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1. leave可以表示落下, 遗忘。 2. forget和 leave两个词都有“遗留, 丢失”的意思, forget后只能跟被遗忘的东西, 不能跟地点。leave表达这种含义时, 其后必须跟地点。故选C. 题八: Some people often leave things on trains.; D 解析:

1. leave可以表示落下, 遗忘。 2. forget和 leave两个词都有“遗留, 丢失”的意思, forget后只能跟被遗忘的东西, 不能跟地点。leave表达这种含义时, 其后必须跟地点。主语为第三人称单数, 故选D. 题九: That’s why he doesn’t like math. 解析:

That’s why...表示是......的原因, 常用于句首, 后面跟的是结果。 题十: That’s why she likes cooking. 解析:

That’s why...表示是......的原因, 常用于句首, 后面跟的是结果。 题十一: C

解析:hundred, thousand, million, billion等词表示大概的数字时, 后面加“s”且要用介词of; hundreds of 表示“数以百计的”, 句意为“数以百计的学生在捡垃圾”。 题十二: C

解析:当hundred, thousand, million, billion等词前面有具体的数词时, hundred, thousand, million, billion等词不变复数。句意为“三百名教师每年来这享受他们的假期”。

题十三: He is looking for a pair of blue gloves.; BA 解析:

1. look for意为“寻找”, 是有目的地找, 强调“寻找”这一动作。

2. look for意为“寻找”, 强调“寻找”这一动作。find意为“找到”, 强调“找”的结果。句意为“我正在找我的手机, 但是我没有找到。” 3. 句意为“他们正在电影院找座位”。此题强调寻找的动作。 题十四: I’m looking for my camera. I can’t find it.; CA 解析: 1. look for意为“寻找”, 是有目的地找, 强调“寻找”这一动作。find意为“找到”, 强调“找”的结果。

2. look for意为“寻找”, 强调“寻找”这一动作。find意为“找到”, 强调“找”的结果。句意为“我正在找我的背包。我找不到它了。” 3. 句意为“他正在家里找他的车票”。此题强调寻找的动作。 题十五: CD 解析:

1. 句意为“这是露西的橡皮吗?不, 这不是她的。”此处需要名词性物主代词hers, 相当于her eraser. 2. 句意为“打扰了, 这些书是你的吗?不, 它们是我同学的。”第一句需要名词性物主代词, 第二空需要形容词性物主代词。故选D. 题十六: BD 解析:

1. 句意为“大卫, 这是你姐姐的自行车吗?不, 这不是她的, 这是我哥哥的。”此处需要名词性物主代词hers, 相当于her bike.

2. 句意为“杰克是著名的作家, 他的新书非常受欢迎。”此空需要形容词性物主代词His. 题十七: Whose tapes; with; by bus; Is this; Why does...like 解析:

1. 对“谁的”进行提问, 用whose.

2. help do sth.等于help with sth., 表示帮助做某事。 3. take the bus等于by bus, 表示乘车。 4. 变一般疑问句时, be动词提前。 5. 对原因进行提问, 要用疑问词Why.

题十八: Whose pencils; with; by plane; Are these; Why does...like 解析:

1. 对“谁的”进行提问, 用whose.

2. help do sth.等于help with sth., 表示帮助做某事。 3. take the plane等于by plane, 表示坐飞机。 4. 变一般疑问句时, be动词提前。 5. 对原因进行提问, 要用疑问词Why.

Module1 Lost and found

重难点精讲 本单元提纲


2.重点单词:camera, crayon, airport, phone, leave等。

3.重点词组:first of all, lost and found box, from now on, in the hurry 等。 4.重点句型:Whose bag is this? Oh sorry! It’ s mine. Are these crayons yours? Here’s a purple wallet. 核心语法: 名词性物主代词 重难点精讲

First of all, come and look in the lost and found box. 首先, 过来看看失物招领箱吧。

first of all 意思是“首先”, 和at the beginning意思相同。 题一: 翻译:

首先, 我想介绍一下我自己。



首先, 你应该向他道歉。

_________ ________ _________, you should say sorry to him.

Whose bag is this? Oh sorry! It’s mine.

问句是whose引导的特殊疑问句, whose意为“谁的”。

题二: 翻译:





Here _____ some ways to learn English. A. have B. has C. are D. is

Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on. be careful with意思是“小心(对待)......”。 小心那把刀, 否则你会划伤你自己。

Be careful with that knife, or you’ll cut yourself. CARE的派生词:

careful, carefully, careless, carelessly. from now on意思是“从现在开始”。 从现在开始, 你应该努力学习。

You should study hard from now on.

People often lose things when they’re traveling or when they’re in a hurry. in a hurry意思是“匆匆忙忙”。

They arrived at the railway station in a hurry. hurry还可以做动词, hurry up意思是“赶快点, 赶紧”。

题三: 翻译:

快点, 否则你会迟到的。

If you don’t get to the station ___ a hurry, maybe you can’t catch the train. A. for B. in C. at D. with

They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses, and in taxis. 他们把物品遗忘在飞机, 火车, 公共汽车以及出租车上。 leave是动词, 意思是“遗忘, 丢下”。 注意:

表示“把某物遗忘在某处”时, 不能用forget, 只能用leave.

题四: 翻译:


I didn’t turn in my homework because I ______ it at home. A. remembered B. forgot C. left D. left for

That’s why there are lost and found offices at airports and stations. 这就是在机场和车站有失物招领办公室的原因。 That’s why.....意思是“这就是....的原因”。

题五: 翻译:


Hundreds of people come here everyday. 每天都有许多人到这里来。

Hundreds of是固定搭配, 意思是“好几百, 许许多多”, There are hundreds of cows on the farm. 注意:

当hundred前有具体的数词时, 要用hundred的单数形式, 而且不和of连用。

The farmer has two hundred cows.

和hundred用法一样的词还有thousand, million等。 数词+thousand ......千 数词+million thousand of millions of ......百万 数以千计的, 成千上万的 数以百万计的


_______soldiers and doctors went to Ya’an to help the people there two months ago. A. Thousands of B. Two thousands

C. Thousand of D. Two thousands of They are looking for their phones, cameras, watches, computers and many other things. 他们正在寻找他们的电话, 相机, 手表, 电脑和许多其他的东西。 Look for意思是“寻找”, 强调“找”的动作, 是look的常见搭配。 Find意思是“找到”, 强调“找”的结果。

题七: 翻译:

我正在找我的钥匙, 但是我没有找到。

He ____ his bike, but he can’t ____ it.

A. look for; finds B. looks for; finds C. finds; look for D. looks for; find

I have______ my watch everywhere. But I can’t find it. A. looked at B. looked up C. looked for

look短语: look at看 look for寻找 look after照顾 look up查阅

look around向四周看 look out 向外看、当心

They can help you find them. 他们能帮你找到它们。

help sb. do sth.意思是“帮助某人做某事”, 它与help sb.to do sth. 和help sb.with sth.是同义表达。 我们经常帮助他学英语。

We often help him learn English. = =


Your意思是“你的”, 是形容词性物主代词, 放在名词前; Mine意思是“我的”, 为名词性物主代词, 等于“my+名词” Is this your dictionary?

That’s not my dictionary. Mine is over there.


------Mike, is that new bike_____?

------Yes. My mother bought it for me yesterday. A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself

These are ____erasers, and ____ are white. A. my, your B. my, yours C. mine, your D. mine, yours

能力提升与拓展 题九:


That is Lisa’s notebook.(对划线部分提问) _____ _____ is that?



