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请写出下列短语和句子的中文,需要的地方写上语法功能,并自主背诵和听写。 Unit71. how much多少钱

词 3. how many多少,加名词复数 5. bags for sports 7. sell to

9. on sale sweater?

11> Ifs eight / twelve dollars. skirt?

13. Ifs twenty/ thirty dollars. white bag?

15e How much are these black pants? dollars.

17. How much are those blue socks? dollars.

19. Can I help you?

2. how much多少,加不可数名

4. at a very good price

6. buy from 8? have a look at

10? How much is the long red 12. How much is the short blue

14. How much is that big 16. They are fifteen/ fifty

18. They5 re three/ thirteen 20> Here you are<

22. You,re welcome/

Come and see for

21. Fll take it / them.

23. We have T-shirts in red, green and white for only Y18. 24. Anybody can afford our prices. 25. yourself!

26. The green shorts are on sale for $25.Whafs the price of …? = How much is/ are the …?


L have a basketball /volleyball game contest

3? Dave^s birthday party 5. When is your birthday?

6. My birthday is November ninth. 7. When is Liu Pingos birthday?

8. Her birthday is September fifthe? 9. When is the School Day? 10? It's on January first. 11. When is the Art Festival? 12. It*s in March ?

13. When is the Music Festival? 14. It's in April?

15. When is the English Party? 16. Ifs on October twelfth? 17. Pm fifiteen years old.

18. What the age of ...? = How old is/ are ...?

2. have an English speech4e have a school trip


L comedy, comedies 2. documentary, documentaries 3. learn about Chinese history 4. on weekends 5. Do you want to go to a movie? 6? Does he/ she want to go to movies? 7. What kind of movies do you like? 8? I like thrillers and action movies. 9. What kind of movies does he like?

10? He likes comedies, but he doesn't like cartoons. 11> I doiTt like comedies or thrillers.

12e I like cartoons because I think they1 re relaxing.

13? He likes Beijing Opera because he thinks ifs interesting. 14. She often goes to see Beijing Opera with her father.


L play the guitar/ piano/ violin/ trumpet/ drums ??? 2. play chess/ basketball/ volleyball/ baseball/ tennis … 3. be good with 4. need help

6. join us& 5. help sb? with

music, musician sth.7. speak English

9. do Chinese kung fu 10> a little

11?区别:a lot of = lots of (许多)加可数名词复数或不可数名词 12. learn about art Many (许多)加可数名词复数 a much (许多)加不可数名词

little (几乎没有)加不可数名litte (一点儿)加不可数名词

13. an e-mail address

14. a rock band 15. Thanks a lot 16>What club do you want to join? 17.1 want to join the swimming club. 18? What dub does he want to join? 19. He wants to join the music club.

20> I can pl町 tennis, but I can光 play it welL 2L She can play the piano, and she can play it welL 22. Are you good with kids?

23. Can you help kid with sports? 24> I can help him with his math.

25. Then you can be in our school music festivaL 26. We need two musicians for our rock band. Unitll

L go to school

3. eat breakfast/ lunch/ dinner 5. after breakfast/ school/ class 7. get to work9. all night

2. get up

4. take a shower

6. go to work

8. take the No. 17 busIO.listen to him

IL get home

13. at five o,clock at 5:00 5:15

15. at half past five at 5:30 at 5:45

17. at five past fivedo my homework

21. What time do you get up? 22.1 get up at six o'clock.

23. What time does he eat breakfast?

24. He eats breakfast at seven o,clock. 25. What a funny time to eat breakfast! 26. Thanks for your letter.

27. Do you want to know about my morning? 28. Pleae write and tell me about your morning.

12>vvatch TVat a quarter past five at

16. at a quarter to six 18. at five to six20> at around six fifteen


1. What,s your/ his/ her favorite subject?

2. My/ His / Her favorite subject is math/ art /science/ Chinese/ English /P.E. 3. Why do you like math?

4. Because ifs interesting/ fun/ exciting/ relaxing** 5.1 have volleyball for two hours. 6. Pm usually very tired after class. 7.1 doiTt like any subject.

8.1 like to play with my dog, Nick.

Review of Units 7-12

1. Ifs very interesting to have a Chinese friend! 2. In America, school strats at eight thirty.

3? My favorite subject is history, because I think ifs interesting and I really like my teacher

4. What are your hobbies?

5. Please write and tell me about your life in China.



