英 语
本试卷10页, 满分120分。考试用时120分钟
1. 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名、班级、考场、座位号填写在答题卡相应位置。用2B铅笔在“准考证号”处填涂信息点。因笔试不考听力,第I卷从第二部分的“阅读理解”开始,试题序号从“21”开始。
2. 作答第I卷时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔在答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息 点涂黑;如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试卷上。 3. 第II卷必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位罝上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案:不准使用铅笔和涂改液。 不按以上要求作答无效。 4. 考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)
One Day I was Thinking About… Alice Hartley www.authorhouse.com Paperback | E-book $19.95 | $3.99 This book shares poems inspired by events and family members who came to visit but never stayed. Brief encounters have brief poems. Others are about love and hate. Let them bring a smile to your face!
Smiling Again Expressions Through Poetry James E. Tincher www.xlibris.com Hardback| Secondhand Copy $29.99 | $19.99 Smiling Again shares the poetry collection of James E. Tincher, a man who suffered from depression, anxiety and how he was able to cope up with it by expressing himself through writing poetry. 1
Mom’s Poetry Kathleen Dunleavy www.xlibris.com Hardback | Paperback | E-book Rhyme Rhythm Reason More Than Some of the Sum of My Poems Paul Drakeford www.xlibris.com Hardback | Paperback | E-book $27.59 | $13.79 | $4.99 Here we have a few giggles and chuckles for those who remember the three Rs. Have fun reading Paul Drakeford’s Rhyme Rhythm Reason, a playful poetry collection—amusing and sometimes inspiring! $24.99 | $15.99 |$3.99 This inspiring book written by Kathleen Dunleavy brings together twenty years of poems reflecting on the path of her life. Included also are several Thanksgiving prayer-poems, poems on family happy moments and sad occasions. 21. What do the four books have in common?
A. They share the same topic. B. They share the same website. C. They all have digital editions. D. They are literature of the same type.
22. Which book is about the author’s personal experiences in times of difficulties?
A. One Day I was Thinking About? B. Rhyme Rhythm Reason. C. Smiling Again. D. Mom’s Poetry.
23. Which author got inspirations from occasions of family gatherings for the book?
A. Alice Hartley. B. James E. Tincher. C. Kathleen Dunleavy. D. Paul Drakeford.
Your mobile phone vibrates in your pocket. ‘Need to see you,’ reads the screen. Nothing new, considering that texting is currently the most common form of long-distance communication. But how were messages conveyed in the past? One of the first methods was the smoke signal. This practice was used by Chinese soldiers guarding the Great Wall to warn of the enemy’s approach. The Greeks invented a whole alphabet of smoke signals for sending messages. But it was
Native Americans who made the system mobile by carrying small bunches of dried grasses around with them. These could be lit quickly from any place at any time. Moving on to messages transmitted by sound, an early technique was the drum. Drums are still used today in the rainforests of Africa, Papua New Guinea and Central and South America for broadcasting news. The instrument is made from a piece of wood, which is empty inside, and this is hit with a stick. On receiving the message, each village passes it on to the next, which means that news can travel at up to 150 km an hour.
In some parts of the world, humans are able to convey messages over long distances without using instruments. On La Gomera, one of the Canary Islands,
people use Silbo, or the ‘whistling language’ to communicate across the valleys. The language involves the use of the tongue, lips and hands to make sounds, which can travel up to 5 km. To ensure its continuation, Silbo is currently a compulsory subject in primary and secondary schools on the island.
A look at long-distance communication would not be complete without
mentioning the art of yodelling. This is a form of singing, in which the voice changes sound levels very quickly, making it easily heard over long distances. It is believed that the technique was developed in the Swiss Alps, but it is also found in other places such as Central Africa. At one time, yodelling was popular in theatres and music halls, but this is no longer so.
24. What was most remarkable about the Greeks’ system of smoke signals?
A. It could communicate words. B. It could be used instantly. C. It could mislead the enemy.
D. It could stop wars from breaking out.
25. What is the advantage of communicating by drums?
A. The length of the message.
B. The simplicity of the instrument. C. The speed of the transmission. D. The volume of the sound.
26. What would be an accurate definition of ‘yodelling’?
A. Moving frequently between high and low notes. B. Singing a recognizable tune in harmony. C. Using music with a really strong beat. D. Shouting in a loud voice.
27. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A. Is That Strange? B. Get the Message? C. The Old Technology
D. The History of Information
My first introduction to Chinese art was an early morning walk in Beihai Park in Beijing. There, I saw elderly people writing on the pavement with paintbrushes which were a metre long! I soon learned that they were doing water calligraphy ? writing in water. The words have meanings, but they are also art. The calligraphy quickly disappears, of course. But tomorrow, the old people will be back.
Temporary art like this is very popular in China. Every winter, Harbin, in northern China, is visited by sculptors and tourists from around the world. They come for the Harbin Ice Festival, when the city has huge sculptures made out of ice. The sculptures are bigger than houses, and they take weeks to make. Harbin’s
freezing winter temperatures make it very difficult for the artists to work outside. But the weather also means that the sculptures will be protected until the spring.
Of course, not all Chinese art is temporary ? some of it has been around for a very long time! Near the city of Xi’an, I visited the amazing terracotta warriors, or soldiers. In 200 BC, 8,000 statues of soldiers were made by sculptors out of a
material called terracotta. They are as big as real people and they all have different faces. An important king had the statues produced to protect his body after he died. They stayed under the ground with the dead king for over 2,000 years, until they were discovered by a farmer in 1974.
At the China Art Museum, in Shanghai, I saw wonderful 16th-century Chinese paintings of tall mountains, trees and cliffs. The paintings were beautiful, but they didn’t look very realistic to me at the time. ‘Mountains aren’t like that,’ I thought. But that was before the last stop on my trip: the mountains of Zhangjiajie National Park.
These mountains were used by film director James Cameron in his sci-fi film Avatar because they look like something from another planet. On my last weekend in China, I took a cable car up into the mountains there. Trees grew on the sides of hundred-metre cliffs, and strange towers of rock appeared out of the morning fog. It looked just like the pictures in the China Art Museum. For a moment, I felt like I was inside a Chinese painting!
28. According to the passage, what is true about the people in Beihai Park?
A. They introduced themselves to the writer. B. Some of them were writing graffiti (涂鸦).
C. Their art didn’t last very long. D. They use paint and big brushes.
29. What does the author say about the ice festival in Harbin?
A. The sculptures don’t last long. B. It’s only popular with local people. C. It’s easy to make sculptures out of ice.
D. The winter weather both helps and causes problems.
30. What is true about the terracotta soldiers of Xi’an according to the passage?
A. They all look exactly the same. B. Nobody saw them for a long time. C. Many people died making them. D. They are bigger than real people.
31. Which statement describes the author’s feelings about Chinese art?
A. She particularly liked Chinese paintings made long time ago. B. She was impressed by different types of Chinese art. C. She did not think it was very realistic. D. She was surprised that it was so old.
Daily physical activity is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. For this reason, many architects and designers are working to create buildings that encourage people to make exercise a part of their ordinary routine. The movement to promote healthy activity through architecture is called active design. It began in 1998 as part of a university public health program, and it has since gained popularity in cities around the world. Active design uses a number of techniques to encourage the occupants of a building to be more active.
One of the most important strategies of active design is inspiring people to make walking part of their routine. A particularly successful tool for promoting walking is the skip-stop elevator. These elevators stop only on every second or third floor,
leaving riders to take the stairs in order to reach their destination. Another strategy of active design is to make stairs more pleasant and inviting. Instead of creating dark stairwells that are located in isolated parts of buildings, active design uses well-lit and centrally placed stairs to encourage more foot traffic. Skip-stop elevators and appealing stair design are both effective tools of active design because they offer incentive and opportunity for exercise. In fact, researchers studying a building that employs both skip-stop elevators and more attractive stair design said that 70 percent of building occupants reported using the stairs every day.
Active design encourages physical activity using not only the interior features of a building, but the relationship between a building and its surroundings as well. A building that employs active design may integrate outdoor space in order to make the environment more engaging and promote physical activity. Some elements that architects use to incorporate the exterior with the interior are glass walls, interior gardens or park spaces, and courtyards with open ceilings, all of which de-emphasize the boundaries between inside and outside. These elements make the building more physically and mentally invigorating. Similarly, by increasing the number of
entrances and exits to a building, architects can help keep a building’s users interested in their surroundings by providing a variety of routes for them to use. If people
continue to be stimulated by new sights or experiences, they are less likely to choose