Small Cell网络部署策略及技术演进研究
【期刊名称】《邮电设计技术》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)010
【摘要】基于Smal cel 基站设备形态和分类,分析了3G和4G各类型Smal cel 适用的组网模型、系统架构、网元功能,归纳了Smal cel 与宏蜂窝网络混合组网的网络架构。随后提出了Smal cel 5类组网应用需求,分析了6种典型部署场景、各场景业务特点、现网组网难度等因素,总结了3种适用于电信运营商网络部署的Smal cel 技术解决方案,比较3种技术方案的性能,总结了与Smal cel 组网密切相关的回传技术、供电技术等配套解决方案。最后,展望了Smal cel组网技术长期演进和未来发展趋势。osed on the type of smal celldevices, the 3G and 4G smal cellnetwork models, architectures and network elements are ana-lyzed. It summarized the architecture of smal celland macro cellhybrid network. Then it analyzes six typical deployment sce-narios, which have to satisfy different network deployment requirements corresponding to each scenario. Three practical smal cellnetwork solutions applying for telecom networks are compared in terms of network performance. Several typical backhaul solutions and power supply solutions are listed for network supplement solutions. Final y, the long-term evolution require-ments and the new trends of smal cellnetwork are outlined. 【总页数】6页(37-42)
Small Cell网络部署策略及技术演进研究