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大学英语泛读教程4(第三版)期中期末试卷Reading Master 1_Final Exam A

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Reading Master 1 – Final Exam A

A. Vocabulary

1. I saw a brilliant comedian on TV last night who could ______ dozens of celebrities. a. impersonate b. barricade c. intend d. claim 2. The diamond thief used a(n) ______ identification to gain access to the jewellery store. a. abducted b. phony c. off duty d. bizarre 3. Only a true ______ could convince people to invest their money in a fake company. a. abductor b. hostage c. con man d. burglar 4. Alex is a strong ______ of electric motorcycles since they are environmentally friendly. a. platform b. pilot c. con man d. proponent 5. Amy is just as tall as Gloria; they are twins after all. What does just mean in this statement? a. more b. only c. at the same time d. equal 6. The highest ______ ever recorded by a helicopter was more than 12,400 meters. a. captain b. altitude c. steering d. wings 7. I had a terrible time on my cruise because I was ______ the whole time. a. seasick b. fascinated c. gassed d. widespread

8. The shopping mall ______ its grand opening by giving the first 500 customers a free breakfast.

a. shifted

b. promoted

c. joined

d. accepted

9. Sir Shackleton was a successful British polar explorer who led three ______ to the Antarctic in the early part of the 20th century. a. expeditions b. germs c. geologists d. champions 10. ______ is a type of mathematics that substitutes letters for numbers. a. Philosophy b. Religion c. Altitude d. Algebra 11. I visited a(n) ______ on my trip to Texas and got to milk a cow and feed chickens. a. proponent b. ranch c. platter d. mountain 12. Most people believe the largest human ______ is the liver, but it is actually the skin. a. organ b. protein c. platter d. ranch 13. The ______ I ordered at the Mexican restaurant included rice, salad and beans. a. haggis b. organ c. hostage d. platter

14. Driving through the American Midwest, I could see hundreds of ______ eating grass from the farmland. a. ranches b. burglars c. cattle d. mountains


Reading Master 1 – Final Exam A

15. The Cross River gorilla of central Africa may soon become ______ as there are only 300

remaining. a. hominids

b. cryptids

c. imaginary

d. extinct

16. It was my father’s habit to ______ at the newspaper headlines over coffee before driving off to work every morning. a. shift b. promote c. roast d. glimpse 17. Many people reported seeing strange lights, but when the government investigated they revealed that it had all been a(n) ______. a. skeptic b. hoax c. imagination d. reptile 18. The magician ______ all the children’s attention when he pulled a puppy out of his hat. a. imagined b. reported c. retreated d. captured 19. Anna is a(n) ______ shopper and only buys things when they are on sale. a. athletic b. trendy c. frugal d. organic 20. The most common ______ used by teenagers nowadays is likely their smartphone. a. cash b. gadget c. survey d. source

B. Grammar

21. We were ______ our dishes when suddenly we felt the building begin to shake. a. put away b. puts away c. putting away d. put 22. To add more flavor to your salad, you may ______ some cilantro and sprinkle it on top. a. chops b. chop up c. chopped up d. chopping up 23. Dad enjoys ______ a beer or two on Sunday afternoon while he watches sports. a. to knock back b. knocks back c. knocked back d. knocking back 24. I ______ on my birthday last year because my mother took me to my favorite restaurant. a. eat out b. eating out c. ate out d. eats out 25. The customer at the front was ______ the line because she began to argue with the bank teller. a. hold up b. holding up c. held up d. holds up 26. I drove to work today because I ______ pick someone up at the airport later today. a. am going to b. will c. going d. go to 27. In order to ______ her plan to travel abroad next year, Lisa needed to convince her parents that she would be safe. a. carry b. carrying out c. carry out d. carried out


Reading Master 1 – Final Exam A

28. The first men to travel to the moon ______ on the Apollo 11 mission in July, 1969.

a. blasts off

b. blasting off

c. blasted off

d. blast

29. Ariel had a lot of trouble ______ how to complete the 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle. a. figure out b. figures out c. figured out d. figuring out 30. A good citizen will help ______ a lost wallet ______ to the police. a. lock / up b. turn / in c. tip / off

d. rip / off

31. During my college days living in the dormitory, my roommate ______ always play jokes on

others in the middle of the night. a. would b. use to c. will d. is 32. The old Las Vegas hotel was ______ in order to make room for a more fancy resort. a. to blow up b. blowing up c. blows up d. blown up 33. The bank robbers ______ with more than ten million dollars and haven’t been caught yet. a. make off b. made off c. making off d. to make off 34. I had to ______ away with some of my old clothes so that I could make some space for my new roommate. a. do b. does c. doing d. done 35. Doctors ______ the cause of the disease to a virus which came from farm animals. a. pins down b. pin down c. pinned down d. pinning down 36. Patrick told Spongebob he would ______ with a cool theme for the spring dance. a. comes up b. come up c. came up d. coming up 37. Some people find it difficult ______ to a diet so it’s better to just eat healthy food such as fruit and vegetables. a. sticks b. stuck c. to sticks d. to stick 38. Although not poor, Brad and Angel were having a hard time ______ on only one salary.

a. get by

b. getting by

c. to get by

d. gets by

39. Katie only borrowed a small amount of money from her friend to help ______ her ______ until payday. a. tide / over b. to tide / over c. tided / over d. tiding / over 40. If Thomas ______ a little more studious he ______ have no trouble getting into a university of his choice. a. was / will b. am / would c. were / will d. were / would


Reading Master 1 – Final Exam A

C. Reading Comprehension


World’s Greatest Hijacker: D.B. Cooper The media called the man “D.B. Cooper” since he had checked in to the airline as Dan Cooper. However, his true identity remains a mystery to this day. The quick story of D.B. Cooper is that after hijacking a Boeing 747, he was given $200,000 in exchange for hostages, and then jumped out of the plane with bags full of money. This hijacking took place in 1971, but police still haven’t found Cooper. More than forty years year later very little is known about D.B. Cooper. Investigators know that he boarded a flight in Portland, ordered a drink, lit a cigarette, and handed a note to the flight attendant asking her to announce a hijacking. Cooper was described as being calm and polite by the crew and other passengers. The aircraft stopped for fuel in Seattle where D.B. exchanged 36 hostages for $200,000 and 4 parachutes. Authorities allowed the aircraft to depart. According to witnesses he really knew his aviation. He gave the crew very specific instructions about air speed, angle of the wings, etc. The last thing the crew noticed was Cooper tying something to his waist. Then he was gone. While still in mid-flight, he leapt out the back of the plane’s open rear somewhere over Washington State never to be heard from again. It remains the only unsolved hijacking is U.S. history. The case still is officially open and over 1,000 suspects have been considered. The only physical evidence ever recovered was just under $6,000 in cash, some instructions on how to lower the plane’s back stairs, and a clip-on tie left aboard the aircraft. 41. Who is D.B. Cooper? a. an airline pilot c. an airline hostage

b. a flight attendant d. a hijacker

42. What made D.B. Cooper so famous? a. He smoked on a flight. c. He flew a Boeing 747.

b. He drank on an airplane. d. He jumped off an airplane.

43. Which of these statements is the most accurate about what witnesses think of D.B. Cooper? a. They seemed very frightened of him.

b. They believed he drank too much and was rude. c. They seemed to admire him. d. They thought he was so handsome.

44. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word leapt?

a. fled

b. walked


c. escaped d. tied

Reading Master 1 – Final Exam A 45. What is D.B. Cooper doing now? a. flying airplanes c. investigating thefts (B)

b. no one knows

d. living in Washington State

Strange but Delicious! You can travel worldwide in search of ketchup potato chips, but you’ll only end up upset and empty handed – unless you come into Canada. That is right! This northern country is one of the few places where ketchup flavoured potato chips are plentiful and popular. The salty and tomato-y flavor is so yummy and mouth-watering that non-Canadians are clearly missing out on this delicious snack. This is a very Canadian treat and one can only guess that the reason it isn’t sold in other countries, like the U.S., is because the average potato chip eater has yet to discover this taste sensation. Now, you might be thinking something like, “Why can’t I just take a ketchup bottle and a bag of regular chips, mix them together, and make my own ketchup chips?” The quick answer is that you can, but it really isn’t the same thing. Ketchup chips made by snack-food companies have a ketchupy flavor that doesn’t exactly have the same taste of ketchup from a bottle. Manufactured ketchup potato chips are so tasty and addicting that you just can’t eat one or two. Another reason not to make your own ketchup chips is to avoid excessive mess. If you pour a bottle of ketchup over regular potato chips, you end up with a soggy mess of chips covered in ketchup that might be better to eat with a spoon rather than your fingers. Manufactured ketchup chips are easy to grab by any casual snacker and can be picked up between the fingers and the thumb with only a minor mess. Try some the next time you visit Canada and you won’t be disappointed! 46. Where are ketchup chips found exclusively? a. the U.S. c. Canada

b. all over North America

d. No information is given.

47. According to the article, why is this snack not found everywhere? a. It is too expensive. b. It is difficult to make. c. It is disliked by many people. d. It hasn’t been tried by many people. 48. What is the article referring to when it mention ketchupy flavor? a. The flavor is exactly like ketchup. b. The flavor is somewhat like ketchup. c. The flavor is salty. d. The flavor is sweet. 49. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word excessive? a. extreme b. addicting c. average

d. soggy

50. According to the article, why should you not try to make your own ketchup chips? a. It will make a mess. b. It won’t taste as good. c. It will be difficult to pick up. d. All of the above.


大学英语泛读教程4(第三版)期中期末试卷Reading Master 1_Final Exam A


