题 目: 塑料斜齿轮旋转
脱螺纹注塑模具设计 学 院: 国防生学院 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名: 柯招军 学 号: 1000110104
指导教师单位: 机电工程学院 姓
名: 曹泰山 职 称: 讲师
题目类型:?理论研究 ?实验研究 ?工程设计 ?工程技术研究 ?软件开发
摘 要
此次毕业设计是对塑料斜齿轮注塑模具设计,难点在于实现自动旋转脱螺纹功能。本设计有两大亮点,一是使用齿轮齿条传动机构来实现测抽芯,二是用轴承使型腔旋转来实现脱螺纹设计。因模具中有多处需要配合,可能使模具在制造和装配方面有些难度。 关键词:模具;斜齿轮;结构设计;注射模;型腔
With the global economic development, new technology revolution continued breakthroughs and development, leapfrog technology development has become an important factor in promoting world economic growth . Continued prosperity of the market economy , which greatly promoted to small, multi- variety of industrial products , low-cost , high-quality direction. In order to enhance the core products in the market competitiveness of the production cycle, and increasingly demanding shorter development cycle , and therefore the key to the manufacture of various products, technology and equipment - mold requirements are increasingly stringent and demanding .
Mold is one of the basic industries . With the rapid development of economic globalization and a variety of high-tech markets , rapid economic mold was given a new meaning and a new task , the type of surge , prompting rapid economic modeling material moving toward multi- variety series , continue to promote technology breakthroughs and development. Given the rapid development of the commodity economy , accelerate the upgrading products , and market more competitive , are increasingly high to stimulate rapid economic modeling techniques towards short-cycle , low-cost , high-quality and high manufacturing precision direction. Given its ability to enable enterprises to gain a larger market , creating greater significant economic benefits , and therefore increasingly favored by the entrepreneurs and access to funding to support policies related to the leadership department. Given the rapid development of high-tech and comprehensive use of various technologies , the future will certainly generate new energy-saving materials for rapid tooling technology to meet the social needs of the difference in production .
The graduation project is a plastic injection mold design helical gear , the difficulty lies off the automatic rotation of the threaded function. This design has two bright spots , one using rack and pinion mechanism to achieve measured Pulling , two bearings so that the cavity is rotated to achieve the de- thread design . Because there are many die with blood , may cause some difficulty in mold manufacturing and assembly areas . Keyword: mold ; bevel wheel; structural design;plastics injection mold; cavity
目 录
引言 ........................................................... 1 1 塑件(斜齿轮)的分析 ........................................ 3
1.1 塑件(ABS)的三维模型 ................................................. 3 1.2 塑料的基础知识与应用 .................................................. 4 1.3 ABS塑料 .............................................................. 4 1.3.1塑料ABS的基本概念 .................................................. 4 1.3.2塑料ABS的特性 ...................................................... 5 1.3.3塑料ABS的成型特性及成型条件 ........................................ 6 1.3.4塑料ABS的成型条件 .................................................. 6 1.4 塑件结构工艺性要求的了解及分析 ........................................ 7 1.5 脱模斜度[1] ........................................................... 7 1.6 塑件的壁厚[1] ......................................................... 7 1.7 圆角 .................................................................. 8
2 注射机的选择 ................................................ 9 3 型腔数目的决定 ............................................. 10 4 成型零件设计 ............................... 错误!未定义书签。
4.1 确定型腔壁厚 ......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 4.2 动模板厚度的计算 ..................................... 错误!未定义书签。 4.3 分型面的确定[1] ...................................... 错误!未定义书签。 4.4 排气系统的设计 ....................................... 错误!未定义书签。 4.5 成型零件的结构设计 ................................... 错误!未定义书签。 4.5.1成型凹模的结构设计 ................................. 错误!未定义书签。 4.5.2成型凸模的结构设计 ................................. 错误!未定义书签。 4.5.3型腔尺寸计算 ....................................... 错误!未定义书签。
5 浇注系统设计 ............................... 错误!未定义书签。
5.1 主浇道(浇口套)的设计 ............................... 错误!未定义书签。 5.2 浇口的设计[1] ........................................................ 20 5.3 定位圈的选择 ......................................................... 20
6 模具温度调节系统的设计 ..................................... 21
6.1 模具温度调节对塑件质量的影响 ......................................... 21 6.2 加热系统的设计 ....................................................... 21 6.3 冷却系统设计 ......................................................... 13
7 脱模机构的设计 ............................................. 13
7.2 内螺纹抽芯脱模机构的设计 ............................................. 14 7.2.1螺纹型芯的设计 ..................................................... 15 7.2.2传动齿条的设计 ..................................................... 16
7.1 推管脱模机构设计 ..................................................... 13
8 复位机构的设计和选择 ....................................... 18
8.1 弹簧的选用[4] ........................................................ 18 8.2 弹簧的分布形式 ....................................................... 19
9 合模导向机构的设计 ......................................... 20
9.1 导向机构的功用 ....................................................... 20 9.2 导向机构的选用[5] .................................................... 20
10 型芯与侧型芯脱模力的计算 .................................. 21
10.1 型芯脱模力的计算 .................................................... 21 10.2 侧抽芯力计算 ........................................................ 21
11 模具的闭模高度和开模行程验算 .............................. 30 12 模具其它零件的设计 ........................................ 31 13 标准件的选择[5] ........................................... 32 14 模具的总装图以及运动顺序、及其特点 ........................ 33 15 模具的安装、调试 .......................................... 34 16 工艺卡片 .................................................. 27
16.1 塑件成型工艺卡 ...................................................... 27 16.2 机械加工工艺卡 ...................................................... 28 16.2.1浇口套定位圈机械加工工艺卡 ........................................ 28 16.2.2定模板机械加工工艺卡 .............................................. 29 16.2.3垫块机械加工工艺卡 ................................................ 38
结论 .......................................................... 39 谢辞 .......................................................... 40 参考文献 ...................................................... 41