1.1. 工作时间的开始及结束Commencement and Cessation of Working Hours
工作时间Working Hours:
根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》规定,员工每周工作时间为40小时(不包括用餐时间)。员工将获得 每周两天的休息日。
In accordance with the Labor Law of PRC, the working hours shall be forty (40) hours (excluding meal hours) per week. Two rest days per week will be offered to the employees. 具体工作时间: 周一至周五 : 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Work Time: Mondays to Fridays: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 公司有权根据业务需要对作息时间进行调整。
Due to the nature of work and business needs, the working hours may be different or changed from the standard work hours.
1.2. 工作时间的控制Control of Working Time
Every employee must go to work on time and fulfill his obligations and absence, late-coming or early off-duty is not accepted if there is no prior approval of the supervisor. 1.2.1 每个员工在每天上下班时,必须刷考勤卡以备公司考核。
Each employee should punch a clock card whenever entering and leaving the company. The record will be used as a proof of attendance by the company. 1.2.2 由于工作原因在外工作的员工考勤由主管另作记录。
The registration of the working time of outstation workers shall be done manually by the supervisor in charge.
1.2.3 无故缺勤和擅自离岗将导致扣发工资和纪律处分。未经同意而出现持续3天或3天以上天数的缺勤将导致公司对员工的解聘或被视为劳动合同自动终止。
Unreported absence will give rise to salary deduction and disciplinary punishment. Absence of a continuous 3 days or above will entitle the company to dismiss the employee or terminate the employment contract.
1.2.4 通过欺骗或制造假象而获准或试图获准缺勤属于严重违纪,公司管理层将有权予以立即辞退。 The company management is entitled to give the punishment of immediate dismissal if any fraudulent acts or attempts are found aiming at swindling approval.
1.3. 离开办公室Leaving the Office
1.3.1 如果员工因私外出必须提前向部门主管书面申请休假。
If an employee wishes to leave the Office during working hours for non-work-related reasons, an application for leave must be made to the superior.
1.3.2 如员工需外出在城内拜访客户或办理其他业务,须经部门主管的批准。
If the employee needs to visit clients or handle other matters, it must be approved by department manager.
2.1. 薪金Salary
The company attracts and retains each of its outstanding members with a sound salary system. 公司内每一个岗位的收入水平将由公司每年参照市场薪金水平来调整确定,期间还将考虑公司的经营业绩和对员工工作绩效的评估。
The income level for each position will be decided based on the market salary level on yearly basis. Of course, the overall business performance and individual performance will also be taken into consideration.
Salary is adjusted once each year, and the new salary shall apply from Jan. of each year. 公司薪金的发放日期是每月的最后一个工作日,以银行转帐的形式发放。
The company pays salary on the last working day of each month by remittance to bank cards. 公司和员工都必须对员工的薪金保密负责。
The company and employee must be responsible for the confidentiality of salary.
2.2. 奖金Bonus
The company may at its sole discretion, decides to give 13th month salary and annual performance bonus to its employees. This bonus is non-contractual, noncommittal and not a part of the company obligations. 13th month salary and annual bonus are usually given in beginning of next year. 是否发放奖金以及奖金数额的多少取决于但不仅限于下列因素:公司的经营状况和个人的工作表现。 Whether to give this bonus and how much the bonus is depends on the following factors, including but not limited to: company operation status and individual performance.
The bonus mentioned above will be paid only to the employee who are on service at the paid date, the employee who has end working relationship with the company do not have the right to be paid, except special approved by the management.
2.3. 加班制度 Overtime Policy
2.3.1. 加班及加班的申请 Overtime and Request for Overtime
The “overtime” hereinafter refers to any work performed outside the regular working hours, which is necessitated by requirement on completion time and approved by the department manager, applicable to the employees excluded the Marketing & Sales Dept, Managerial staff and other employees required to travel frequently by job functions.
Any employees who request overtime shall get the approval from his / her immediate superior.
2.3.2. 加班时间及加班报酬的计算 Computation of Overtime Hours and Remuneration
OT payment or time off will be offered by the company according to the national and local laws and regulations.
The calculation and payment of overtime remuneration will be conformed to related national and local laws and regulations.
3.1 法定节假日Paid Public Holidays
Employee is entitled to have paid public holidays per calendar year in accordance with the labor laws and statutes.
3.2 年休假Annual Leave
员工自加入本公司后,按比例享有带薪年休假,但只在试用期满后方可使用。 在每月的15日之前(含15日)加入的员工,服务期以该月开始计算。年休假规定如下(若无特别说明,“天”代指“工作日”): Employee shall be entitled to have paid annual leave on pro rata basis since joining the company, but
can only enjoy after successfully passing the probation. Full month service will be recognized for employee who joins before or on the 15th of each month. Details of annual leave are as follows (If not specified, \员工享有的年休假: An employee is eligible for:
1) 入职第一年起,可以享受5天的年休假;
5 days of paid annual leave on pro rata basis from the first service year; 2) 服务满二年起,可以享受7天的年休假;
7 days of paid annual leave from the third service year; 3) 服务满五年起,可以享受10天的年休假;
10 days of paid annual leave from the sixth service year; 4) 服务满十年及以上,可以享受15天的年休假。
15 days of paid annual leave from the eleventh service year in the company.
Any employee who wants to use the annual leave must fill in an application form for vacation and submit to his / her immediate superior for approval three (3) days in advance. In principle, the employee should ensure that his / her absence due to annual leave will not affect the work. The application form shall be filed with the HR department.
Annual leave shall be consumed in each calendar year, and in a maximum of four installments, each of which shall be over 0.5 day in length. Unused leave could not be carried forward to next year. Any unused annual leave of the previous year will be waived with no compensation. 法律规定的外地员工的探亲假期,应首先利用年假冲抵。
The home leave entitled by the law, will be firstly compensated by Annual Leave.
In case of termination of employment contract, the due days of annual leave accrued for the current year will be computed on proportional basis. If the used days of annual leave are different to the computed days, Australian Hub shall offer compensation or claim for repayment for the gap of days: Gap of days of annual leave × average salary per diem in the year the employment is terminated.
3.3 病假申请程序及待遇Paid Sick Leave
This article specifies the application procedure for sick leave and the relevant treatments, in accordance with the labor laws and relevant local laws and statutes, to offer employees a balance of work and life. 该规定基于对国家及当地的有关法律法规规定的理解。该规定适用于与公司签订劳动合同的正式员工。 This policy is based on the understanding of relevant national and local laws and statutes, applicable to contractual employees of the company.
3.3.1 病假申请 Application for Sick Leave
Sick leave must get the approval of department manager.
Sick leave below 3 days for medical treatment or recovery shall be subject to the department manager for approval. Sick leave above 3 days shall also be submit to GM or CEO or Executive Director for approval, all sick leave exceed 1 day should meet the following requirements (Unless as otherwise specified, hospital refers to the state-owned hospital above district or county level):
A. 须提供就诊医院急诊挂号单、诊断证明;员工因探亲或出差在外地生病时,应提交当地医院相关 急诊诊断证明。
The emergency treatment registration slip and diagnosis record shall be provided. If sickness occurs during a nostalgic or business trip, the emergency treatment record issued by local hospital shall be provided.
B. 应如实提供员工本人下列证明的原件:
The originals of the supporting materials below shall be provided: a). 就诊挂号单
Diagnosis registration slip b). 医院诊断证明
Diagnosis record issued by hospital
c). 医院休息建议书(建议员工自留证明资料复印件)。
Advice of Withdrawing from Work issued by hospital (employee is recommended to keep the photocopies of the supporting documents).
If an employee is absent from work due to sickness, he / she shall apply for the sick leave from his / her department manager by verbal application and submit a written application for sick leave to his / her department manager within two days after the day of absence while submitting the required supporting documents to department manager for examination and to HR department for filing. After getting the approval from the department manager, the employee can start to take the sick leave. If the employee is not in a position to fulfill the above obligation of notification, he / she may appoint his / her lineal relative to do it on his / her behalf.
The company will decide on whether the employee is entitled to enjoy the paid sick leave by referring to the diagnosis record, corporate regulations and labor law. In certain cases, the company reserves the right to seek reference from hospital or advice from the doctors.