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个人简历 2017届 应届生


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2015.10-2016.10 研究生 ****大学 全球媒介与通信传播 2011.9-2015.7 本科 中国****大学(985/211高校) 新闻传播系



2014.11-15.2 ****网 产品运营实习生 北京 ? ? ? ?

2014.7- 2014.11 ****游 产品运营 ? ? ?

监测海豚浏览器、Clauncher 等产品海外渠道推广状况,分析评估产品日常渠道数据; 运营产品 MoboPick,包括内容运营及产品数据日报制作,结合用户需求进行产品优化创新; 配合产品经理进行新产品市场调研,协助进行 Geemobi 网盟平台系统全功能测试使用。

与日旅会合作,负责校园活动的策划和执行,累计参与人数 2000+,活动网站总 PV 150 万+,总 UV 90 万+; 参与第二期页面功能设计,构思功能模块、协助设计师完成交互设计、跟进开发团队优化需求;

负责页面整体文案,策划推广方案并执行,联络站外优质用户 21 人,为站内贡献 UGC 内容,并积极维护增加其粘性; 负责线下 18支校园大使团队的换届、招新、自主活动的组织与指导;


2011.3 - 2013.1 AI****C 出境交流部志愿者方向主管 中国北京 ? ? ? ?

带领 3 支跨校团队成功为超过 90 名在校大学生匹配海外志愿者体验机会; 拓宽志愿者项目合作到 24 个不同国家, 实现部门业绩 2 倍增长;

在不同学校组织市场调研、举办宣讲会、招募面试参与者,使协会覆盖扩宽到 6 个北京高校;

领导一个 9 人团队为近 500 个新成员筹划并成功举办北方地区迎新大会,与会成员为来自清华、北大、人大等中国北部优秀大学的学子,会议为期 2 天半。


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校内荣誉 国家励志奖学金、优秀学生奖学金、校级优秀学生干部、音乐摄影等文艺类奖项若干;? 语言能力 英语听说读写能力强,雅思 7.5 分,CET6-623 分,《****》字幕组听译成员; 文字审美 曾获全国新概念作文大赛一等奖、奔驰(中国)公司全国设计大赛设计师大奖;

爱好特长 擅长长笛、舞蹈、吉他等,热爱摄影与旅行。曾任院迎新晚会领舞,音乐原创作品获校级奖项; 自我评价 高效工作,抗压、多任务处理能力强;热衷新鲜事物,自学能力强。

Resume 2017 Fresh Graduates


-Stockholm University, Center of Cultural Policy Studies, M.A.Global Media and Communication (Oct. 2015— Oct.2016) -Communication University of China, School of Literature and Journalism, Communication (Sept. 2011— Jun. 2015) -Core Curriculum: Advertising Operation and Practice, Public Relations, Media Economics, Social Survey Methods -Honor: Gained the National Endeavor Fellowship, Third Prize Scholarship and Excellent Student Leader, CUC


Operation Management Intern, Baidu, China 2014.7-2014.11 ? ? ? ? ?

Redesign and expand the homepage: design the functions and copies (including the former user research) Organize annual conference and annual big project: combine the external resources and implement activities Introduce high-quality users from other websites and promote them to create more UGC?

Participate in the whole process of product launch: draft MRD-design-cooperate with RD&UE-test-promote Manage the campus teams: responsible for member recruitment, election, events organization in 18 teams

Product Manager Intern, Sohu Changyou, Beijing, China Nov.2014—Jan.2015 ? ? ?

Monitored overseas promotion of products including Dolphin Browser, analyzed and evaluate related data? Assisted in product (MoboPick) daily operation, providing key stats, summaries and optimization strategies? Assisted Product Manager in analyzing market demand and preference for new products?


AIESEC BJTU (Customer Service Team Leader, Vice President, Global Volunteer Program), 2011.3 – 2013.1 Run Global Volunteer Program and Lead an Entity (AIESEC BJTU) as a team, 2012.1 - 2013.12 ? ? ? ?

Leaded 3 schools’ teams, attained the goal of 90 volunteers in number and assured their experience in quality Increased the number of voluntary destination country to 24, which is 200% of before

Expended the organization to 6 Beijing universities by organizing promotion, recruiting and interviewing new volunteers Leaded a 9 persons’ team and organized regional induction conference for 500 delegates in two and a half days


Language: Fluent in English CET6-597, IELTS 7, TOEIC 950, Member of the Big Bang Theory Fansub Group

Skills: Proficient in Adobe Photoshop, excellent writing skills,Second Prize of the National New Concept Composition D Contest and Designer Award of the BMW MINI National Design Competition.? Hobbies: Piano, ballet, guitar, photographing.?

Self-assessment: Excellent communicator, team player and hard worker, self-motivated,curious and passionate.



