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2021春冀教版七年级英语下册 Unit 2 点拨训练背记手册

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UNIT 2 It's Show Time! Lesson 7 What's Your Project about?


1. ____________ n. 课题;计划 3. ____________ adv. 还,仍旧 adj. 不动的;静止的 4. ____________ adv. 任何地方;无论何处 单词变形

1. interest—____________( adj. 修饰物)—____________( adj. 修饰人) 2. sleep—____________(过去式)—____________(过去分词) 核心短语

1. _______________名胜古迹 3. _____________开玩笑;讲笑话

5. ____________努力完善或完成;从事于…… 重点句型

1. 他们在谈论那个著名的足球运动员。

They____________ ____________ ____________ the famous football player. 2. 在一整天的辛勤工作后,李老师感觉很累。

After____________ ____________ ____________ of hard work, Mr. Li felt very tired. 3. 上周我去北京了。我参观了很多名胜古迹。

I went to Beijing last week. I____________ many ____________ ____________ ____________.

4. ——你们准备好上英语课了吗? ——是的,我们准备好了。

—____________ you ____________ ____________ the English class? —Yes, we are.

5. 我叔叔是一位好老师。他从事英语教学工作。

My uncle is a good teacher. He____________ ____________ English teaching. 6. ——你去过任何有趣的地方吗?

——是的。我上个月去上海迪士尼乐园了。 —Did you go ____________ ____________?


2. ____________ n. 兴趣

5. ____________ n. & v. (开)玩笑

2. ______________谈论

4. _______________为……做好准备


—Yes. I ____________ to Shanghai Disneyland last month.

Lesson 7 What's Your Project about?


1. project 2. interest 3. still 4. anywhere 5. joke 单词变形:

1. interesting interested 2. slept slept 核心短语:

1. places of interest 2. talk about

3. make a joke 4. be ready for 5. work on 重点句型:

1. are talking about

2. a full day 3. visited places of interest 4. Are ready for 5. works on 6. anywhere interesting went

Lesson 8 Marco Polo and the Silk Road


1. Italy____________ 3. goods n. ____________ 5. ____________ n. 亚洲 7. ____________ n. 国王 9. ____________ v. 发现;了解 11. ____________ adj. 别的;其他的 单词变形

1. Italy—____________( adj. & n. ) 3. Asia—____________( adj. & n. )

2. Europe—____________( adj. & n. ) 4. discover—____________(n. ) 2. ____________ n. 年龄 4. ____________ n. 欧洲 6. ____________ n. 旅行;旅程 8. ____________ n. 煤

10. ____________ v. 发明;创造

5. invent—____________(n. 发明)—____________(n. 发明者) 核心短语



1. _______________带回来 3. __________________在……岁时 5. ____________在……和……之间 重点句型

1. 在12岁时,刘梅去了上海。

2. ____________________ 许多的 4. ________________对……陌生

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 12, Liu Mei went to Shanghai. 2. 我们学校在银行和超市之间。

Our school is____________ the bank ____________ the supermarket. 3. 这些学生来自意大利。他们是意大利人。

The students come from____________. They are ____________. 4. 汤姆昨天刚来这里。他对这座城市很陌生。

Tom came here yesterday. He____________ ____________ ____________ this city. 5. ——你还喜欢什么别的动物? ——我还喜欢狗。

—What ____________ ____________ do you like? —I like dogs, too.

Lesson 8 Marco Polo and the Silk Road


1. 意大利 2. age 3. 商品;物品

4. Europe 5. Asia 6. journey 7. king 8. coal 9. discover 10. invent 11. other 单词变形:

1. Italian 2. European 3. Asian 4. discovery 5. invention inventor 核心短语:

1. bring back 2. a lot of 3. at the age of… 4. be new to 5. between…and… 重点句型:

1. At the age of


2021春冀教版七年级英语下册 Unit 2 点拨训练背记手册


