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第一篇:英文短篇演讲稿 run a better life 第二篇:短篇英文
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第一篇:英文短篇演讲稿 run a better life
run a better life
hello everyone,today my topic is “running”,i want to share some of my experience and advice with you. have you ever heard of a sport , which you do not have to prepare too much,you don’t need to wear professional sporstwear,you don’t have to buy many instrument,and you don’t need to find a special place and so on. all you need is a pair of comfortable shoes,loose clothes,and a persistent heart.
yeah,it’s running.you can run in the play ground,in the parks,on the treadmills or even on the road.
i think most of us are lack of exercise in high school because we have to focus on study;and now,we are alway be attracted by playing computer games,playing cellphones,reading novels even just stay at dormitory and lie in beds.we are young, we are energetic,let’s enjoy running and change our lives.running helps you keep fit and lose weight,helps you create a good body shape,makes you more resistant and healthier,helps you promote metabolism,makes you look younger and more beautiful.
no matter how much you can bring the benefits of running, is a good workout and is a good way to ventemotions,just running is a joyful thing.when you sad,running to hold back your teers,when you under pressure,running to release bad emotions,when you feel depressing or boring,running to make you relaxed and comfortable.what a fine lifestyle and attitude it is when take running in your life~ so,just from now,the weather is becoming warmer,put on your sneakers and go out of the door,enjoy your running life.i am sure it will be a fantastic and rewarding journey.see you at the playground~~
once there lived in france a little girl name piccola. when she was very young, her father died, and her mother was very, very poor.one christmas eve piccola said to her mother, \come to our house tonight?\head.
before she went to bed, piccola took off her little wooden shoes and put them on the floor near the chimney. she said to her mother, “perhaps uncle santa will come.”
all was white with snow outside, and it was very cold.
in the night a little bird with a broken wing fell down the chimney and hopped into one of the shoes. very early in the morning piccola woke up. she jumped out of bed and ran to look into her shoes. there she saw the little bird in one of the shoes. she picked up the shoe and ran to show her christmas present to her mother. she said, \2.pandora's box
many years ago all the word was very beautiful and nobody was ever sick or unhappy.
at that time there lived a beautiful little girl named pandora. one day gave her a wonderful box tied with a golden cord and made her promise not to open it. pandora and her little playmate, epimetheus, often looked at the box and wondered what was in it.
for a long time pandora kept her promise to the fairy, but at last she wanted to peep into the box. she untied the cord and lifted the cover only a little.
out flew hundreds of bad little fairies. they stung pandora and she fell on the floor and screamed. they stung epimetheus, too. then they flew out of doors and stung all the children in the land. by and by pandora heard a little voice crying, “let me out, and i will help you,”
she opened the box, and out flew a beautiful little fairy. she told pandora that her name was hope. she kissed her and epimetheus, and made them well. then away she flew to help the other children. to this day, when people are sick or unhappy, the good little fairy, hope, comes to comfort them. 3.the crab and his mother
“my child,” said a crab to her son, “why do you walk so awkward? if you wish to make a good appearance, you should go straight forward, and not to one side as you do so constantly.”
“i do wish to make a good appearance, mamma” said the young crab; “and if you will show me how, i will try to walk straight
forward.”“why, this is the way, of course,” said the mother, as she started off to the right, “no, this is the way,” said she, as she made another attempt, to the left.
the little crab smiled. “ when you learn to do it yourself, you can teach me,” he said, and he went back to his play. 4.the wolf and the crane
one day a wolf, who was eating his dinner much too fast, swallowed a bone, which stuck in his throat and pained him very much. he tried to get it out, but could not.
just then he saw a crane passing by. “dear fiend,” said he to the crane, “ there is a bone sticking in my throat. you have a good long neck; can't you reach down and pull it out? i will pay you well for it.” “i'll try,” said the crane. then he put his head into the wolf’s mouth, between his sharp teeth, and reaching down, pulled out bone. “there!” said the wolf, “i am glad it is out; i must be more
careful another time.” “i will go now, if you will pay me,” said the crane.
“pay you, indeed!” cried the wolf. “be thankful that i did not bite your head off when it was in my mouth. you ought to be content with that.”
5. handel, the musician
long ago they're lived in germany a little boy named george frederick handel.
he loved music and wanted to learn to play the piano, but his father wanted him to become a lawyer and would not let him take music lessons.
there was a little, old-fashioned piano up in the attic. at night, when everybody was asleep, the little boy used to creep up the stairs and play softly to himself.
when he was about seven years old, he went with his father to visit a wealthy duke. the duke lived in a beautiful palace with many large rooms. there was a wonderful organ in one of the rooms.
while his father and the duke sat talking, little handel slipped away. he sat down at the organ and began to play. his little hands moved over the keys and the room was filled with a sweetest music.
when he finished playing, he turned around and saw his father and the duke looking at him. the duke asked him where he had learned to play, and the boy told him about the piano in the attic.
then the duke persuaded handle's father to let him study music, and he became a famous composer. 中文解释: 1.piccola
一旦有住在法国一个小女孩的名字piccola 。当她很年轻,她的父亲去世,与她的母亲是非常,非常恶劣。
一圣诞前夕piccola说,她的母亲, “妈妈,叔叔圣来我们家今晚” ?她的母亲感到非常难过和摇头。
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