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大学体验英语综合教程课堂辅导Book 1Unit 1-跟踪训练

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Quiz for Unit 1

I. Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. 1. He gave me a define __________ that the repairs would be finished tomorrow. A. insurance B. assurance C. guarantee D. pledge 2. The road __________ out at this point。 A. broadens B. enlarges C. expends D. large

3. Peter is __________ of winning the post as the assistant to the managing director. A. convinced B. certain C. sure D. confident

4. He could not __________ his dislike for that man. A. conquer B. defeat C. beat D. overcome

5. You’re supposed to write a __________ for the final examination. A. essay B. article C. paper D. thesis

6. There is __________ time to do a thorough and complete study. A. adequate B. enough C. sufficient D. ample

7. When the runner reached the finish line he was at his last __________. A. gasp B. whistle C. whisper D. murmur

8. The club will __________ new members the first week in September. A. enroll B. subscribe C. absorb D. register

9. Although he was on a diet, the food __________ him enormously. A. inspired B. tempted C. overcame D. encouraged

10. He was __________ to steal the money when he saw it lying on the table. A. dragged B. tempted C. elicited D. attracted

11. In short, __________ he lives, a man belongs to some society. A. where B. wherever C. somewhere D. anywhere

12. There is no __________ to the house from the main road. A. access B. avenue C. exposure D. edge

13. His greatness is ___________ not alone to his profound medical knowledge and insight but to his broad general education.

A. given B. brought C. contributed D. attributed

14. The fact that the elderly live on much less than the young is taken as proof that they need less money to __________.

A. get through B. get round C. get off D. get by

15. These parts were then sent to several other factories throughout the U.S. where they were __________ into complete cars.

A. manufactured B. made C. turned D. assembled

16. As we know it is much easier to talk about social reformation than it is to __________. A. bring it about B. acknowledge it C. predict it D. put up with it

17. Many sociologists have suggested that success, symbolized here by material possessions, once achieved, can ______emptiness.

A. turn out B. take place C. result in D. carry

18. My father was recently __________ a case of this kind.

A. participated in B. involved in C. taken in D. led in

19. Genuine equality between the white and the black in the U.S. is still a long way __________. A. off B. forth C. on D. forward

20. The custom of visiting friends, relative and neighbors on New Year’s Day is one of the oldest traditions that have__________ a new form in the United States. A. taken on B. taken up C. taken over D. taken off

II. Fill in the following blanks with correct adverbs or prepositions. (10 Points)

1. All the students are in envy __________ your making progresses in English study. 2. The employer will have an interview __________ the job applicant next week. 3. The crowd was __________ a panic when the bus crashed a little girl. 4. Do you feel __________ a cup of coffee?

5. I made remarkable progresses __________ English study since last term. 6. Private automobiles are not allowed __________ campus.

7. She is possessed __________ a wonderfully calm temperament. 8. It is __________ no means your first late.

9. He dropped out __________ the school when he was 16.

10. I would like look back __________ the time when I was in high school.

III. Read through the following paragraphs trying to get the main idea.Then,read it again to get the details that support the main idea. PASSAGE 1

The process of preparing for final examination involves both long-range and short-range planning. Basic long-range considerations are regular class attendance and consistent, week-by-week completion of all reading assignments. Of course, systematic notes or outlines of major points raised in the class discussions or in the assigned readings provide a condensed record of the essential facts and concepts. To keep outlines and notes up to date, they should be reviewed and revised from time to time throughout the college year.

Short-range planning should include knowing the format of examination papers or suggested study questions at least three weeks prior to the examination date. These can be used as guides in an intensive review of the ideas that teachers have considered important. Self-confidence in analytical and compositional skill can be increased by actually writing out and checking practice answers to typical examination questions.


Parents in China tend to make all decisions for their children. It is not unusual that Chinese parents will choose schooling for their children. Children’s clothing and even timetable are often decided by their parents. Upon their children’s graduation, Chinese parents tend to pick up a profession for their children.

Deciding everything for your children does not help them to make way in the world. It is obvious that parents cannot accompany their children and make decisions on everything all the time. Deciding all things for your children will make them form a passive and dependent habit, which will do more harm than good in the long run.

Growing to be independent is the natural way for everybody. As a child grows up, he will

graduate from a school or a college. After graduation he will work and then build up a family of his own. This is the way every parent has experienced. Therefore giving more advice rather than making decisions is more helpful.

Key to Quiz for Unit 1 I. 1. B。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. insurance 保险;B. assurance 保证,发誓;C. guarantee 对产品质量、服务和义务担保有承担责任之意;D. pledge 诺言,许诺。句意:他给我确切保证,修理将于明日完工。

2. A。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. broaden 指在宽度上变宽;B. enlarge 指范围扩大;C. expend 指抽象事物变大、变浓;D. large 大的。句意:这条马路在这里开始变宽。

3. D。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. convinced 被说服的;B. certain 肯定的,必然的;C. sure 确信的,确定的;D. confident 自信的。句意:彼得确信他能获得总经助理的职位。 4. D。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. conquer 征服;B. defeat 击败;C. beat 与defeat 对等,但可以传递更大的强调意义;D. overcome 克制、克服。句意:他控制不住对那个人的厌恶。

5. C。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. essay 指文学或哲学上的论文;B. article 指报刊杂志上的文章;C.paper 指课程论文或学术论文;D. thesis 指申请学位的论文。句意:为了期末考试你一定要写一篇论文。 6. D。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。 A. adequate 适当的;B. enough 足够的;C. sufficient 足够的;D. ample充分的。 句意:有足够的时间进行深入而全面的研究。

7. A。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. at one’s last gasp 奄奄一息,含有精疲力竭和气喘吁吁; B. whistle 口哨声; C. whisper 耳语声; D. murmur 小声说,嘟囔。句意:当赛跑运动员到达终点线时,已经累得快要死了。

8. A。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. enroll 登记,招收; B. subscribe 签署,题词; C. absorb 吸收,吸引;D. register 注册,挂号。句意:俱乐部要在九月的第一周吸收新会员。 9. B。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. inspire 鼓舞,激发; B. tempt 引诱,诱惑; C. overcame 克服,战胜;D. encourage 鼓励。句意:虽然他在节食减肥,但食物仍然对他有很大的诱惑力。

10. B。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. drag 表示具体动作;B. tempt 表示诱人作恶,诱导; C. elicit 引出 ( 真理),诱出( 答案);D. attract 吸引。句意:看到钱放在桌上,他禁不住把它偷走了。

11. B。 [考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. where是疑问词“哪里?”;B. wherever是连词“无 论哪里”; C. somewhere表示“某个地方”;D. anywhere 是副词“任何地方”。句意:总的来说,一个人不管他住在哪里,他都属于某一个群体。

12. A。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. access 表示“通道,出口”。B. avenue 表示“林荫大道”。C. exposure表示“暴露,暴光”。 D. edge 表示“边缘,刀口”。句意:从主路走不能到达那座房屋。

13. D。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. given 表示“给予”;B. brought 表示“带来”;C. contributed 表示“贡献”;D. attributed 表示“有助于,有利于”。句意:他的伟大之处不仅在于他渊博的医学知识和远见,也在于他所受的广泛的整体教育。

14. D。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. get through 表示“穿越,通过”;B. get round 表示“四处走动”;C.get off 表示“出发,脱下”; D. get by 表示“通过,设法生活”。句意:老年人要比青年人开支要少的事实,被当作是他们需要较少钱的证据。 15. D。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. manufactured 是“制造”; B. made 是“制造”;C. turned

是“转换”D. assembled 是“装配”。句意:然后这些零部件被送往美国境内其他的几家工厂,组装成整车。

16. D。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. bring it about 是“带来,致使”;B. acknowledge it 是“承认;报答”; C. predict it 是“预测”; D. put up with it 是“容忍,接受”。句意:我知道谈论社会改革要比接受社会改革容易得多。

17. C。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. turn out 是“打扫,制造,关掉”; B. take place 是“发生”; C. result in 是“导致”; D. carry 是“运送,携带”。句意:许多社会学家曾暗示,以物质拥有为代表的成功,一__旦实现之后,可能导致空虚。 18. B。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. participated in 是“参与”; B. involved in 是“卷入,牵连” C. taken in是“接受,容纳”; D. led in 是“领导”。句意:我父亲最近卷入了这类案件。

19. A。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. a long way off 表示“前面还有很长的路没有走,且要去走”;B. along way forth 不能表示“要走的意思”;C. a long way on在此含义不清楚 D. a long way forward不能表示“还没有走,但要走”的含义。句意:美国白人和黑人之间要实现真正的平等还有很长的路要走。

20. A。[考点及解析]近形词辨析题。A. taken on 表示“呈现,接纳”; B. taken up 表示“拿起,继续”; C.taken over 表示“接管,负责”; D. taken off“起飞,脱下”。句意:在新年的那一天拜访朋友,亲戚和邻居的习俗是最古老的传统之一,它在美国呈现了新形式。

II. 1. at。所有的学生羡慕你在英语学习上取得的进步。【解析】be in envy at 意为“对…表示羡慕”。

2. with。雇主下周将对申请工作的人员进行面试。【解析】have an interview with 意为“对…进行面试”。

3. in。当公共汽车撞上了一个小女孩时,人们处于惊慌中。【解析】be in a panic 意为“在惊慌中”。

4. like。你想要一杯咖啡吗?【解析】feel like 意为“想要”。 5. in。自上学期以来,我在英语方面取得了引人注目的进步。【解析】make progress in 意为“在…取得进步”。

6. on。校园内不许私人车辆行驶。【解析】on campus 意为“在校园里”。 7. of。她性情非常文静。【解析】be possessed of 意为“具有…”。 8. by。这决不是你第一次迟到。【解析】by no means 意为“决不”。 9. of。他十六岁的时候就辍学了。【解析】drop out of 意为“退出;脱离”。 10. on。我喜欢回忆高中的时光。【解析】look back on 意为“回忆…”。 III.

Passage One

The main idea of the passage: The process of preparing for final examination involves both long-range and short-range planning. The details supporting the main idea:

1) Basic long-range considerations are regular class attendance and consistent, week-by-week completion of all reading assignments.

2) Of course, systematic notes or outlines of major points raised in the class discussions or in the assigned readings provide a condensed record of the essential facts and concepts.

3) To keep outlines and notes up to date, they should be reviewed and revised from time to time

throughout the college year.

4) Short-range planning should include knowing the format of examination papers or suggested study questions at least three weeks prior to the examination date.

5) These can be used as guides in an intensive review of the ideas that teachers have considered important.

6) Self-confidence in analytical and compositional skill can be increased by actually writing out and checking practice answers to typical examination questions.

Passage Two

The main idea of the passage: Giving more advice rather than making decisions is more helpful. The details supporting the main idea:

1) Parents in China tend to make all decisions for their children.

2) Deciding everything for your children does not help them to make way in the world. 3) Growing to be independent is the natural way for everybody.

大学体验英语综合教程课堂辅导Book 1Unit 1-跟踪训练


