fall in love with
worked their tails off made it to out by over into over into along around up with
9 delivered a lecture v 1 sound 5 meaning vi essay.
glimpse fishcold opportunity
1. when we finished reading the article, the teacher assigned us the task of writing a concise 2. after raining for a whole day, a few faint gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon. 3. i wrote this article to pay tribute to my most respectable teacher, who set me on the path of writing.
4. the teacher said loudly that it was a gripping narrative about the war, and all that of us should enjoy reading it.
5. when we put forward the suggestion he was enthusiastic for its immediate application. 6. he said that he was fascinated by the changing colors of the setting sun, so he always spent some time watching it.
7. government power influences every facet of our lives, from the cradle to the grave.
8. illegal immigrants are usually smuggled into a country by ship.
9. advertisements on the side of the road sometimes distract drivers’ attention, causing traffic accidents.
10. i managed to finance four years of university tuition with scholarship and part-time jobs. viii
1. 我很快就被这个令人望而生畏、口若悬河的女士所折服。
2. 她能够读一篇故事或一首诗,然后像打开折扇一样,将它的各个侧面、色彩和含义全部展示出来,这一点强烈地吸引了我。
3. 我过去一直认为小说写的只不过是不平凡的生活经历,而她却使我知道小说还可以表达情感:如痛苦、挫折、愤怒和失落。
4. 对很多人来说,春天的来临意味着冬天的结束,第一批候鸟的出现,以及对爱的思念。而春天对我来说却有着完全不同的意义,因为我最后一次拥抱母亲就是在这个季节。 5. 春天的来临,总让我想起1948年那个大地返青、阳光灿烂的日子,那天,我最后一次 见到母亲。
6. 我第一次开始理解文字的力量。同时,我开始按着miss burd为我铺设的文学道路前行。 7. 当地报纸刊登我和总统握手的照片,我父亲把它剪下来塑封起来,放在自己胸前的口袋 里。
8. miss burd执教41年,她的学生大都来自不幸的家庭,但她总会交替使用逼迫和诱导的
方法对待每个学生,直到他们的潜能绽放出火花。 9. miss burd 来了,她一边品啜着葡萄酒,一边平静而满意地看着这一切,她的到来是对
我们的一种安慰。 10. 她是我的救星,是她把我领上了写作的道路,随之而来的所有好事也是她间接带给我的。 unit 3 1 with 7 of from for in out against to through in up from 63a p55 iv 1 at odds
in earnest a matter of point to contribute to dates to
spreading across in advance focused on 5 derive from 9 warned ofv
1 requirements 5 environments vi communicate with
conditions person changes screen climate reality
1. the move was characterized as a major breakthrough for energy and industrial cooperation between the two countries.
2. his career went to a rapid descent after the scandal.
3. though the lawyer tried to defend her, the evidence pointed to her guilt.
4. this “imperial city” remained virtually intact until the great remodeling which began in the 1950s.
5. the statement was at odds with the one made last week. 6. the trade agreement between the two countries expires next year. 7. according to the archeologists, the building dates to 250 b.c.
8. the two countries finally started negotiating in earnest about issues of common concern. 9. the ambassador is an outspoken supporter of military assistance to the groups working to overthrow the current government. 10. they got on to the airfield that night and started to place their bombs. but, as the aircraft were
widely dispersed, it took them a lot of time. viii
1.1531年, francisco pizarro 推翻了印加帝国,把国王从宝座上赶下了台,为西班牙夺取了印加皇帝的财宝。
2.8个月后,这支小分队出现在亚马逊河口,完成了探险——后来证明他们首次顺流而下走完了全程。 3.跟随 该小分队的一名传教士对他们的探险做了十分精彩的记述,并把它寄给了罗马教皇,其中提到当地的大信号鼓,这种信号鼓早在他们到达之前就从一个村落传到另一村落,通知大家欧洲陌生人的到来。
9.在所有的发现中,最令人激动的是亚马逊河口附近的洞穴和岩石遮蔽处发现的葬礼陶罐。这些陶罐可以追溯到公元1400至1700年。 10.考古学为我们揭示了适应雨林的成功方法,这些方法是在生活实践中和对该环境的局限性和可能性亲身经历的基础上形成的。 63b p67 xiv 1 over of 7 toatunit 4 iv
1 happened along 5 let out 9 prospecting for v 1 tension 5 pictures vi
glared at vanish into broke into go against strains at torn to judging by emerged from died of with in to as to in through in news report
prisoners chemical substances information
1. when the boy noticed a stranger appear on the road to the village, he immediately turned back