矿区交通位置图 mine traffic and location 煤层特征表 coal seam character
顶底板围岩性质表 surrounding rock character of roof and floor 综合柱状图 combined column chart 提升费 hoisting fee
方案比较图(图Ⅰ、图Ⅱ) scheme comparison chart (chart I, chart II) 直接定额费 directly norm fee 辅助费用 auxiliary expenses
两种开拓方案的技术分析 technical analysis of two development plan 井筒特征表 shaft character table 井筒断面及位置 shaft section and position 主井断面及特征 main shaft section and character 副井断面及特征 auxiliary shaft section and character 风井断面及特征 ventilating shaft section and character 运输大巷断面及特征 main haulage roadway section and character 回风大巷断面及特征 main return airway section and character 皮带大巷断面及特征 main belt roadway section and character 带区特征 belt area character 井底车场形式图 shaft bottom form chart 火药库巷道 powder magazine roadway 井底车场 Shaft station
火药库示意图 Powder magazine diagram
煤层的可采储量及工业储量表 coaled minable reserves and industrial
reserves table
带区变电所 belt area substation table 条带接续表 band spicing table
准备巷道工程量表 preparation roadway engineering quantity table 采煤机性能表(MXA—300/4.5) coal mining machine(MXA—300/4.5)
performance table
刮板输送机性能表(SGZ764/264) scraper conveyor(SGZ764/264)
performance table
液压支架性能表(ZY3500/25/47) hydraulic support(ZY3500/25/47)
performance chart
转载机技术特征表 conveyor technical features table 液压支架技术特征表 hydraulic support technical features table 工作面端部斜切进刀过程 face ends oblique cutting process 工作面布置 循环图表 工人出勤表 机电设备表 经济技术指标 工程排队表 两种通风方法的比较 JS137-10型异步电动机 32.5型钢丝 提升机技术参数表 罐笼技术参数表 材料消耗费 设备折旧费 吨煤动力消耗 全矿技术经济指标表 working face arrangement working cycle chart Worker attendance table
electromechanical equipment table economic and technical indexes project queueing table
two ventilation method comparison JS137-10 type asynchronous motor 32.5 type steel wire
hoister technical parameters table cage technical parameters table material consumption cost equipment depreciation cost
power consumption per tonne of raw coal whole mine technical and economic index table