史上最牛英语口语学习法:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 太平洋在线英语,免费体验全部外教一对一课程:
1.Corporate Culture 企业文化(企业个性,形成于企业生产经营实践之中,为全体员工所认同并且遵守的、带有本组织特点的使命总之精神价值观和经营理念,以及这些理念在生产经营实践、管理制度、员工行为方式和企业对外形象的体现的总和。为企业灵魂,推动其发展动力。有有形与无形之分。)
? The personality of an organization(warm, aggressive, friendly, open, innovative, conservative, and so on.) ? Guides how employees think, act and feel
is a broad term used to define the unique personality or character of a particular company or organization, and includes such elements as core
values(核心价值观) and beliefs, corporate ethics, and rules of behavior.
2.Functions of Corporate Culture企业文化的主要功能 Three key functions are:
? Provide a sense of identity for members.导向功能:对每个员工价值取向及行为取向的导向功能
? Generate commitment to the organization’s mission.凝聚功能:一种价值观被员工所认同后产生巨大的向心力和凝聚力。
? Clarify and reinforce standards of behavior. 约束功能:软约束。产生于企业文化的氛围、群体行为准则和道德规范。
3.Culture as the Organization’s Personality作为企业个性的文化
1) Risk Taking Personalities喜欢冒险个性:Organizations
encourage employees to take risks. (Virgin Group)
2) Attention to Detail Personalities注重细节个性:Organizations
focus attention on the details of the organization where they have made quality their driving themes.
3) Outcome Oriented Personalities注重结果的个性:Organizations
focus on results in certain aspects of their business.(Customer services)
4) People Orientation Personalities以人为本的个性:Organizations
treat employees as “family”.
5) Team Orientation Personalities注重团队的个性:Organizations
shape their cultures around the team concept.
6) Aggressive Personalities积极进取的个性:Organizations value
aggressiveness as a major part of the way that business is done. 7) Nonstable Personalities不求稳的个性:Companies emphasize
growth could be identified as having nonstable Personalities.
4.Different Corporate Cultures 不同的企业文化:企业文化的本质是企业员工共同尊重的核心价值标准。不同企业有不同核心价值标准。 At the root of any organization’s culture is a set of core characteristics that illustrate the essential ways in which the cultures of organizations differ from one other.
? Sensitivity to the needs of customers and employees.重视顾客和员工需要的价值观
? Interest in having employees generates new ideas.致力于激发员工创造性思维的价值标准
? Value placed in taking risks.重视冒险精神的价值标准