智慧树知到《数控技术英语》章节测试答案 第一章
1、Numerical control is designed to control the operation of a machine tool by a series of coded instructions called a program. 答案: 对
2、A part program is stored in the form of blocks of information, and each block has the numerical data needed to manufacture a segment of the work-piece. 答案: 对
3、Like a conventional machine tool, the NC system can”t replace the manual actions of the operator either. 答案: 错
4、数字模拟转换器的英语全称是 A:Analog Digital Converter B:Digital Analog Converter C:Central Processing Unit D:Basic Revolution Unit 答案: Central Processing Unit
最新资料欢迎阅读 5、模拟数字转换器的英语缩写是____ A:APT B:DDT C:DDC D:ADC 答案: ADC 第二章
1、An important advance in the philosophy of NC of machine tools was the shift toward the use of controller units instead of computers in NC systems. 答案: 错
2、DNC is short for direct numerical control. 答案: 对
3、One of the aims of CNC systems is to replace as much of the conventional NC software with hardware as possible. 答案: 错
4、The part program contains a description of the _. A:program B:geometry C:data D:parameter
最新资料欢迎阅读 答案: geometry
5、Several machine tools are directly controlled by a central computer, this is the _. A:NC B:CNC C:BNC D:DNC 答案: DNC 第三章
1、As NC machines need a large capital investment, we should efficiently use them. 答案:对
2、Machining is the manufacturing in which the workers can remove the excess material of a part on a machine tool. 答案:T
3、The feed is defined as the distance the cutting tool projects below the original surface of the work-piece. 答案:错
4、____is the relative lateral movement between the tool and the work-piece. A: The depth of cut B: The cutting speed