Case 1:
An Interview in India
Case analysis: The case is about an interview between an American program host and an
Indian interviewee. They talk about some aspects of Indian culture and the changes occurred these years. The case reflects some basic cultural elements people may find in all cultures: language, family pattern, marriage, wedding ceremony, food and the way to eat food, etc. From this case, guide the students in culture study and culture comparison. The students should realize that there are both similarities and differences in culture. Culture is in fact very dynamic and pervasive. Case 2: White Dress
Case analysis: The Indian women might think the wedding ceremony is a funeral if they see the western bride in white gown. The case reflects the similes and metaphors in the text. Culture is like an iceberg: we can identify the color of the dress worn by women in different cultures, but we do not know the values underneath. Culture is like the water a fish swims in: people wear dress of different colors for different context but they usually take it for granted and never ask why. Case 3:
The French in North America
Case analysis: The French were able to see Indian behavior only in the light of their own hierarchical social system, where it is natural for the few to command and the many to obey. Social systems that worked on other principles were literally unimaginable. Case 4: Coconut-skating
Case analysis: The case reflects the characteristics of culture. We can tell from the case that culture is pervasive and it’s learned. People may invent different ways for things even as simple as the issue of floor moping. The Philippine woman must have learned this way of mopping from her own culture. Case 5:
A Black Girl’s Identity
Case analysis: Although we may say that identities are constituted by our communication, it is obvious from the case that we cannot simply choose at any moment what our identity will be regardless of the context. First, we often do not share the recipe for certain identities with others even if we belong to the same ethnicity, gender, or nationality. Understanding this can help us avoid some of the broad assumptions made about groups of people based on the reflective way of thinking. Second, as we learned in the very first chapter, all meaning in communication is to some extent situational. Thus, the context mediates what identities we can choose. Sometimes things one may have no control over, such as age or skin color, are seen as essential parts of how one communicates an identity. Case 6 Hippies
Case analysis: Hippies could be defined as a subgroup, as the hippies culture tends to be temporary. In modern American society, hippies culture could also find traits, but it has wide spread influence on American value system. Case 7
Clean up the Bathroom!
Case analysis: Cultural differences decide the two students are going to communicate in different ways. The Chinese student wants the American student to understand the underlying means of his words, but the American student is used to the direct style of communication. This is decided by culture. In Chinese culture, people want to save face of both themselves and others, so they would not express their ideas directly. However, in the United States, unless you express yourself clearly and directly, the others cannot understand you. Case 8:
She Has Three Hands
This case can reflect the different communication styles between Chinese and Canadians. In western cultures, communication is the means of transmitting ideas. Western people usually communicate directly with each other. That is why the Canadian in this case says what is in his mind directly in front of the Chinese woman without hiding anything. While Chinese culture stresses harmony and emphasizes the relationships between the communicators. Chinese people view communication as a process where all parties are searching to develop and maintain a social relationship. So the Chinese woman in this case tries not to argue with the Canadian face to face to keep the “harmonious relationship” between them. Case 9: A Piece of Cake
This case wants us to recognize some components of communication. Sender/source refers to the person who transmits a message. Receiver is any person who notices and gives some meaning to a message. Context refers to a setting or situation within which communication takes place. In this case, Marilyn and Richard are simultaneously the senders and receivers. And their room, where the communication event happens and which makes the couple feel comfortable and relaxed, is just the context. Case 10:
The Place to Have Lunch
This case reflects that communication is contextual, which means that communication does not happen in isolation and it must happen within a setting or context. Whether this context is quiet or noisy is important to the smoothness of communication. When the communication event is disturbed by noise, the communication can not go smoothly. In this case, Case 11:
Making an Appointment
This case can reflect how culture affects its communication style. Each culture encourages a particular communication style expected within it. This implies not only using correct symbols, but also applying the appropriate communication style for the occasion. Communication styles include mannerisms, phrases, rituals, and communication customs appropriate for various situations in a culture. In this case, knowing the communication style of the Americans which is characterized by direct, exacting and instrumental, the exporter manager fulfills his job successfully. Case 12:
Why Don’t You Eat the Pizza?
This case can reflect the problems appearing during intercultural communication and how ignoring cultural differences can affect communication. In Malaysia, where most people are
Muslims, people think the left hand is used only for cleaning the body and thus it is dirty and can not be used to pass food. Knowing nothing about the cultural difference, the American student puts himself in an embarrassing situation. Case 13: We and They?
This case reflects that in intercultural communication, people always regard themselves as the best group in the world. This is actually inappropriate and should be avoided. Case 14: Perception of War
This case can reflect different cultures can give different influences on human perception. People can have very different perceptions even on the same object or phenomenon because they have different cultures and are living in the different social realities. In this case, Jim and Olga have very different attitudes and perceptions towards historical events because their nations’ different experiences and histories. Case 15:
Observations on a Soldier
This case can reflect the basic model of human perception. Human being is equipped to sense the outside stimuli and perceive the outside world. And the perception follows a certain model—after being gained through the five basic senses, information is processed through selection, organization and interpretation. In this case, Sherlock Holmes and Mycroft did observations on the soldier according to the basic model of human perception. They selected some useful information which they gained from outside world through their five basic senses, organized it in a reasonable logic and then attached meanings to it. Case 16:
Different Responses to Noise
This case can reflect different culture can give different influences on human sensation. No two of people can assume that their sensations are the same, especially when they come from different cultures. Different social reality and living conditions can equip them with different way to sense the world. So it is very common for them to have totally different sensations even towards the same condition. In this case, the German professor and Japanese professor have very different response to the noise produced by the same motor for the heating system because of their cultures and living habits. Case 17: What Is Black?
This case can reflect we have some barriers to accurate perception in intercultural
communication. We have the ability to perceive the outside world, but we cannot always get the accurate perceptions, especially when we do the perception on other cultures, we often give the inaccurate and negative perceptions. In this case, on discussing the impersonal color “black”, we give so many bad and negative meanings while black pupils can give some objective descriptions and associations about the color. The barriers can include ignoring details, over-generalizing, holding on to preconceptions and stereotypes imposing consistency, preconnecting causes and effects, preferring simple explanations, ignoring circumstances, crediting irrelevant information and focusing on the negative. Case 18:
Are Perceptions Always Right?
This case can reflect our perceptions on outside world are not always right, especially when we do perceptions on other cultures. We usually perceive others according to our own culture. This can lead to ineffective intercultural communication. In this case Pat and Chris gave inaccurate and negative perceptions on Akira and Michiko just because of their
Irresponsible judgment and they also gave completely positive perceptions on Marie just because of their simple expectations. In order to avoid the inaccurate perceptions, we need some skills, including increase your understanding of the perceptual process; increase your observational acuity; recognize the elements to which you attribute meaning; check your perceptions; increase your Awareness of perceptual inaccuracies and compensate for them ;increase your awareness of others’ perceptions of you; and develop social decentering, empathy, and other-orientation. Case 20:
Chinese Hospitality — Overdone
This case reflects that sometimes people unconsciously assume that people from another culture may behave in a way which is similar to theirs. The Chinese usually attach a lot of importance to taking care of their guests. When it comes to a foreign visitor, Chinese hospitality is usually more than what can be understood by a Westerner, who is uncomfortable when he is always surrounded by people attempting to be kind. Concerning this case, Hong tried to respect her traditions and her friend by doing more than she could really afford to do for Joe's visit, having no idea that Joe ended up feeling frustrated. Case 21:
A Danish Woman in New York
This case can reflect assuming similarity instead of difference. When communicating with people from another culture, one is likely to regard and treat other people as “his people” and to assume there must be only one way of doing things: that is “his way”. In this case, the Danish woman assumes that her behavior of leaving the baby alone, which is common in Denmark, is also appropriate in New York. Here, she assumes what is suitable in her own culture is also indisputable in another culture. That is why the small conflict happens. Case 22: Ambiguous Time
This case can reflect ethnocentrism. Cultures train their members to use the categories of their own cultural experiences when judging the experiences of people from other cultures. They will believe that their culture is the center of the world and their standard should be the role model for the rest of the world. Concerning this case, somehow Chinese people have habitually referred 12:00 a.m. as the time around lunchtime, making 12 : 00 p.m. midnight. Fortunately, the way they tell other times are the same as that used in the States, so there's usually no misunderstanding between people from the two cultures. However, there is this one difference and Fan learns it by paying a fine since she may hold that her culture is the center of the world. Case 23: Girl-ness
This case can reflect one of the translation problems: the lack of conceptual equivalence, which refers to abstract ideas that may not exist in the same fashion in different languages. Different cultures may attach different meanings to the same thing or person. Concerning this case, we should know what young females call themselves is very different in China from the States. In China, \
desirable to be called a girl rather than a woman. For most people, \ is married and who probably is not young. In fact, most single Chinese females, such as university students, would be insulted to be called \ is customary to call any woman who is past puberty a woman, even though she may not be legally old enough to vote, marry, purchase alcoholic beverages, drive a car, or sign a contract. This terminology became widespread during the \ term \ Case 24:
An Unfair Decision
This case reflects prejudice, which involves an unfair, biased, or intolerant attitude
towards another group of people. In this case, Mr. Bias decided to select someone else, instead of applicant from the country Levadel, for the position. That is just because he holds prejudice towards people from the country Levadel. Case 25: Success Story
One of the sources of the frustration and misunderstandings that occurred in this case was different notions of what was verbally relevant. In this case, Mary was expecting a much more direct response to her question. Ms. Goshima, however, was uncomfortable with the question and felt her response should be very indirect and establish a proper sense of modesty before revealing the answer to the question. If Mary had been more patient, she would have eventually heard the answer to her question, but she was not really paying attention when it finally came because she felt that Ms. Goshima's comments weren't really relevant to her query. Case 26:
Slogans and the Importance of Language
The intercultural encounters we experience are not only influenced by language and perceptual differences, and language choice based on restricted and elaborated social situations, but also on language and how it is translated for members of a culture. For many reasons linguistic
interpretation and semantics provide the source of numerous misunderstandings. For instance, an insurance company discovered that fires inadvertently occurred because warehouse employees acted carelessly around \ caution around \ working with gasoline drums. Empty drums are extremely combustible, while full drums pose far less threat. The linguistic perception of the word empty in the general culture signified null or void, but in the work culture of volatile products like gasoline the semantic \ disastrous. A story is told of a Christian Scientist who refused to take vitamins, since the recommender described them as \ when he was told they were \ Case 28:
Two Different Communication Styles
The dialogue takes place between a young couple who have been dating for a short time. The man is a U.S. student, and the woman is from an Asian culture. Note the misunderstanding that results as a consequence of the use of direct and indirect modes of communication. In all likelihood, Jim is not going to get much of an answer from Michiko. She continues throughout the dialogue using rather general answers to Jim's very specific and direct questions