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八年级下册英语Unit 9集体备课定案及教学反思

一、教材分析 《新目标英语》中的具体语言目标是通过各种各样的Tasks来实现的;学生需要运用具体而特定的行动来完成一定的交际任务。本节课我将始终引导学生通过完成具体的任务活动来学习语言,让学生为了特定的学习目的去实施特定的语言行动,通过完成特定的交际任务来获得和积累相应的学习经验,让学生在用中学,在学中用(Learning by using, learning for using)。 二、教学目标 ⒈知识与能力:掌握现在完成时态句型Have you ever…? 的答语形式;学会谈论过去发生的事。 ⒉过程与方法:通过情景导入来引导学生谈论过去发生的事,提出Have you ever…? 问题,继而引出一些新的词汇和句型,然后通过精讲多练的课堂教学来达到本节课的教学目标。 ⒊情感态度价值观:谈论过去发生的事应是学生很感兴趣的课堂活动,大多数学生喜爱回忆过去并会讲故事。 三、教学重及难点 ⒈重点:重要句型Have you ever been to Europe? Yes, I have./No, I haven never been to Europe.重点词汇theme park, boats, zoo, neither, visitors, wonderful ⒉难点:现在完成时态句型Have you ever…? 的答语形式。 四、教学准备 ⒈教师准备:制作课本2a部分的插图,使用大白纸制作,或制作幻灯片。也可以直接使用教学挂图。 ⒉学生准备:预习课本内容,初识新词汇。 五、教学步骤 ⒈教师指导:⑴情景导入谈论过去发生的事;⑵引导学生进行听力训练;⑶Pair work小组活动。 ⒉学生活动:⑴谈论过去发生的事;⑵进行听力训练活动;⑶Pair work小组活动:对话交流和问卷调查。 ㈠第一教学环节 情景导入谈论过去发生的事 ㈡第二教学环节 听力训练活动 ㈢第三教学环节 Pair work小组活动 六、本课小结 引导学生学习Have you ever…? 的答语形式和现在完成时态的用法。引导学生掌握谈论过去发生的事件的口语交际的技巧,同时把听力训练和Pair work小组活动贯穿于其中。 七、布置作业:根据个人过去的旅游经历,运用今天所学的句型仿写一组对话。 八、板书设计(约 分钟) Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park? A: Have you ever been to…? space museum B: Yes, I have./No, I haven't. aquarium B: Me, too./Neither have I. zoo A: Where do you want to go today? Water World B: I want to go… RiverPark 教学反思:在教学中采取何种训练方法,使学生能快速提高英语口语表达能力?1.通过做值日生报告,提高学生英语口语表达能力。先从最简单的做值日生报告开始,让每天的值日生用英语报出席人数、日期、天气等情况。2.通过背诵、复述,提高学生英语口语表达能力。根据课文的难易程度和学生的记忆能力,通过强化训练的手段,借以增强学生理解和口语表达的能力。3.通过现代化手段,提高学生的英语听说能力。这种方式形象生动,容易记忆,课堂气氛活跃,有利于加速直接用英语交流思想。4.通过“一分钟”谈话,提高学生英语口语表达能力。这是一种利用情景进行教学的方法,是强化语言实践的主要手段之一,通过创设的画面情境引发学生兴趣,有助于学生参与活动。 Unit 8 How was your school trip?教案 发布者:石苏兰 发布时间: 2011-11-26 13:38:16

Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计) Structures: Simple past of regular and irregular verbs Did you +v-ed (past form)…? Were there +n+ place? Target language: What did you do on your school trip? Did you go to the zoo? No, I didn’t. I went to the aquarium. No, there weren’t any sharks, but there some really smart seals. Vocabulary: Aquarium, science center, gift shop, seal, shark, octopus, autograph, win, ate, took, hung out, got, go for a drive, sleep late, yard sale, day off Learning strategies: Reflecting, Practicing SECTION A Goals ● To talk about events in the past.

● To learn about the past forms of verbs. Procedures

Warming up by asking past activities

Hello, everyone!

T: The weather today is very fine. It was fine yesterday. What did you do yesterday? Sally, did you buy any bananas after school? S: No, I didn’t.

T: Ann, were you at home in the evening? S: No, I wasn’t.

Right! When we talk about the events in the past, we should use the past forms of verbs. Do—did, buy---bought, go—went, and see---saw 1a Talking about your last school trip Do you still remember your last school trip?

Now you can talk with your partner what you did and make a list. For example: Did you…? Were you…?

Ok! You can read your list to the class went to the beach had ice cream swam in the sea did some shopping played volleyball on the beach picked up the shells 1b Listening and circling

School trips are always interesting and exciting. Many of you had a good memory of your own. Boys and girls, please read these phrases after me. went to the aquarium Took photos went to the zoo had pizza ate some ice cream hung out with her friends saw some seals bought a souvenir saw some sharks Now please listen to the tape and circle the expressions in the box. I will play the tape twice. Tapescript Kevin: Hi, Tina. How was your school trip? Tina: It was fantastic, really fantastic. Kevin: Did you go to the zoo? Tina: No, I didn't. I went to the aquarium. Look, here are my photos. Kevin: Were there any sharks? Tina: No, there weren't any sharks some really clever seals. Kevin: Wow, that sounds wonderful. What else did you do? Tina: Well, I hung out with my friends and I took lots of photos. Check the answers Answers went to the aquarium, saw some seals, hung out with her friends, took photos 1c Doing pairwork

Now let’s practice a dialogue then look at the picture at the top of the page and answer questions like this: A: Did Tina buy a souvenir? B: No, she didn’t. Her friend Grace bought a souvenir. (Move around the room monitoring their work.) I will ask several pairs of you to present your conversations to the class. Did Laura take photos? No, she didn’t. Her friend Tina took some photos. 2a Listening and checking

First look at the following questions and then listen to the tape and check (√) the questions you hear. __Did you buy that hat? √What else did you do? __Did you see any sharks? √Did you win that hat? √Did you get his autograph? __Were there any seals? __Did you take any



