Section I Vocabulary (10 points)
There are 20 inplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best pletes the sentence and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.
1.The annual------of the department store starts tomorrow.
Astocking. Bstocktaking
Cstockpiling. Dstockholding.
2.Remember to ask for a ------of quality for these goods;otherwise they will not offer any maintenance.http://.mbajyz.
Awarranty. Bpromise
Ccertificate. Drecejpt.
3.In many countries tobacco and medicine are government------.
Acontrol. Bmonopoly
Cbusiness. Dbelongings.
4.Bank notes are not usually------into gold nowadays.
Ainverted. Brevertible
Cconvertible. Ddiverting.
5.I------you that the goods will be delivered next week.
Ainsist. Bconfirm
Cassure. Densure.
6.The manager just------his resignation to the board meeting yesterday and today another one took his place.http://.mbajyz.
Asent up. Bsent off
Csent out. Dsent in.
7.Lets not------over such a trifle!
Afall through. Bfall out
Cfall off. Dfall back.
8.The cultures of China and Japan have shared many features,but each has used them according to its national------.
Apersonality. Btemperament
Cinterest. Ddestiny.
9.Our journey was slow because the train stopped------at different villages.
Agradually. Bcontinuously
Cconstantly. Dcontinually.
10.When he realized the police had spotted him,the man------the exit as quickly as possible.
Amade for. Bmade out
Cmade up to. Dmade way.
11.The goods------when we arrived at the airport.
Awere just unloaded. Bwere just being unloaded
Cwere just been unloaded. Dhad just unloaded.
12.The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds------his argument in favor of the new theory.http://.mbajyz.
Awhich to base on. Bon which to base
Cto base on which. Dwhich to be based on.
13.I think your words carry more weight than------.
Aanybody elses. Bthat of anybodys
Canybodyelse. Delse anybodys.
14.The second book was------by August 1996,but two years later,the end was still nowhere in sight.
Ato plete. BpletedCto have been pleted. Dto have pleted.
15.I would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been at all possible,but I------fully occupied the whole of last week.
Awere. Bwas
Chad been. Dhave been.
16.No difficulty and no hardship------discouraged him.
Ahas. Bhave
Chas been. Dhave been.
17.I always keep candles in the house------there is a power cut.
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