lecture 1 First law I
First Law for a closed system First Law for an open system
Heat Capacity at Constant Volume &Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure lecture 2 First law II
Joule-Thomson Coefficient
Equations of State (for an ideal gas) For an ideal gas: Non-ideal Gases
Compressibility factor Z: Corresponding states: Adiabatic Compression or Expansion Enthalpy Change in Chemical Reactions lecture 3 second law I
For a close system the reversible heat flow divided by the absolute temperature of the system is a state or point function.
lost work so
Carnot cycle
Heat Engines: Refrigerators: Entropy Changes
at constant pressure: Entropy change in chemical reactions and the third law lecture 5-6 property relation Chemical Potentials
理想气体的U和H: 理想气体的U和H只是温度的函数 Entropy of Mixing 判断过程的方向 热容与压力的关系
等熵下温度与压力的关系 气体的液化 节流制冷
绝热膨胀 热弹性效应 压缩系数 磁场效应: 去磁制冷 磁致伸缩 lecture 7 equilibrium Condition of equilibrium Phase equilibrium
Special case: closed system, constant volume
At equilibrium
First order transitions:
variation of equilibrium pressure with temperature
Variation of vapor pressure of a condensed phase with total applied pressure Variation of vapor pressure with particle size Second-order transition