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同学们,快到彼岸了,加油。先预祝大家取得佳绩!以下是老师关于高考备考的提醒与总结,希望给你的最后备考锦上添花。英语考试是最后一科,中午要注意休息好,养足精神,可以适当看下英文文章,进入英语状态。 下午3:00到5:00考试,试题包括改错(10分),阅读(30分),7选5(10分),完型(30分),语法填空(15分),作文(25分),卷面分120分。卷面分*1.125+听说成绩=你的成绩 。 那么,请同学们思考下考试过程中如何分配好做题时间,取得最佳效果!遇到难点,深呼吸,淡定!切忌单独一道小题占用过多时间,不然得不偿失。例如一道改错1分,一道阅读是2分,不能因小失大!!!以下是各题型的TIPS:

(一) About Writing:(关注德智体美劳话题,Chinese culture and developement ) 作文模板:

Part 1 首先: 先审题, 看Li Hua,是否需要自我介绍 1. 如果是熟人,朋友同学,不用自我介绍。

2. 如果李华是学生会主席 : I’m Li Hua, the president of the Students’ Union. A) 写给外教: I am Li Hua, a Chinese student of yours. B) 写给学校: I am Li Hua, a high middle school student .

C) 交换生 :I’m Li Hua, an exchange student from China during this summer vacation.

D) 写给博物馆等: I’m Li Hua, a Senior Three student


Knowing that you+事情 ......, I am more than happy to ( I am willing to ... )... Or Delighted to know ...... , I am willing to .... (很高兴知道... ...,我乐意......) Body:

第二段:基本框架 Topic sentence. First( first of all... ) ... In addition (Besides, Additionally, more importantly...) Last but not least, (In a word, In conclusion...) 举例子: for example, for instance, like(像), take...as an example ,such as, 解释: in other words(换句话说) , that is, to put it another way, 列举:一方面。。。另一方面。。。 For one thing... For another... 表对比;“优点&缺点”的两方面:On one hand,... On the other hand... 表达好处的连词 : not only ... but also ... In the end: 第三段结尾 :

邀请信结尾:We'd appreciate hearing from your reply before April 15th.(表达希望对方回复). Or If you could get back to me with your decision by the end of the week it would be greatly appreciated.

Or Looking forward to your early reply.

回复信结尾: If you have any other problems, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Or I hope this information is useful for your presentation. If you have further questions, feel free to ask.

申请信结尾: I’d appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.(考虑我的申请)

感谢信结尾:Although I may not see you again, I will always remember you as someone who had a profound effect on my life. Thanks again for being a fantastic teacher to us and I wish you a great success in your career.

Or No words are strong enough to convey how grateful I am.Thanks again and wish you a all the best.

建议信结尾:I hope my recommendation(advice) will be of some help to you. Please let me know if you have any further questions. TIPS:要考虑到交际性:


1.Good luck in the upcoming contest! Looking forward to the news of your victory. 2.Wish your campaign a success.

3.I sincerely hope my recommendation can be helpful and wish you a wonderful performance. (预祝好的表现) B 鼓励性的话语:

I believe ( am convinced) that you will make great progress sooner or later. (取得进步) C. 表达信心

I’m sure novel coronavirus will be under control and we are looking forward to going to school soon. (处于可控中)

I believe you will learn Chinese better and I hope you will come to China for a visit this summer vacation. Part 2 语言点提醒:

1. 定语从句:补充说明观点要点等(which, who, when, where的句子) China is an ancient country where there are many cultural heritages. (文化遗产) 2. 同位语从句:(解释说明) There is no doubt that ... (毫无疑问......)

People play the joke that they don’t need to worry about the lack of cash. 3. 强调句型 :(强调某人的性格,精神或是某事件等) It is ... that... It is his attitude that leads to the success. 4. 倒装句: Only in this way, can we succeed.

Not only had he helped lots of people, but he also kept it a secret.

Tired as he was, he worked hard to help his patients. (虽然他很累了,他还是辛勤工作帮助病人)

5. It is+ adj+ to do sth. 句式

It is kind of you to work hard to fight the disease.

6. It is said/ reported that + 句子 据说/据报道。。。

7. It is high time to take measures to protect the environment.采取措施做某事。。。 8. With +宾语+ 非谓语动词 随着。。。

With the exam coming soon, we are busy studying. (随着考试将到来) With the development of the science and technology (随着科技的发展) With the help of sb. 在某人帮助下 。。。 9. To do 表目的(写Topic Sentence可用)

To help you understand about sth, I would like to introduce... 为了帮助你了解。。。 , 我想要介绍。。。

To make the activity more interesting, I am about to do sth. 为了让活动更有趣,我将会。。。 Part 3.内容提醒 如何拓展细节 :

1. 举例子:like... , such as..., for example

2. 往好处去拓展要点(利用定语从句等补充说明,not only... but also...) Plus: (敲黑板)

1. 审题很关键,分清楚文体,建议信还是回复信;李华需要简介否

2. 做好门面功夫,给改卷老师留下较好的First Impression!!! That is: Handwriting很重要,影响得分!就120+的单词,请贴线写,写清楚。字数也很关键。

3. 作文预留时间参考:25 分钟左右

二About Reading (俗话说:得阅读,得天下)

时间分配:30分钟左右,4篇阅读(A篇应用文 看首段和各标题 B篇记叙文,事情背景-起因-经过-高潮(冲突事件)-结果(皆大欢喜) C说明文:有图片的话,要利用好图片帮助理解文章(时间顺序,空间顺序,新旧研究对比,得出某个发现或结果)D 议论文 (论点,论据,找准主题句)

题目一般分为细节题,推断题(infer),词义解释题,主旨题。15道题目主要以细节和推断为主。 阅读的答案都写在文中

Skills: 首先;先快速通读全文 (有时候文章不易读透,但是问题简单,淡定) 其次;审题,根据题干,回到文章定位,对比选项,同义转换。 可利用排除法排除错误选项,涉及细节题;或是选出一个100%正确的。



