基于Android的手机通讯录的设计与实现 Design and Implementation of Mobile Phone Contacts Based on Android
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毕业设计(论文)成果归武汉工程大学邮电与信息工程学院所有。 特此声明。
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摘 要
随着第四代通信技术4G(The 4th Generation Mobile Communication Technology)的推广,无线带宽和传输速度都得到了飞速的提升,手机已经成为人们日常生活中必不可少的一部分。作为手机最基本的功能—通讯,通讯录便显得更加的重要。手机通讯录本来是为了方便手机用户保存联系人信息,但是现在成百上千的联系人信息杂乱无章地显示,用户操作及其不便。因此,很需要一款辅助性通讯录软件来解决这个问题。
本文基于Android操作系统,在介绍了通讯录整体结构和框架的基础上,遵循软件工程的设计思想,以Eclipse,Android studio等为开发工具,设计出一款手机通讯录。本系统包括存储,删除,头像修改,打电话,发信息等功能,增加通讯录使用起来的方便性。最后对程序进行优化完善、对界面进行设计,获得更好的用户体验。
With the 4G promotion of fourth-generation conmmunications technology, wireless bandwidth and transmission speed have been improved significantly.At the same time, with the increasing contact need between people, mobile phone is one indispensable for people lives. As the basic function of mobile phone— communication, contacts has play an important role. However,hundreds of communications wore haphazard displayed,thousands of text messages and phone records without induction and the process in the use of operation is extremely inconvenient,difficult to manage such information. So it is urgent to design and implement one system to help manage our contacts.
Based on the background discuss above,the dissertation starts from the Android system features,and focuses on the design and implementation of this Contact Information Management(CIM)System.The design, including functions od storage, deletion, head revision, phone calls, messages sending and other functions, to meet user demand for contacts. The design of the contacts follows the standard development process, the first needs analysis, and then determine the function of the contacts, then write the code, the debugger, run the program, and procedures to optimize the sound. This software provides a variety of components to design the interface, can support the user experience. Key Words: Android; Contact; Java
目 录
第1章 绪论 ..................................................... 1 1.1 课题研究背景 ............................................... 1 1.2 本文主要工作 ............................................... 1 第2章 ANDROID技术简介 ......................................... 3 2.1 什么是ANDROID .............................................. 3 2.2 ANDROID系统架构 ............................................ 4 2.3 应用程序组件 ............................................... 5 第3章 需求分析 ................................................. 8 3.1 课题总体目标 ............................................... 8 3.2 功能需求分析 ............................................... 8 3.3 非功能需求分析 ............................................. 9 第4章 系统设计 ................................................ 11 4.1 功能模块的划分 ............................................ 11 4.2 文本信息管理 .............................................. 13 第5章 通讯录实现 .............................................. 15 5.1 ANDROID开发平台搭建 ....................................... 15 5.2具体功能实现 .............................................. 15 5.2.1 增加联系人功能 ....................................... 16 5.2.2 添加头像功能 ......................................... 18 5.2.3 保存联系人信息 ....................................... 21 5.2.4 绘制主界面 ........................................... 22 5.2.5 通信功能 ............................................. 23