【期刊名称】《计算机技术与发展》 【年(卷),期】2012(022)002
【摘要】In older to solve the computer BIOS existing security problems, after researching the theory of BIOS principle and technology, study the principle and technology of BIOS systematically and thoroughly. A computer BIOS security detection system which based on the libraries of BIOS vulnerabilities and BIOS standard code samples was proposed, through building the libraries of BIOS vulnerabilities and BIOS standard code samples. Aiming at their own or external physical BIOS trojans, viruses attack, adopting different hardware and software protection methods,it realized the system of computer' s BIOS security detection. The analysis on simulation results indicate that the method has a certain theory and applications, and the system could give the user to provide real-time security detection and security patch module.%为了解决计算机BIOS存在的安全隐患问题,文中在研究BIOS技术原理与理论基础之上,对BIOS的安全性进行深入的研究.基于BIOS安全隐患和代码完整性度量的BIOS安全检查模型,通过建立BIOS安全隐患库和BIOS标准代码样本库设计实现BIOS安全检查系统.针对BIOS自身或外界物理木马、病毒攻击情况,采用不同硬件和软件保护措施,最终实现对BIOS进行安全检查.仿真实验结果表明该方法具有一定的理论和应用意义,可以给用户提供实时的安全检测和提供安全补丁模块.