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1. Remarkable people give up playing it safe.
1. 杰出人士行事不会打保险球。
No one has ever achieved greatness by playing it safe. And ironically, in this very rapidly changing world, playing it safe is one of the riskiest things you can do. To get back on track means being brave and fearless, because playing it safe is deciding you don't want to grow anymore.
2. Remarkable people give up self-doubt.
2. 杰出人士不会自我怀疑。
The truth, of course, is that everyone experiences self-doubt at times. But you can't allow your doubt to keep you stuck. Remind yourself of how far you've come, remember everything you've been through and had to face, think about the battles you've won and all the fears you've overcome. Don't give doubt room to take hold.
3. Remarkable people give up being baffled.
3. 杰出人士不让自己迷茫。
When things don't work out and when they go wrong, it's because there is something for you to learn. But you can't learn if you're stuck trying the same thing over and over. Break free and approach problems from a different direction.
4. Remarkable people give up self-judgment.
4. 杰出人士不会对自己苛责。
Judging anyone harshly--especially yourself--is never useful, and being overly critical is never productive. If you feel like everyone else is judging you, ask yourself if you're really hearing your own voice. Treat yourself with the compassion and care you'd give to someone else.
5. Remarkable people give up disillusionment.
5. 杰出人士不会自我麻痹。
Nothing worthwhile is easy; the most difficult challenges are often the most rewarding and satisfying.
6. Remarkable people give up being controlled by others.
6. 杰出人士不会受他人控制。
It might be tempting to let others make decisions for you, especially when you feel off track, but if anything, that creates even bigger problems. Tap into your own passion to move beyond the obstacles in your way.
7. Remarkable people give up being stuck.
7. 杰出人士不会一根筋。
Letting go does not mean giving up but accepting there are things in life that should not be. Letting go is often what it takes to become stronger, happier, and more successful in the long run.
8. Remarkable people give up being derailed.
8. 杰出人士不会受外界阻挠。
Try to focus on what you are aiming at instead of what is derailing you.
9. Remarkable people give up negativity.
9. 杰出人士不会消极待事。
Positive thinking isn't about expecting the best thing to happen every time; it's about accepting that whatever happens is good for the moment and then making the best of it. Be positive and give up focusing on what is negative.
10. Remarkable people give up being perfect.
10. 杰出人士不追求极致完美。
Know that we all have two choices: Either we do nothing and give into procrastination, or we start chasing our dreams, our visions, our ideas. Begin by doing something, don't wait for perfect. Even if it's not exactly the right direction, just get up and start moving.