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3. How did classic sociologists understand urbanism 城市性?
a. Urbanism is a fimction of population density^ 人 l-J 密 度),size and heterogeneity^
b. Secondary relationships replace primary contacts? c. People are not generally known to others as individuals. d. Warm emotionalism is replaced by cold rationalism.
c. People arc not judged as individuals but in relation to how well they perform their roles.
2. Physical and social structure of city sfatd and its historical significance to the development of human society.
a. It is an independent political unit consisting of a city and surrounding countryside? b. The city-state had great influence on the following politics because its tradition of
democracy[di'mokrosi]? Citizens had the right to vote. But the citizenship was limited to those born of citizens and limited by class distinction and religion.
7. Explain the meanings and relation of the two concepts, \” and %urban nation\
2. The seven ecological processes offered by McKenzie. (1 Concentration: The tendency for an increased number of people or institutions to locate within a given area. Its degree is measured by density.
(2) Dispersion: The tendency for the number of people or institutions in an area to decline and is measured by density.
(3) Centralization: The tendency for certain land-use functions to come together at an important point in a city to satisfy common needs?
(4) Decentralization: The tendency of people or function to move away from a point of pivot (5) Segregation(隔离):Within an ecological distribution, there is competition for resources and advantageous location. One consequenee of conflict over location is the tendency for groups and institutions to gather in certain areas? The \and function into separate homogeneous],homo'djimios] areas is regarded as segregation.
(6) Tnvasion: Assume that there is a section of a city occupied by a particular group? A second group
begins to move into the territory and displaces some of the residents? The process of movement of one group into territory occupied by another is known as invasion.
(7) Succession: If the second group displaces the first and take over the area, succession is said to have occurred?
3、What kind of trends of urban growth are described and explained by Burgess's Concentric Zone Hypothesis? (1) Tendency to push ouhvard from the city centre when the city grows.
(2) there is a tendency for the size of the parcels of land to increase and density of occupancy to decrease as distance from centre city increase?
(3) the movement from CBD to Zone 5 involves certain time/cost tradeoffs.the economic value of the land,which is far from the city centrejs reduced?
4> What do the three major classic ecological models want to tell us? 一:维基百科版答案 The multiple nuclei model is an ecological model put forth by Chauncy Harris and Edward Ullman in the 1945 article ”The Nature of Cities.11 The model describes the layout of a city. It notes that while a city may have started with a central business district, similar industries with common land-use and financial requirements arc established near each other. These groupings influence their immediate neighborhood? Hotels and restaurants spring up around airports, for example. The number and kinds of nuclei mark a city's growth?
The theory was formed based on the idea that people have greater movement due to increased car ownership. This increase of movement allows for the specialization of regional centers (eg. heavy industry, Business Park). There is no clear CBD (Central Business District) in this type of model. Concentric zone model
Based on human ecology theories done by Burgess and applied on Chicago, it was the first to give the explanation of distribution of social groups within urban areas. This concentric ring model depicts urban land use in concentric rings: the Central Business District (or CBD) was in the middle of the model, and the city expanded in rings with different land uses- It is effectively an urban version of Vbn Thuncn's regional land use model developed a century earlier.[2] It contrasts with Homer Hoyfs sector model and the multiple nuclei model. The zones identified are: 1. The center was the CBD
2. Thc transition zone of mixed residential and commercial uses
3. Low-class residential homes (inner suburbs), in later decades called inner city 4. Better quality middle-class homes (Outer Suburbs) 5. Commuters zone
The sector model, also known as the Hoyt model, is a model of urban land use proposed in 1939 by economist Homer Hoyt.[l] It is a modification of the concentric zone model of city development. The benefits of the application of this model include the fact it allows for an outward progression of growth. As with all simple models of complex phenomena its validity is limited.
%1 Burgess's 'Concentric Zone Theory'
五个同心圆模式 First concentric rin^ = Large office bldgs.(建筑).、retail establishments (零 售
公司),and governmental bldgs.(政府建筑)
Second ring = zone of transition,(过渡区)low socio-economic sector (低社会经济区域),light manufacturing.(轻T业制造)
Third ring = workers who work in zone two.
Fourth ring = high end apartments(高档公寓),single family homes, entertainment, commercial establishments.
Fifth ring = Commuters zone, suburbs, semimral areas 30-60 minutes commute to CBD. %1 Hoyt's \The Sector Theory
? Primarily concerned residential neighborhoods? Residential neighborhoods viewed as wedge-shaped sectors surrounding CBD. Principles of the Sector Theory
? Group in social order tend to segregated into areas according to socio-ccon. ? The highest in come groups live in houses that command highest prices ? ? The lower socio economic groups live in houses that demand lower prices?
? Generally lower socio economic areas are located near business, and industrial areas?
? The principle growth of American Cities has taken place by new building at the periphery rather than by rebuilding of older areas?
? Some cities beginning to resemble a hollow shell.
? Demand sometimes by-passes areas thus limiting development. %1 Harris and Ullman's \Multiple nuelei model ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Harris and Ullman 1940's A modification of the sector theory Various districts, and areas around a nuclei Certain activities require specialized facilities?
Certain like activities group together because they profit from cohesion Certain unlike activities arc detrimental to each other.
Certain activities are unable to afford the high rents of the most desirable sites
3. Explain the framework of Duncanfs ecosystem or ecological complex. (What is Ecological Complex)
What is Ecological Complex?
Population, Organization, Environment, Technology can be used to identify clusters of
relationships in ecosystem processes.
ecosystem: the interacting environmental and biotic system exchange between the living and non-living, human communities and their habitats.
Ecosystem: is not just a metaphor for human organization. It is human organization. 4. Major ideas of social-cultural ecology. The social-culture ecologists emphasize the role of culture in determining human behavior. Culture, in this perspective, is learned behavior that may or may not be associated with judicious economic use of