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Part Two Basic Requirem ents for Business


Unit 1

Functions & Essential Qualities of Business Writing

1. Functions of Business Writing

Generally speaking, the functions of business writing are: (1) to inform, (2) to influence and (3) to entertain. 1.1. The First Function—To Inform

Messages to inform are used to convey the large amount of information needed to complete the day-to-day operations of the business, such as explaining instructions to employees, announcing meetings, acknowledging orders, accepting contracts. The major purpose of most of these messages is to have the receiver understand a body of information and concentrate on the logical presentation of the content.

1.2. The Second Function—To Influence

A business message must also influence the readers* attitudes and actions. These messages might include letters promoting a product or service and seeking support for ideas and worthy causes presented to supervisors, stockholders, customers/clients, and others. 1.3. The Third Function—To Entertain

To secure the desired response, it is necessary to have an adequate knowledge of the English language and an understanding of human nature. The writer should have an acquaintance with the particular interest and, if possible, the emotions of the reader. It seems easy enough, for example, to ask payment of a bill, but it is quite difficult to secure payment without offending the reader and losing his or her future patronage. No communication is wholly successful unless it retains the reader's goodwill.

2. Essential Qualities of Business Writing

Effective business writing has five characteristics, which can be summed up in the Five C's, i.e. 1 )Correctness; 2) Clearness;3) Completeness; 4) Conciseness and 5) Courteousness. 2.1. Correctness

Correctness means using standard grammar and spelling. It means choosing suitable stationary and a format acceptable for the situation.

It means avoiding obvious erasures or corrections. Certainly, it means choosing the exact word, selecting the appropriate sentence structure, and creating careful paragraphs. Above all, it means accuracy of facts and figures. In short, every effort should be made to ensure the correctness of business messages in all respects. 2.2 Clearness

Clearness is the keynote of the other four characteristics. Clarity relates most directly to the effectiveness of business writing. A business message does not fulfill its function if its reader does not understand it. So a business message must be clear so that it will be understood the first time it is read.

You achieve clarity by thinking before you write, by defining your purpose and by using clear, plain language, avoiding jargon and fancy words. They will only conceal the meaning of the message. Don't puzzle your reader with long, involved sentences and make sure that what you have written cannot be misunderstood. But you should include necessary details for the reader to understand the subject completely. Inclusion of pertinent information is necessary to make the meaning clear. Good, straightforward, simple English is what is needed for business writing. a. Completeness

In addition to clarity, business message must be complete.

Completeness refers to providing enough information so that the intention of the message is understood by the reader. Business writing that leaves out necessary essential information invariably leads to extra work, extra letters, extra memos --- hence extra cost ---to add information that should have been included in the original.

The businessman who forgets to include any relevant details in his message will make a poor impression on his reader. An incomplete message is almost worse than none. Exclusion of pertinent information is exasperating. Compare the following notices: Incomplete: All sales representatives will meet at 9:00 on Monday. Complete: All sales representatives will meet at 9:00 on Monday, February 27, in Conference Room C.

Be Sure you include all the details that will be needed by the reader of your message. Say every thing that must be said but do not waste your reader's time. b. Conciseness

Conciseness is the soul of business writing. In a business message every word counts and every sentence carries the message. Business people receive many messages every day. If you overburden them with unduly long expressions and tire their eyes with excess words, they might just toss your message in the nearby wastebasket. To make your message as concise as possible, you must:

4. get to the heart of the message immediately and stick to the point. For example, instead of saying \begin with the information you want to convey.

5. Strike out extra words and omit words that repeat. Never use several words when you can say the same thing with a single word. For instance, the words underlined can be omitted in the following, during the year of 1 994

costs the sum of full and complete details

6. Avoid phrases that say nothing, such as \believe\thoughts, feelings, or beliefs.

7. Use simpler constructions to save the reader's time. Use a word instead of a phrase and a phrase instead of a clause for the same thing.

8. Discuss each point in a separate paragraph. Business writing can be made clearer, easier to read and more attractive to look at by careful paraphrasing. A paragraph for each point is a good rule. Be concise without sacrificing courtesy. c. Courteousness

Finally, business message must show courteousness. People

respond positively to those who treat them with respect and kindness. Nothing can take the place of words like \should be remembered, however, that true courtesy requires more than the use of polite words and phrases. For instance, timely information with the desire to be helpful and useful is a genuinely courteous message. It will please your customer who dislikes waiting for a long time before he gets a reply to his inquiry. A friendly and sincere tone transmits courteousness and opens the way to the pleasant transaction of business.

You may list other attributes of effective writing (creativeness). But if you can master the above mentioned Five C*s: correctness, clarity, completeness, conciseness and courteousness, you'll be a competent writer of business messages.


Rewrite the worn-out, trite and wordy phrases in the following sentences with fresh, more concise ones.

b. In the event that we cannot meet the deadline, we will refund your money.

c. We are reluctant to commit to that date due to the fact that our plant closes for vacation July 4—11.

d. It is not within our power to obtain the letter he has in his possession.

e. We will write to you at an early date.

f. We will furnish all the required documents.

g. Consequent upon the changes made, you will be in charge of the general office.

h. We are in receipt of your remittance in the sum of US $ 7890. i. We hope to receive your catalogue by return mail. Thanking in advance.

j. We have duly received your order No. 68 dated March 5, for which please accept our thanks.

Read the following letter and tell what is used by the writer to achieve accuracy. Dear Sirs,

Sub. Children's Leather Shoes

We have received your letter of March 12, 2003 and the enclosure requesting quotes for the captioned shoes.

As requested, we are submitting our quotation in triplicate and are anxious for your placing your orders with us as early as possible because we have a large backlog. We await your decision. Yours faithfully,

Unit 2

Basic Writing Skills

Simply learning the Five C's does not make you a skilled business writer. To master the Five C's or to be able to write business messages containing all these characteristics, you must study business writing techniques or skills and practice them. Needless to say, good English is the important foundation of the writing skills we discuss.

1. Create an Appropriate Tone

Tone may be defined as the overall impression or feeling a message conveys to its reader. In writing business messages you should match tone to purpose. Try to strike a balance between being formal and being familiar. Be confident, but not aggressive. Be courteous but not stuffy. Try to sound natural without becoming too chummy. Try to

create a friendly and sincere tone so that your readers will understand that you sincerely wish to be of service. Your purpose in writing is to persuade them to agree with you. Therefore, adopt a tone that will allow you to be convincing. Remember what is said is often not as significant as how it is said. Compare:

a. We received our order No. CL 81 8 yesterday. But when we turned on the machine, it did not work. Because of this bad

experience, we doubt your company*s ability to make high quality products. (Angry tone)

b. I am writing with reference to order No. CL 818 which we received yesterday. When we turned on the machine, it did not work. It seems that the machine was not tested before dispatch. Please let us know what you intend to do in this matter. (Better tone) (When turning down an offer)

Unfortunately, we got a better offer. (Poor tone)

We were pleased to receive your offer, but ... (Better tone) From the above examples, you can see clearly how a poor tone can offend your reader.

2. Cultivate the \

Effective business writing should show \writer can do for \message written from the point of view of the reader is known as the \reader and express your ideas in terms of his experience, you can most readily create an appropriate tone and produce a favorable impression. Therefore, the purpose of the message will be achieved. Employ the \emphasizing such words as “you二 \,to make your message more effective. For example,

The \people react to the current crises in our colleges, and I selected you and some others to send this questionnaire to because your names were mentioned in the newspapers.

The \nt business people were recently quoted in the newspapers concerning the current crises in our colleges and your comments so interested me that I decided to send this questionnaire to you. 3 Consider the Level of Diction

Diction may be defined as the manner or style of expression.

Generally, there are four levels of diction: learned, popular, colloquial, and slang.

While there are special times and places for all these levels, you will generally choose the popular level of diction for your business writing. Popular diction is the language used by the mass media: TV, radio and newspapers. These are the words most often used in business world.

Business people have given up the stiff, formal and obsequious style of past generations in favor of the natural, conversational,

unpretentious and inconspicuous modern style. The old-fashioned business language which made use of many ornate, formal phrases



