Notice of Executive Courses for Decision-Makers The Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies
Mr. Wang
Weihai Foreign Affairs Office 6/f Minzu mansion, 1 Xinwei Road Weihai City 264200 China
Dear Mr. Wang,
We are happy to announce a series of newly developed executive courses for managers and decision-makers. Executive courses enable you to prepare your city for the future, considering its challenges and opportunities within a globalizing world. Participation will bring you in contact with leading researchers and practitioners, offering the latest thinking and best practices on urban strategies. Who can afford not to invest?
The executive courses, with a duration of 10 days, include field trips to European cities. The following courses are offered this autumn:
Law and Land Policy in an Urbanizing World (September 2006)
In cooperation with our partners: The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (LILP) I (林肯土地政策学院) , USA and the Global Land Tool Network of UN_HABITAT 2. (联合国
Making Strategies that Work (September 2006)
In cooperation with our partner: PricewatcrhouseCoopers and Thom de Graaf, former Vice-Prime Minister of the Netherlands.(荷兰)
Public-Private Opportunities in the City (November 2006)
Where are the attractive opportunities for partnerships in your city?
Housing People... Housing in Transition过渡... Housing in the future (November 2006)
A fundamental component of the development of cities.
We offer a 15% discount to alumni3 and for those applying before 15 July. For group subscription(订购) (3 0r more) we also offer a 15% discount. The enclosed(装进去的.副入的) brochure and application form are also available in digital format on our website: www.ihs.nl/downloads/courses/index.htm. Join a gathering of city champions from around the world and apply. Contact the course bureau for more detailed information: +31 10 402 15 23.
Best Regards,
Jan Fransen 4
Head Education and Training Erasmus University Rotterdam 5
IHS: Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies
1. LILP institute of Land Policy林肯土地政策学院 2. UN-HABITAT联合国人居署
3. alumni (plural of alumnus) (mainly AmE, fml.?) sb. who was
a student at a particular school, college, or university 4. Jan Fransen Managing Director of Green Award. He was
involved with the set-up of the Green Award scheme in the early 1990s. He served the Foundation as Certification Manager and from 2001 took on the position of Deputy Managing Director.
5. Erasmus University Rotterdam鹿特丹伊拉斯莫斯大学,成立于1913年,是一所世界闻名的以应用实践为教学导向的综合性大学。 Check Your Understanding
Please answer the following question briefly.
1. How many courses are offered for decision-makers? 2. Hoe long do the executive courses last? 3. Is there any discount for the alumni?
Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns Date and venue
* The conference will be held at the University of Victoria, Victoria, B. C.,Canada, August 22-24, 2006.
* The workshop is to be held on Friday, March 21, 2006 from 12 noon t0 5 p.m. at the Madren Conference Center at Clemson University.
* A conference organized by Cambridge Project for the Book rust is to be held at Pembroke College, Cambridge, Friday and Saturday, March25-26, 2002. * The roundtable will be held from 9 a.m. t0 5 p.m., Tuesday, May 13, 2005. * The pre-proposal conference will be held in Bldg.38, the Oasis Club, Nebo Base, on May 21, 2004. 2.Conference theme
* The workshop, including panel discussion小组讨论 and breakout brainstorming 头脑暴风 集思广益sessions, will focus on four key topics. * The conference will examine the history and current status of the Japanese identity in Canada and in Japan.
* This will be an interdisciplinary 学科间的 跨学科的conference, potentially drawing academic and non-academic participants working in fields as varied as history, literature, linguistics, psychology, political science政治学, and cultural aspects of Japanese studies.
* This one-day conference to be held in the Old Library, Pembroke 彭布罗克College, will examine the building and use of institutional 由来已久 习以为常 libraries in 17th and 18th century Europe. * By focusing on a theme of common interest, namely the notion of changing Japanese identities in the Canadian, Japanese, and global arenas 舞台, our hope is to bridge the gap between disciplines, between academics and non-academics and between Canada and Japan, through dialogs on the following topics...
Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns Date and venue
* The conference will be held at the University of Victoria, Victoria, B. C.,Canada, August 22-24, 2006.
* The workshop is to be held on Friday, March 21, 2006 from 12 noon t0 5 p.m. at the Madren Conference Center at Clemson University.
* A conference organized by Cambridge Project for the Book rust is to be held at