2. 电子商务对外贸中小企业的影响应结合一些有代表性的企业来谈, 这样更具有实践意义。
3. 针对以上情况,本文从小方面入手,从电子商务对外贸中小企业的 影响做一些调查。通过查阅具体的数据资料和具有代表性的中小外贸企业发 展电子商务的现状,来对此次课题提供依据并对外贸型中小企业发展电子商 务提供一些理论基础。
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With the rapid developme nt of in formati on tech no logy and econo mic globalizati on and intern ati onal trade, electr onic commerce as a new form of trade gradually repla ced the traditional trade form, which had a huge impact on China's foreign trade enter prises. In this paper, base on the curre nt research status at home and abroad based first describes the survey of e-commerce, further expla ined the n ecessity and prese nt s ituation of China's small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises in the developme nt of electro nic commerce,a nd in troduces the electro nic commerce's impact on the sm all and medium-sized foreig n trade en terprises in China from each aspect, find a variet y of problems in small and medium-sized foreig n trade en terprises which exist in the developme nt of e-commerce at prese nt in our country and an alyzes the causes of these problems, and in this con text puts forward some reas on able coun termeasures.
随着经济全球化和信息技术以及国际贸易的快速发展, 电子商务作为一种新 型的贸易形式逐渐取代了传统的贸易形式,并对我国外贸企业产生了巨大的影 响。本文以国内外目前的研究状况为基础首先描述了电子商务的概况,
述了我国中小外贸企业发展电子商务的必要性和现状,并从各个方面介绍了电子 商务给我国中小外贸企业带来的影响,发现目前我国中小外贸企业在开展电子商 务所存在的各种问题并分析了产生这些问题的原因,