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Unit 1

句子: 1?初次见面用语 Nice to meet you ! 2?问电话号码:

What 'your phone nu mber? What 'his/her phone nu mber? It '3272310. 词汇:

1. family n ame, first n ame, last n ame 语法: 1. 形容词性物主代词的用法

3. 基数词:1至10的读法和写法 2.人称代词主格的用法

Un it


1.Is this / that your pen cil? Yes, it is. No, it isn '. 2. What' this in En glish? It 'a pen/ ruler/ book …

How do you spell pen/ ruler/book? 核心知识

1. 认识26个字母,辅音字母,元音字母 2. 认识一般疑问句的句式 写作:课 P11.3a Found and Lost

Un it


1. 介绍别人或某物 That is … This is …

These are … Those are …

课P2. 2C

What 'your name? My name is …/ I'm…



词汇:课 P13 1a 写作:

1.学习英语信的格式 句子


2.课 P17 以信的形式介绍相片中人物

Unit 4

Where is / are … ? It '…/ They are …

核心知识 1. P24


2. take与bring的区别 4. on the wall

3. there be的用法 5.介词:

on , in , un der , beh ind , next

to , between ??and …

6. 认识特殊疑问句的句式

熟读: P23.3a , P24. 3 , Grammar Focus

Unit 5


1. Do you have …? Yes, I do. No, I don '. 2. Does he / she have …?

Yes, he / she does. No, he / she doesrit. 3. Let'…

4. That sounds good / in teresti ng. That' a good idea. 5. Welcome to … 核心知识

一、there be 与 have 的区别

般现在时 1. 现阶段经常性习惯性动作 用法 2. 目前的状态 3. 客观真理 常用时间 状语 sometimes, often, every day, usually, always 等 1.动词用原形 2.当主语是第三人称单数时,动词要加 I like it. She likes it. He likes it. Ann goes to work. 构 -s(-es) 3.be动词用 am, is, are 成 I am a teacher. He is a boy. They are girls. 1.don'+动词原形 否定 形式 一般疑问 句 2.当主语是第三人称单数时,则为: doesn '+动词原形 I don ' t like it. They don ' t like it. He doesn ' t like it. Ann doesn ' t go to Wo 把do或does放在主语的前面,后面动词 用原Do you like it? Does Ann like it? 形 Does he like it ? 附:动词第三人称单数的构成规则 情 况 方法 加—s 加—es teaches, guesses fini shes 以“辅音字母+ y”结 尾的词

例词 reads, says 一般情况 以ch, sh, x,s或o结尾 的词 把y改为i再加—es fly__flies try--tries carry-carries 熟读

课本:P25 1a ,

P28 1a ,

P26 G.F. , P30 1 与 3

P27 3b,

Unit 6

句子 询问所喜欢的东西

1. Do you like ….? Yes, I do. No, I don '.

2. Does he like …? Yes, he does. No, he does. 核心知识 1. 一般现在时

2. 可数名词与不可数名词 3. lots of 4. go on picnic

5. health, healthy, healthily

6. P36 1 熟读

课本: P31 1a , P32 G. F. , P35 3a, P36 1

Unit 7 句子


1. How much is this T-shirt? It 's10 dollars.

2. How much are they? They are 100 dollars. 问颜色

1. What color do you want ? What color is it? 购物用语:1. Can I help you? What can I do for you? 2. Yes, please. 3. I 'lltake it . 4. Thank you. 5. You're welcome. 6. Have a look. 核心知识

两位数的基数词读法与写法 P40


课本 P37 1c, P38 G. F., P 39 3a ,

P40 1b, P41 3a , P42 1 与 3



1. When is your birthday?

2. My birthday is January fifteenth. 3. What year were you born? 4. I was born in 1999. 5. When were you born?

6. I was born in January first,1999. 核心知识 1.

基数词和序数词 基变序口决基变序有规律, 尾加上 -th ; 单一二三特殊记, 词结尾 t d d ; f 八减 t , 九减 e , 要把 ve 替 ; 记ty 把 y 改为 i , 若住前还有 e ; 只遇到几十几, 词把个位变序。

P39 3a 2. 3. (1) (2) (3) 名词所有格 年、月、日表达法

年的读法:用基数词,两位一读 月份名称的首字母要大写

日期:用序数词表示,前面可加 the ,也可省略,但读要读出 the (4) 年、月、日在英语中的顺序是



时间介词 in, on , at

5. how old 6. be born 7. basketball game


课本 P47 1a , P48 2a 2d , P52 1

写作 自我介绍 (姓名、年龄、生日、爱好、出生地等


Unit 9 句子

1. Do you want to …? Yes, I do . No, I don '. 2. Does he want to …?

Yes, he does. No, he doesn '. t 3. What kind of movies do you like? I like action movie. 核心知识 1. 并列连词 and , but 2. on weekends 3. want to do sth. 4. look at 5. a lot

6. in a word 7. act, actor 8. in fact

9. 一般现在时

10. 名词复数形式

写作 谈论自己爱好的电影类型 课本 P56- 57 熟读 课本 P54 G.F. , 3a

Unit 10


1. Can you play the guitar?

Yes, I can. No, I can't 2. Can he/ she sing?

Yes, he/she can. No, he / she can't. 3. What can you do ?

4. What club do you want to join? 核心知识 1. 情态动词 can 表能力

2. play the guitar / drums / piano 3. play chess 4. help sb. with sth.

5. be good with 6. music ---------- musician 7. talk to 熟读课本

P60 G.F. , P63 3a对话 P64 3


Unit 11

句子 问时间

1. What time do you go to school? I go to school at 7a.m.

2. What time does he / she go to school?

He / She goes to school at 8a.m.

感叹句 what 引导 核心知识

1.一般现在时 2. 时刻读法

3. on TV

4. go to bed 5. go to school 6. go to work 7. get up 8. get home

9. thanks for

10. take a shower

11. eat breakfast / lunch / dinner

12. do 13. listen to

homework 15. like to do

14. and then 16. a little 17. put on 18. take 搭车

19. all night

20. in the morning / afternoon / evening 写作 记一天所做的事情 课本 P67 3a , P69 3a 熟读

课本 P38 1a 2a 2b

Unit 12


1. What's your favorite subject? My favorite subject is English.

2. Why do you like …? Because it is interesting. 核心知识

1. 名词所有格 2. 星期 3. have math / Chinese

4. then , next

写作 课本 P75 3a, P76 3 介绍自己一天所上的科目以及自己最喜爱的科目,为什么?3a , P 76 3

熟读 课本 P72 G.F. , P 75



