17. Your drivers license may be suspended for causing: 1. one minor accident 2. one serious accident 3. one near accident
4. two near accidents (the 1st week!)
18. When meeting a school bus which has stopped to pick up or discharge children you must: 1. sound your horn and carefully pass
2. stop; then you may carefully pass at a speed of not over 10 mph
3. stop, wait until the buss has started or you are signaled by the driver to proceed 4. slow down, pass carefully at a speed not over 10 mph
19. After overtaking another motor vehicle on a two-lane road, you can best judge when it is safe to drive back into the right-hand lane by:
1. waiting until you can see the overtaken vehicle in you rear view mirror 2. waiting until you can no longer see the overtaken vehicle on your right 3. waiting one full minute
4. waiting until you can no longer see the overtaken vehicle in you rear view mirror
20. You must give a signal either by hand and arm or by signal device: 1. only at night
2. only if other traffic is affected by your movement 3. anytime you change lanes 4. only if you are driving a car or truck
21. When turning you should give the proper signal: 1. at least 25 feet before turning 2. at least 50 feet before turning 3. at least 75 feet before turning 4. at least 100 feet before turning
22. A green arrow showing a red traffic light means: 1. stop
2. you may go ahead carefully in the direction showed by the arrow 3. slow down
4. after stopping, you may go ahead in the direction showed by the arrow
23. If you damage an unattended vehicle you must: 1. call a wrecker and have it towed to a garage
2. locate the owner or leave a signed statement on the vehicle 3. stay at the scene until the owner returns 4. advise an officer
24. If you are being passed, you should: 1. increase your speed
2. blow your horn and wave at the other driver 3. stay in your lane
4. let him hit you and call the officer
25. A person who has been drinking alcoholic beverages will usually: 1. have an accident if he drives 2. have much faster reactions
3. have impaired judgment and coordination 4. fall asleep within an hour
26. In this picture the driver of the vehicle on the two lane street should 1. always yield to the driver of the vehicle on the four lane street 2. take the right-of-way cautiously because he is on the right 3. stop only if there is a stop sign directing him to do so
4. take the right-of-way if he is the first vehicle into the intersection
27. In this picture the driver of the vehicle on the unpaved road should 1. take the right-of-way cautiously because he is on the right 2. yield to the vehicle on the paved road in all instances
3. be prepared to stop if the vehicle on the paved road does not 4. stop only if there is a sign on the unpaved road
28. In an uncontrolled intersection you should give right-of-way to 1. the vehicle that entered the intersection on or from your left
2. the vehicle that entered the intersection on or from your right 3. the vehicle that entered the intersection first 4. the fastest vehicle
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