1. 一名前任讲师 a former lecturer 2. 看上去最美 look one’s best 3. 保持健康 keep fit 4. 不管 regardless of 5. 对。。。加以强调 put/lay/place emphasis on 6. 伸展手脚 stretch one’s arms and legs/stretch oneself 7. 忍受相当大的疼痛 endure considerable pain and suffering 8. 。。。是荒谬可笑的 It is ridiculous that... 9. 随心所欲做某事 be free to do sth. 10. 做。。。是没有意义的(point) There is no point (in) doing sth. 11. 阐明一些争议的问题 set out some of the issues 12. 感谢称赞 thanks for the compliment 13. 改变他们的身体 alter their bodies 14. 针对;目标是 aim at/ be aimed at 15. 减肥 lose weight 16. 总结;概括 sum up 17. 合理的强度 moderate intensity 18. 某人被推荐去做某事 sb. be recommended to do sth. 19. 供应某人某物(supply两种) supply sb. with sth. / sb. supply sth. to sb. 20. 敏锐的思维 a sharp/keen mind
1. 只有在经历了诸多痛苦的情况下,人们才会把品质生活放在首位。( Only ; undergo) Only after undergoing many sufferings will people lay emphasis on a better quality of life.
2. 鉴于他曾有犯罪事实,这家健身俱乐部不顾反对意见将他辞退。(regardless)
Considering the fact that he once committed crime, the health studio fired him regardless of objection.
3. 并非所有的人都知道成功的素质教育不应该过分地强调考试。(emphasis)
Not everyone knows that successful quality education shouldn’t put/place/lay too much emphasis on examination.
4. 他在被推荐去看那部电影之后才恍然大悟授业解惑是教师的职责所在,但帮助学生增进 身心健康更为重要。(Not until…; remove)
Not until he was recommended to see that movie did he realize that it was teachers’ duty to give lessons and remove doubts; however, it is more important to help students to improve their physical and mental health.