Revision1 教学内容与目标
【内容来源】陕旅教育出版社四年级下册 【单元总目标】
本单元是针对Units 1-4所学内容而设计的一个复习单元,它通过有趣的练习活动和生动形象的歌曲,对重点内容进行重组再现,帮助学生在轻松愉快的氛围中巩固与复习Units 1-4所学的知识。复习单元的任何教学活动都应为学生获得语言知识、提升语言技能服务。只有精心设计有效的教学活动,让学生在活动中充分吸收语言知识,才能提高课堂效率,发展学生的语言技能。
该复习单元的教学可安排为2个课时,其中第一课时以第33-34页的内容为主,主要完成Listen and tick or cross, Talk with your classmates和Play a game这三个部分;第二课时以第35-36页所设计的内容为主,主要完成Let’s sing, Look and write及Look, read and complete这三个部分,引导学生通过有效的练习和活动,系统地复习Units 1-4的知识。 【单元具体目标】 知识目标
Unit 1: house, study, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room,
dining room, beautiful, clean, new
Unit 2: read, write, sleep, eat, listen, cook, stand, sit, baby Unit 3: rain, snow, cloud, wind, sky, raincoat, glasses, please,
them, take, take out, put on
Unit 4: fly a kite, play football, do exercise, see a film, do some washing,
climb the mountain, do one’s homework, weekend, often, sometimes
二、能听懂、会说、会读、会用下列句型: Unit 1: —My house is not very big.
—But it’s beautiful. There is ... It’s ... and / but... There are ... They are ...
Unit 2: —What are you doing?
—I’m / We are ... —What is he / she doing? —He / She is ...
—What are they /... doing? —They are... The baby is sleeping.
Unit 3: Look at the clouds in the sky.
—Is it raining / snowing? —Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. —Is there a wind? —No. There’s no wind. Please take a raincoat. —Let’s take out our raincoats! —OK. Let s put them on.
Unit 4: —What do you/does your ... do on Saturday?
—I/He/She often ...
—Do you/Does your ... often ... on Saturday? —Yes, ... / No, ...