对这一点汤姆深信 不疑。
Even if his grandmother COUld not COme to his birthday party, She WOUl(I Sen(I him a IOVeIy PreSelit. TOln WaS SUre Of that
8、 昨天是玛丽的二十岁生日。她父亲寄给她一双靴子,她母亲为她买了一盒巧克力糖。而她的 男朋友则给她一束红玫瑰。
It WaS Man?,s hventieth birthdav VeSterdav. Her father Sent her a paiι, Of boots. Her mother bought her a box Of chocolates. And her boy friend brought her a bunch Of red roses
Unit 4
TO take this job WOUId involve WOrking On WeekendS frequently, but JOhn didn't mind.
2、 众所周知,肺癌至少部分地是由于吸烟过多而引起的。
It is Weil know that IUng CanCer is CaUSed at IeaSt in Part by SmOking too much..
3、 我祖父母说,发明电视的那个人曾住在他们那个地段。
My grandparents Said that the InaIl WhO invented television had OIICe IiVed in their neighborhood.
4、 我提议咱们会后马上去办公室找史斯密教授,邀请他参加我们的英语晚会。
I PrOPOSe that We go to find Prof? Smith in his OffiCe right after the Ineeting and invite him to OUr EngIiSh evening.
5、 她因那病开过两次刀,身体十分虚弱,几乎站不起来。
HaVing been OPerated On twice for the disease, She WaS SO Weakened that She COuld barely Stan(I
6、 教育家们认为,伴随看电视机长大的一代人,在电视机前花的时间太多,以致没有足够的时 间学习了。
EdUCatOrS think that the generation growing IIP With television SPen(I SO InUCh Of their time in front Of the TV that they do not have enough time to StU(Iy?



