课题 防性侵安全教育主题班会 学校 执教教师 课型 活动课 时 间 2014年6月27日 教 1.引导学生认识什么是性侵害;了解性侵害的主要学 形式;知道防范和应对性侵害行为的主要措施和方法。 目 2.引导学生了解性侵害发生的时间和主要场所,培标 养学生的观察分析能力和应变处置能力。
3.使学生能正确地对待生活中的性侵害事件,培养 学生珍惜生命、关爱健康的生活态度。
教 学生准备:收集相学准备一些性侵害事师 关青春期生理变化的资生 件案例和相应的法律法准 料;调查生活中的哪些准 规;准备防范和应对性备 环境容易发生侵害事备 侵害行为的主要措施和
件。 方法。
防性侵安全教育主题班会 板 书 设 计
scope of the entire project. (2) should include: semi-finished products, quality of materials, installation quality. (3) must be marked with the date, personnel, quality. (4) construction, construction of clearly marked sections, axis. (5) the draw details. (6) the covert acceptance record perfect, intact. 2.16 l measurement, process description the process: become familiar with the structure and design of curtain wall map, partition the whole project, baseline measurements,
benchmarking measurement axis, identify key points, put the line, measure, record, replacing the original data measuring elevation
教学过程: 一、导入课题:
(板书:学会自我防卫,构筑和谐天空) 二、探究学习:
1.哪些地方属于身体的隐私部位。告诉学生隐私部位不允许别人触摸的。 2.不能在公共场合暴漏自己的隐私部位。 活动二:了解性侵害的定义和性侵害的形式。
scope of the entire project. (2) should include: semi-finished products, quality of materials, installation quality. (3) must be marked with the date, personnel, quality. (4) construction, construction of
clearly marked sections, axis. (5) the draw details. (6) the covert acceptance record perfect, intact. 2.16 l measurement, process description the process: become familiar with the structure and design of curtain wall map, partition the whole project, baseline measurements, benchmarking measurement axis, identify key points, put the line, measure, record, replacing the original data measuring elevation
5.学生小组交流研讨。 6.学生汇报。
学生交流 2.教师小结:
(1)我们要对性侵犯的行为勇敢的说“不”。 (2)不要轻易接受陌生人或他人的饮料和食品。 (3)不要独自到偏僻的地方,如无人管理的公厕等 (4)避免黑夜单独外出,如有特殊情况要父母来接。
(5)对于不当或不舒服的身体接触,要勇敢地说“不”。 scope of the entire project. (2) should include: semi-finished products, quality of materials, installation quality. (3) must be marked with the date, personnel, quality. (4) construction, construction of clearly marked sections, axis. (5) the draw details. (6) the covert acceptance record perfect, intact. 2.16 l measurement, process description the process: become familiar with the structure and design of curtain wall map, partition the whole project, baseline measurements, benchmarking measurement axis, identify key points, put the line, measure, record, replacing the original data measuring elevation
(6)衣着打扮要得体,不能太暴漏,不要随意显露自己身体的隐私部分。 (7)上学、放学或者外出时随时与家长保持联系,尽量要结伴而行。 (8)不单独和异性呆在一个封闭的空间里。即使是在异性老师的办公室,也要开着门。不要随便到歌厅等娱乐场所,不单独和异性约会,尽量不在同学家留宿。
某些人可能利用互联网欺骗年青人进入性侵害的情境; 3.谈话:你还收集到了哪些关于性侵害的法律常识, 4.学生交流。
活动四:了解遭遇性侵后该怎么做。 1.学生讨论交流。
(1)遇到有人跟踪时,要赶紧向人多的地方跑。 (2)受到性侵犯后要及时告诉可信任的人:如父母、老师
(3)要尽量记住歹徒的特征,保护好证据,在家人的陪同下到公安机关报案,之后到医院接受检查和治疗。 scope of the entire project. (2) should include: semi-finished products, quality of materials, installation quality. (3) must be marked with the date, personnel, quality. (4) construction, construction of clearly marked sections, axis. (5) the draw details. (6) the covert acceptance record perfect, intact. 2.16 l measurement, process description the process: become familiar with the structure and design of curtain wall map, partition the whole project, baseline measurements, benchmarking measurement axis, identify key points, put the line, measure, record, replacing the original data measuring elevation
请记住:成长路上,我们与法同行。 三、拓展延伸:
教 学 反 思