Chapter 1
Sluggish economy 萧条的经济 Full employment 充分就业 Trade deficit 贸易赤字 in-depth analysis 深入的分析
Industrialized countries 工业化国家 free-trade agreement 自由贸易协定 international specialization国际专业化 product differentiation 产品差别
trade surplus 贸易盈余 determinative factor 决定性因素 三、汉翻英
经济双赢 economic win-win 关税壁垒 tariff barrier 收入不平等 wage inequality 劳动生产率 labor productivity 解雇工人 lay off works 生产要素 factor of production 双边协议bilateral deal 回归分析 regression analysis 市场准入 market access 世界经济复苏 world economic recovery 四. Translation
1. The monitoring system will finally substitute the US Government’s cap on cigar imports from Cuba.
2. The quarrel between Mexico and the US will be no avail and it may disrupt the lifting of the agricultural tariffs under
the North American Free Trade Agreement.
3. An economic cooperation business forum, which will discuss how to minimize the negative impact of global economic imbalance adjustment on China, will take place shortly before the ministerial conference.
4. Few Americans attribute this to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar or business cycle.
5. Recent research has shed light on the fact that there are heavy financial and political costs associated with the measures necessary to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. 6. There are rumors that the government struck a private deal with the corporation’s chairman last month.
7. The opposition is exerting pressure on the US government to change the policy towards textile imports.
8. Since the establishment of the bilateral free-trade agreement, the emerging economy has always been at the forefront of science and technology.
9. In general, floating exchange rates are supposed to insulate countries from persistent differences in inflation with their trading partners.
10. According to conservative estimates, by 2010, China’s import and export volume with North America and the EU would
surpass $400 billion respectively, with ten ASEAN countries exceeding $200 billion. 五、完形填空
二、consumer-goods 消费品 discount retailers折扣零售商 brand equity 品牌资产价值 advertising budget 广告预算 real-time sales data 实时销售数据 sales promotion促销 profit margin 盈利 scanner data扫描数据 三、 汉翻英
价格溢价 price premium 基线销售 base-line sales 减价 price reductions 广告支出 advertising spending 营销组合 marketing mix 销量溢价 quantity premium 产品数量(种类) product-line variety 美元分配 allocation of dollars 四. 翻译
1. The government has allocated $ to the development and utilization of renewable energy in the rural areas.
2. We should not develop the Western region at the expense of environment. Therefore the government has been following a sustainable development road attaching equal importance to
economic development and environment protection.
3. As a big responsible nation, China will strictly be abide by the WTO rules and honor its commitments.
4. The rapid growth in China’s grain production can be ascribed to the fact that the Chinese government has implemented a series of reform policy and measures in the rural areas, such as raising the prices of grain purchased by the state.
5. In the globalization era, not all countries play on the level playground. Some developing countries have to adhere to some marketing principles, or even accede to the requests of some governments.
6. Over the past year, the global investment demand was on the wane; the major world currencies suffered swift turbulence and some emerging markets underwent severe financial crisis. 7. Networks fundamentally alter the nature of competition and level the playing field, especially for smaller business regardless of the barriers like time and distance.
8. Through micro credit projects, with the credit available on demand, farmers are able to pay back both the principle and interest in time.
9. China’s vigorous economic development is indicative of the fact that China has become one of the countries that enjoy the
highest economic growth speed in the world.
10. With the reform of the wholly state-owned commercial banks, when some qualified commercial banks seek listing in the stock market, others certainly will follow suit. 五、完形填空
二. Privileged minority 享有特权的少数人 Gas station加油站 Marketing research 市场调查 Professional competence 专业技能
A sales point 卖点 Product design 产品设计
Potential consumer潜在顾客 Business disaster 商业灾难 三、汉翻英
日常生活 daily life 广告活动 advertising campaigns
物理特征 physical characteristic 视觉想象 visual imagination 国内媒体 national media 销售增长 sales increase 销售渠道 distribution system
产品到导向型的广告 product-orientated advertising 四. 翻译
1. Experts have attributed the main cause of the company’s poor