II、毕 业设计(论文)使用的原始资料(数据)及设计技术要求:
⑴ 建筑面积:约3000m2,层高3.6m,5层。每层需设教室休息室、普通教室6~8间及男女卫生 间,底层设值班室。
⑵ 地质条件:场地平坦,土质均匀,无不良地质发育;地基土为厚度较大的粘性土层,地基土承载 力fak =200 kPa,地下水埋藏较深,不考虑地下水影响。 ⑶ 主导风向:南、东南;基本风压及雪压按规范取值。
⑷ 抗震设防烈度为7度,抗震等级三级,该建筑属乙级建筑,安全等级为二级。 ⑸ 材料供应:各种材料均能保证供应;施工技术条上:各种机具均能满足要求。
III、毕 业设计(论文)工作内容及完成时间:
⑴ 1~2周,查阅国内外有关教学楼的文献资料,完成开题报告和科技文献翻译。
⑵ 7~10周,完成建筑设计:在老师指导下确定建筑设计方案,独立完成必要的建筑设计说明及门 窗表,建筑总平面图,各层及屋面平面图,正立面、侧立面,剖面图,大样图等建筑施工图纸。
⑶ 11~14周,完成结构设计:结构布置与选型,荷载计算,选取一榀典型框架,手工进行内力分析,
内力组合及其板、梁、柱及基础配筋计算,现浇楼梯设计计算,现浇雨蓬、阳台等设计计算,悬挑 构件的抗倾覆计算,现浇梁板设计计算。
⑷ 15~16周,按照结构计算及施工图设计深度要求绘制结构施工图:绘制屋面结构布置图,楼面结 构平面布置图,基础平面布置图及基础详图,框架配筋图,楼梯结构施工图,雨蓬、沿口等结构施 工图,施工说明。
⑸ 17周,撰写和整理设计计算书、图纸等设计文件,并提交与指导老师。 ⑹ 18周,熟悉设计论文,准备答辩。
Ⅳ 、主 要参考资料:
[1]. 舒秋华.房屋建筑学,武汉:武汉理工大学出版社,2002. [2]. 乐荷卿.土木建筑制图,武汉:武汉理工大学出版社,2003. [3]. 建筑设计资料集(第二版),北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2003.
[6]. GB50007-2002. 建筑地基基础设计规范. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2002. [7]. GBJ99-86. 中小学校建筑设计规范. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,1999. [8]. GBJ16. 建筑设计防火规范. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2001. [9]. 沈蒲生.混凝土结构设计,北京:高等教育出版社,2003. [10].简明建筑设计手册,机械工业出版社,2003.
[11].董军等.土木工程专业毕业设计指南,房屋建筑工程分册,北京,中国水利水电出版社,2002. [12].高等学校毕业设计(论文)指导手册 土建卷,北京,高等教育出版社,1999. [13].龙驭球、包世华.结构力学,北京,高等教育出版社,1994..
[14] 李延成. 功能·意境·个性——山东大学艺术学院教学楼设计理念解析 [J]. 建筑, 2008/01 [15] F.F. Udoeyo et al. Strength performance of laterized concrete, Construction and Building, Materials
20 (2006) 1057–1062
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架承重结构,主体结构层数为5层,层高均为3.6m。抗震设防烈度为7度。 本毕业设计主要完成下列内容:
二、结构计算阶段:本设计主要进行了结构方案中横向框架A,C,D,F轴框架的设计。在确定框架布局之后,先计算了恒载,活载作用下的梁端内力,然后用分层法进行内力分配,然后各层叠加,进而求出在竖向荷载作用下的结构内力(弯矩、剪力、轴力);而水平地震作用和风荷载作用下的框架内力则通过D值法求出。接着内力组合找出最不利的一组或几组内力组合。 选取最安全的结果计算配筋并绘图;并
关键词:建筑设计 框架 结构设计 内力组合
Design of a City xx middle school teaching building
Abstract: The title of this design is xx middle school teaching building design. Total
construction area is about 3300 sq.m, frame structure, 5 floors. The height of all floor is 3.6m, the Seismic fortification intensity is 7 degrees.
First, architectural design stage: According to the requirements of the building use function, building height and layers, and the district of fortification intensity and earthquake resistant level to determine the structure of building; Draw the floor plan, section and elevation, detail view details and the total floor plan;
Second, structure computation stage: The design of the main structure of the program carried out in the horizontal frame A, C, D, F shaft frame design.After in determining the frame layout, first to calculate the dead load and live load under the action of the beam end of internal forces, and internal force distribution with the layered method, then each layer overlay, and then calculate the structural internal force under the vertical load (bending moment, shear force, axial force).And level of the framework of internal forces under earthquake and wind load through the D-value method.Then identify the most unfavorable combination of internal forces of a group or several groups combined forces.Select the safest results reinforcement and drawing; And for the foundation design.In addition, the program for the structural design of the staircases. Completed treads, bench inclined beams, platforms plate, platform beams and other components of internal forces and reinforcement calculation and construction drawings.
Third, construction drawing design stage: Based on the above calculation results to determine the final component layout and components as well as reinforcement in accordance with the requirements of standardized components to determine the structure of the structural measures.
This design selects the commonly used portal frame construction form, by calculating a symmetrical specimens of relatively simple framework that I have learned expertise to organically combine the structural design of a basic understanding, I also believe that this graduation design can lay a foundation for future learning process