Do you need to pee? 想尿尿吗? *对小孩
It's time to go wee-wee.该尿尿了*对小孩
It's time to go pee-pee.
Do it again. 再来一次。
Let's play catch. 我们来投球吧。
Great! 好呀!
Let's play ball.
The water is leaking.漏水了。
The pipe is leaking. 水管漏了。
It's so dusty. 全是灰啊!
I didn't notice. 我倒没注意。
It needs to be dusted. 得扫扫了。
It's stuffy in this room.通风不好、憋闷
The air is thick. 这里真闷。
I can't breathe in this room.
The air is dense. 空气混浊。
It's drafty in this room. 通风的
Will you feed the dog?你能去喂喂狗吗
Please give the dog some food.
Will you take the dog for a walk?
Take care of my brother and sister.
You bet (I will). 放心吧。
You bet I won't. 我一定不会的
You bet it is. / You bet there is. 一定是的
Please water the plants.
Can I help? --Yes, pls water the plants.
What a mess! 怎么这么乱呀
Look at the mess!
What a pigsty!*含有脏得像个猪窝的语气
Help me.帮帮我吧。
What do you want me to do?
Clean up your room.
Straighten up your room.
Tidy up the room.
But I'm watching TV now.
Help me clean up the house.帮我打扫打扫卫生。
We're out of dish detergent.洗涤灵用完啦
We've used up dish detergent.
I'll go get more. 那我去买一瓶。
Would you put up the clothes to dry?
Will you help me fold up the clothes?
Please sweep the floor. 扫、打扫
Please scrub the sink. 把厨房的池子洗干净 *使劲搓洗用scrub
I have to vacuum my room.我得用吸尘器打扫我房间了。
Please dust the shelves.掸掸柜子上的土
Please wipe the shelves.请擦一擦柜子