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姓名_________ 成绩___________ 一 补全单词(25分)

v_ _lin (小提琴) ex_ _cise (锻炼,体操) le_ _n(学习) h_mew_ _k(家庭作业) veg_ta_le(蔬菜) heal_ _y(健康的) pi_ _(采摘) _ _rth(地球)w_ste(浪费) c_re(关心,照料) h_ _vy(重的,大的)s_ _(海洋)w_a_her(天气)b_ _ch(沙滩) p_c_ic(野餐)fr_ _(空闲的) b_sk_t(篮子) ans_ _r(回答)

st_ _t(开始)h_ _gry(饥饿的)e_ _ited(兴奋的) sh_ _(表演)

b_s_ (忙碌的) m_ _ch(比赛) d_ _ty (脏的) 二 短语互译(12分)

? 上床睡觉 ____________________ 一周两次____________________ ? 拉小提琴 ____________________ go skating____________________ ? Have a rest ____________________ 摘花 _____________________ ? 去野餐 ______________________ 去购物_____________________ ? 看电视 ______________six hundred students____________________ ? 讲笑话____________________ act a play______________________

三 单项选择。(36分)

1. Tom will go to bed ____nine. A.in B.at C.on 2. She is ____a book now. A. read B. reads C.reading 3. It is time ____ learn English. A. for B.to C.of



4. We can ____swimming. A. to go B. go C.going 5. —I’m sorry I’m late. A. of course B. OK —______________. C. It doesn’t matter. 6. I often play basketball ____Sunday morning.

A. on B. at C. in 7. My father____maths(数学). A. do well in B.does well in C.go well in

8. I eat vegetables every day. It’s good ____me.

A. for B. to C. on

9. I often play games ____my friends.

A. to B. with C. and 10.—How often ____your mother go to work by car? —____a week.


A. to B. for C. of 12._______many animals in the forest.

A. This is B.There is C.There are 13.What’s the matter ____you?

A. to B.with C.for 14. Why not _____in the room? A. talking B.talk C.talks 15. Don’t waste _____water. A. too many B. too much C.many

16. Today is World Car Free Day. We go to school ______.

A. do; Two B.does; Two A. by car B.by taxi C.by C.does;Twice

11.We should care ____the


17.I would like ____a new




A. buy B.to buy C.buying

18.I take the book out ___the bag.

A. in B. of C.into 19.—_____shall we meet? —At five o’clock. A.When B. Where C. what 20.How about _____boating? A. go B. going C. to go 21.—_______do you eat fruits? —Every day.

A. How often B.How many C.How about 22.It is ______today. A. sun B.cloudy C.rain 23.I _____at home last night. A. am B.was C.be 24.What a ______rain! A. big B. large C.heavy

25.Your trousers _____on the bed.

A. am B. is C.are 26.—______books are there on your desk? —Five.

A. How many B.How much C.What

27.Are you ____at home? A. help B.helpful C.helping

28.—What ____you often do at home?

—I often clean the window. A. did B.do C.does 29.My sister was ill and my mother looked after her _____. A. in the hospital B. in hospital C.hospital 30.We have

vegetables______lunch. A. at B. for C.of



31. She cooked the meal by_____.

A. her B.she C. herself

32. I didn’t _____TV last night.

A. watch B.watched C.watching 33.What ____you _____yesterday? A. do;do B.did;did C.did;do

34. I stayed at home and _____to cook.

A. learn B.lerned C. to learn

35. What did you do there? A. By plane B.We took photos C. My parents 36.______the beginning, we cleaned the room. A. In B. On C.At

四 选词填空。(5分)

1. __________(How often/How many )books do you buy in the shop?

2. Tom plays ping-pong ______(good/well).

3. My grandma is _______(health/healthy). 4. Let’s go _______(swim/swimming)in the afternoon.

5. My mom goes shopping ______(one/once)a week.

五 补全对话,序号写在横线上。(5分)

Keven:What are you doing, Su


Su Nan: __○1_________ Keven: Do you often play


Su Nan:___○2__________ Keven: How often do you play



it? Su Nan: ___○3__________ Kevin: How many hours do you play every time? Su Nan: ___○4__________ Kevin: How about your study? Su Nan: ___○5__________ A. Three times a week. 子)2分 4. washes she her 7:30 at face (连词成句)1分 5.There is some milk in the B. I play ping-pong for three hours. C. I do well in my study. D. Yes, I do. E. I’m playing ping-pong. 六 根据要求写句子。(17分) 1. I usually get up at 7:00.(对画线部分提问)2分 2. I'm playing sports.(对画线部提问)2分 cup. ○1 (变成一般疑问句)1分 ○2 (将○1作否定回答)1分 6. Why not going shopping with your mother?(翻译成汉语)1 分 3.到学英语的时间了。(翻译句 精选文档



