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C. Hardly; than D. No sooner; than 67. It’s no use ______ me not to worry. A. you tell B. your telling C. for you to tell D. having told

68. It was essential that the application forms ______ back before the deadline. A. must be sent B. be sent C. would be sent D. were sent

69. ______ that they were trying to poison him, he refused to eat anything. A. To convince B. Convince C. Convinced D. Having convinced

70. I’d rather you ______ make any comment on the issue for the time being. A. don’t B. didn’t C. wouldn’t D. shouldn’t 71. They want the power station ______ as soon as possible. A. to be set up B. setting up C. being set up D. to have been set up

72. My watch has been losing time for the past week. It probably needs ______. A. cleaning B. to clean C. cleaned D. to be cleaning

73. ______ himself short of petrol, the motorist drew up at the nearest filling station. A. Found B. To find C. Finding D. To have found 74. Mr. John is a relative of ______. A. Smith’s father’s B. Smith’s father C. father’s of Smith D. Smith father’s 75. “Must I come at four O’clock?” “Oh, no, you ______ come at four. A. can’t B. may not C. needn’t D. mustn’t

76. Sports, ______ perhaps you don’t like very much, may make you strong. A. that B. it C. which D. what 77. We’ll visit Europe next summer vacation ______ we have enough money. A. lest B. until C. unless D. provided 78. ______ doesn’t matter ______ they will come. A. It, whether B. That, whether C. If it, who D. Whether, it 79. I have two brothers, both ______ are doctors. A. of which B. of them C. who D. of whom

80. You’ll fail in the driving test ______ you have more practice. A. if B. unless C. when D. after

81. Madame Curie ______ as the discoverer of the element radium. A. will always remember B. will always be remembered C. always remembered D. will always remember

82. People couldn’t help ______ the foolish emperor in the procession. A. laugh at B. to laugh at C. laughing at D. laughed at

83. Do you have any difficulty ______ the work in time? A. to finish B. finishing C. to be finished D. finished

84. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests ______ when he ______ at the party. A. left, had arrived B. left, arrived C. had left, had arrived D. had left, arrived

85. If there were no subjective mood, English ______ much easier. A. will be B. would have been C. could have been D. would be 86. Only when the plan failed ____ his mistakes.

A. did he realize B. does he realize C. he realized D. he realizes

87. In some countries people favor _________ together even though there is much more space.

A. to stay B. stay C. staying D. stayed 88. It was ________ the instruments were handled.

A. with great care B. with great care that C. greatly care D. carefully

89. Your shirt needs _________. You’d better have it done today.

A. iron B. to iron C. ironing D. being ironed

90. — We mustn’t lose heart, must we? All the teachers are encouraging us.


A. Yes, we must. B. Yes, we mustn’t. C. No, we must. D. No, we mustn’t.

91. It is difficult to get used _________ in a tent after having soft, comfortable bed to lie on.

A. sleep B. to sleeping C. slept D. to sleep

92. ___________ in this light, the matter is not as serious as people generally suppose.

A. To see B. Seen C. Seeing D. Being seen

93. The match was cancelled because most of the members _________ a match without a standard court.

A. objected to having B. were objected to have C. objected to have D. were objected to having

94. They always kept on good __________ with their next-door neighbors for the children’s sake.

A. friendship B. relations C. relatives D. terms

95. Our English teacher __________ our buying a good English-Chinese dictionary.

A. asked B. ordered C. suggested D. required

96. Having no children of their own, they decided to _____ an orphan. A. adapt B. adopt

C. adjust D. addict

97. In teaching it is highly ______ to know exactly what one is hoping to achieve. A. desirable B. pleasurable

C. anxious D. competitive

98. Who is most likely to ________ the old lady’s death? A. benefit B. interest

C. benefit from D. profit 99. They tried to _____ me ________ that step.

A. discourage… to take B. discourage …. from taking C. encourage … to take D. encourage… taking

100. __________ our records, the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library.

A. Due to B. Concerning

C. Regardless of D. According to

101. The price of the shares will _________ the number of people who want to buy them.

A. depend on B. turn on

C. put on D. take on

102. Jack and Bill are twins, but the former is taller than ________. A. later B. late

C. latest D. the latter 103. Eating too much sugar can _______ health problems. A. result from B. lead to

C. connect with D. attribute to 104. It was an exhibition _________ French paintings.

A. composing of B. composed

C. composed of D. made of

105. Children who live in the rural areas are very _______ to be poor. A. likely B. alike

C. like D. lively

106. If you ______ it, your playing will gradually get better. A. put up with B. keep on

C. stick with D. start with

107. Scientists will continue to_____ living things on the moon.

A. look for B. look after

C. look upon D. look at 108. It's dark in this room,_____ the light,please.

A. put off B. turn on C. turn off D. put up 109. The Second World War_____ in 1939.

A. broke in B. broke up C. broke out D. broke 110. Cheap coal____ a lot of smoke.

A. gives up B. gives in C. gives away D. gives off IV. Cloze Test Passage 1

The waters of the oceans of the earth are full to overflowing with all kinds of food. Under careful scientific management, the sea alone could supply enough food for 61 seven times the present world population. This is 62 enough to end starvation among men.

Nearly a third of the world’s population suffers from lack of protein. Millions live 63 hunger and die 64 malnutrition, while enough food for all abounds in the sea. If starvation is to be avoided among the underfed peoples of the world in the closing years of the 20th century, 65 steps must be taken now to improve their food supply. The food 66 of the seas must be handled scientifically and protected from pollution.

Oceanographers are working 67 these problems. Problems of pollution are 68 by both government officials and operators of individual plants. Steps are being taken to solve some of the more serious problems.

Feeding the hunger of the earth from the resources of the sea 69 protecting the waters 70 the waste products of a highly technological world is one of the most important challenges facing the world scientists today and tomorrow.

111. A. briefly B. closely C. roughly D. scarcely 112. A. all but B. so far C. far from D. more than 113. A. in B. on C. with D. from 114. A. in B. for C. with D. from 115. A. notable B. positive C. efficient D. tremendous 116. A. resources B. sources C. origin D. stem 117. A. to B. on C. for D. in 118. A. attacked B. to attack C. attacking D. being attacked 119. A. upon B. thus C. while D. through 120. A. by B. against C. from D. for

Passage 2

Double Income and No Kids (DINK) becomes fashionable in China. The DINK couples are usually regarded as those who have higher educations and 61 careers with higher incomes. The increase in DINK families has shattered the Chinese traditional

idea of the family and 62 typical.

A survey conducted recently in Beijing by a market survey company 63 that about 3.3 percent of the 1,300 surveyed families in Beijing said they have 64 plans to have children. It is estimated there are about 600,000 DINK families in large cities like Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Chongqing. Why they choose such a lifestyle is concluded in 65 reasons. Some are showing great worry for the rapid growth of population; some are indulged in building a more well-off family; some are showing sharp 66 to get themselves free from the obligation of raising children.

67 , most people still believe it is necessary to bear a child to keep the family line on. As an old Chinese saying goes, there are three aspects in failing to be a filial son and the 68 serious one is to have no heir for the family. So, childless couples will suffer discrimination 69 family members and neighbors.

But it is clear that the new tide of ideas has come, which suggests young people 70 to choose their own way of life. They are instilling modern ideas into traditional families and society. In the modernization process, personal choices will be highly respected.

121. A. stable B. available C. achievable D. liable 122. A. had become B. may become C. became D. become 123. A. directed B. induced C. indicated D. dictated 124. A. no B. not C. hardly D. scarcely 125. A. elegant B. various C. similar D. abundant 126. A. tension B. attention C. intention D. interaction 127. A. Moreover B. However C. Accordingly D. Generally 128. A. most B. more C. latest D. less 129. A. into B. to C. at D. from 130. A. wanted B. should want C. want D. had wanted

Passage 3

Here is a story about a clever dog. It was a seeing-eye dog. A seeing-eye dog can help blind people walk along the streets and do many other things.

One day a seeing-eye dog and a blind man 61 on a bus together. The bus was full of 62 and there were 63 seats left. But one man soon stood up and left his seat. The dog 64 the blind man to the seat, but there was little space for two people. The dog began to push the people on each side 65 his nose. He pushed and pushed until the people moved and 66 there was 67 space for two people. The blind man then sat down and the dog got up on the seat his side. The dog 68 down and put his head on the leg of the 69 man. He was very comfortable and soon fell asleep. Everyone on the bus 70 at the dog.

131. A.got B.went C.came D.put 132. A.foreigners B.policemen C.people D.farmers 133. A.no B.not many C.enough D.some



