Unit 1 Young [j蕦艐]
锛堝勾杞荤殑锛?funny ['f蕦ni] 锛堟粦绋藉彲绗戠殑锛?tall [t蓴:l] 锛堥珮鐨?strong [str蓴艐, str蓴:艐]
?kind [kaind] 锛堝拰钄肩殑銆佷翰
鍒囩殑锛?old [蓹uld] 锛堝勾鑰佺殑锛?short [蕛蓴:t]锛堢煯鐨勶級 thin [胃in] 锛堢槮鐨勶級 Mr 锛堝厛鐢燂級 from 浠庯紱鏉ヨ嚜 Canada ['k忙n蓹d蓹] 鍔犳嬁澶?like [laik]
know [n蓹u] 鐭ラ亾 principal ['prins蓹p
蓹l] 鏍¢暱 university [,ju:ni'v蓹:s蓹ti] student ['stju:d蓹nt, 'stu:-] 澶у鐢?strict [strikt] 锛堜弗鏍肩殑锛?smart [sm锟斤拷:t] 锛堣仾鏄庣殑銆佸阀濡欑殑锛?active['忙ktiv] 锛堢Н鏋佺殑銆佹椿璺冪殑锛?Miss
lady['leidi] 濂
so much 寰堬紱闈炲父 fun[f蕦n] 鏈夎叮锛涢楃瑧
quiet ['kwai蓹t] 锛堝畨闈欑殑銆佹枃闈欑殑锛?very['veri] 锛堝緢銆侀潪甯革級 but[寮?b蕦t, 寮?b蓹t, b蕦t]
Unit 2 Monday ['m蕦ndi, 'm蕦ndei]
鏄熸湡涓锛?Tuesday ['tju:zdi] 鏄熸湡浜?Wednesday ['wenzdi; -dei] 锛堟槦鏈熶笁锛?Thursday ['胃蓹:zdi; -dei] 鏄熸湡鍥?Friday ['fraidi] 鏄熸湡浜?Moral ['m蓴r蓹l, 'm蓴:-] Studies 鎬濇兂鍝佸痉璇?Social ['s蓹u蕛蓹l] Studies 绀句細璇?Saturday ['s忙t蓹di; -dei] 鏄熸湡鍏?Sunday ['s蕦ndei; -di] 鏄熸湡澶?day [dei] 澶?wait [weit] 绛夌瓑锛涚瓑寰?tomorrow [t蓹'm蓴r蓹u -'m蓴:-]鏄庡ぉ often ['蓴f蓹n, '蓴ft蓹n, '蓴:-] 缁忓父 love [l蕦v]
have 鏈夈佸悆 on
鍦ㄢ?.鏃跺?do homework 鍋氫綔涓?watch TV 鐪嬬數瑙?read[ri:d] books 璇讳功 Unit 3 cabbage[['k忙bid蕭]] 娲嬬櫧鑿滐紱鍗峰績鑿?pork[p蓴:k]
mutton['m蕦t蓹n] 缇婅倝 eggplant'e锟斤拷pl锟斤拷:nt,-pl忙nt] 鑼勫瓙 fish[fi蕛] 楸?green[锟斤拷ri:n] beans[bi:n] 闈掕眴 tofu 璞嗚厫 potato[p蓹'teit蓹u
鍦熻眴 tomato[t蓹'm锟斤拷:t蓹u, -'mei-]瑗跨孩鏌?for 涓?lunch [l蕦nt蕛] 涓
we 鎴戜滑 menu ['menju:, m蓹'nju:] 鑿滃崟 sound [saund] 鏉?Mew Mew
healthy['hel胃i] 鍋ュ悍鐨?tasty ['teisti] 濂藉悆鐨?sweet
[[swi:t]] 鐢滅殑 sour ['sau蓹] 閰哥殑 fresh [fre蕛] 鏂伴矞鐨?salty ['s蓴:lti] 鍜哥殑 favourite ['feiv蓹rit]
?they are 浠栦滑鏄?fruit [fru:t] 姘存灉
grape [锟斤拷reip] 钁¤悇 now [nau] 鐜板湪 have to 涓嶅緱涓?eat [i:t] 鍚?Unit 4 empty ['empti] the trash [tr忙蕛] 鍊掑瀮鍦?cook the meals [mi:ls 鐑чキ water the flowers ['flau蓹]娴囪姳 sweep [swi:p] the floor [fl蓴:] [kli:n] the bedroom['bedru(:)m] 鎵撴壂鍗уhome
helpful ['helpful] 鏈夊府鍔╃殑 at
?ill [il] 鏈夌梾鐨?wash [w蓴蕛, w蓴:蕛] the windows ['wind蓹u]
鎿︾獥鎴?just [d蕭蕦st] do it 灏辫繖涔堝共鍚?do housework ['hausw蓹:k] 鍋氬
?make [meik] the bed 閾哄簥 set[set] the table 鎽嗛キ妗?wash [w蓴蕛, w蓴:蕛] the clothes[kl蓹u冒z] 娲楄。鏈?do the dishes [di蕛]
?put away [蓹
'wei] the clothes 鏀舵嬀琛f湇 have a try 璇曚竴璇?robot['r蓹ub蓴t, -b蓹t, 'r蓴b蓹t] 鏈哄櫒浜?play [plei] chess[t蕛es]
use [ju:z] a computer[k蓹
m'pju:t蓹] 浣跨敤璁$畻鏈?Unit 5 air-conditioner ['蔚蓹k蓹n,di蕛蓹n] 绌鸿皟 curtain ['k蓹:t蓹n] 绐楀笜 trash bin 鍨冨溇绠?closet ['kl蓴zit] 澹佹┍ mirror ['mir蓹] 闀滃瓙 end [end] table ['teibl] 锛堝簥澶存煖锛?look at 鐪嬩竴鐪?own [蓹un] ['bedru(:)m] 鍗у
?flat [fl忙t]
third [胃蓹:d]
kitchen ['kit蕛in] 鍘ㄦ埧 bathroom ['b锟斤拷:胃rum]
敓闂?living ['livi艐] room 瀹㈠巺 in 鍦ㄢ﹂噷闈?on 鍦ㄢ︿笂闈?under ['蕦nd蓹] 鍦ㄢ︿笅闈?near [ni蓹] 鍦?.鏃佽竟 behind [bi'haind] 鍦ㄢ﹀悗杈?over ['蓹uv蓹] 鍦ㄢ︿笂闈?clothes [kl蓹u冒z] 琛f湇 work [w蓹:k] 宸ヤ綔 tell [tel]
Unit 6 sky [skai] 澶╃┖ cloud [klaud] 浜?mountain
['mauntin] 灞憋紱灞辫剦 river ['riv蓹] 娌虫祦 flower ['flau蓹] 鑺?grass [锟斤拷r锟斤拷:s, 锟斤拷r忙s] 鑽?lake [leik] 婀栨硦 forest ['f蓴rist] 锟斤拷:胃, p忙胃] 璺?park [p锟斤拷:k]
path [p
nature ['neit蕛蓹] park
farm [f锟斤拷:m] 鍐滃満 holiday ['h蓴l蓹di] 鍋囨湡 picture ['pikt蕛蓹] 鐓х墖 village ['vilid蕭] 涔℃潙锛涙潙搴?city ['siti] 鍩庡競 house [haus, hauz] 鎴垮瓙 bridge [brid蕭] 妗?tree [tri:] 鏍?road [r蓹ud]
building ['bildi艐]
寤虹瓚鐗?clean [kli:n] 骞插噣鐨?air [蔚蓹] 绌烘皵 run 璺戯紱濂旇窇 any ['eni] 浠讳綍鐨勶紱鎵鏈夌殑