3. 60 days
4. 30 days 跟成人的6months不同?
13. The maximum fine for a first conviction of driving without a valid drivers license is:
第一次无证驾驶将被最高罚款 1. $100 2. $200 3. $50 4. $500
14. Including reaction time, the stopping distance is more than 20 feet at 10 miles per hour, at 20 miles per hour it will be: 20M行驶的车辆需要多长距离刹车,方能完全停下来 1. 30 feet 2. 63 feet 3. 40 feet 4. 75 feet
15. When parking parallel it is best to leave the curb side wheels:
平行泊车时,轮子边缘最好距离路沿石 1. just touching the curb 2. 6 to 18 inches from the curb 3. 18 to 24 inches from the curb 4. 24 to 30 inches from the curb
16. The lights on your vehicle must be turned on at any time day or night when persons and vehicles cannot be clearly seen for: 当你看不清多远距离的行人和车辆时,应打开车灯 1. 350 feet 2. 750 feet 3. 1,000 feet 4. 1,500 feet
17. A minor’s drivers license (under age of 17) may be suspended for a first offense of driving under the influence of alcohol for: 第一次酒后驾车,未成年人(<17)的驾照将被暂停 1. 1 to 2 years
2. 180 days to 2 years 3. up to 12 months 4. 2 to 4 years
18. When approaching a green traffic light you should: 1. look both ways as you go ahead carefully 2. watch mainly to the light
3. speed up to avoid holding up traffic 4. watch mainly to the left
19. Vehicle skids are most likely to be caused by: 1. too much ice or snow on the road 2. air pressure in tires too high
3. air pressure in tires too high 4. driving too fast on slippery roads
20. If you are involved in an injury accident in a city, you must immediately notify: 1. the local police 2. the county sheriff
3. the highway patrol 4. the Justice of Peace
21. If you run off the pavement, you should: 1. steer straight ahead and speed up 2. turn the wheel quickly toward the road 3. apply brakes hard (you will want to!)
4. steer straight and slow down before attempting to return to the pavement
22. When turning left from a three lane, one way street, you should turn from the: 1. right lane 2. center lane 3. left lane 4. either lane
23. If a child ran into the street 60 to 65 feet ahead of your vehicle, what is the highest speed from which you could stop, with good brakes, before hitting him? 1. 20 mph 2. 30 mph 3. 40 mph 4. 50 mph
24. If you must walk on the highway you should:
1. walk on the left side in order to watch the approaching traffic 2. walk on the side that has widest shoulders
3. walk on the right side in order that approaching vehicles may see you better 4. you should never walk on the highway
25. When turning you should give the proper signal: 1. at least 25 feet before turning 2. at least 50 feet before turning
3. at least 75 feet before turning 4. at least 100 feet before turning
26. In this picture, if you were driving vehicle #1, you should:
1. try to hold up vehicle #3 so you may turn in front of it 2. try to hold up vehicle #4 so you may turn in front of it 3. wait until is safe to turn
4. always speed up and turn in front of vehicle #4
27. What do you need to have to be able to drive if you have had your license suspended? 1. you cannot drive at all if you have had your license suspended 2. an essential need license
3. you do not need to have any other document 4. your ID
28. List the number of the vehicle or driver showing a proper right turn signal:
1 3 驾驶员打手势 2 转向灯亮 4 转向灯亮,驾驶员伸头
Rule test 2
1. When approaching an intersection, bridge or railroad crossing, you should never drive on the left half of the roadway when within: 1. 100 feet 2. 150 feet 3. 200 feet 4. 250 feet
2. The maximum fine for a first non-driving, alcohol-related offense of possession or consumption of alcohol by a minor is: 1. $1,000 2. $750 3. $500 4. $2,000
3. The headlights must be turned on: 1. only after it gets completely dark 2. 30 minutes after sunset
3. 30 minutes before sunset 4. at sunset
4. A flashing red traffic light means: 1. stop until the green light 2. slow down
3. detour
4. stop, look, and yield before proceeding
5. At 20 miles per hour the average driver, from the moment he sees danger until he hits the brake, will travel about: 1. 10 feet 2. 44 feet 3. 55 feet 4. 88 feet
6. When making a long trip, you should stop for a rest: 1. about every two hours
2. quickly, so as to reduce the time off the highway 3. only when you stop for meals and gas 4. about every four hours or 200 miles
7. The maximum fine for a person age 21 and older who is driving and drinking alcoholic beverage is: 1. $50 2. $200 3. $500 4. $1,000
8. If a driver (age 21 or older) accidentally runs over and kills someone while DUI of intoxicating liquor, the worst offense with which the driver may be charged is: 1. intoxication manslaughter
2. negligent homicide (causing death by carelessness) 3. drunkenness
4. driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor
9. The maximum daytime speed limit for passenger cars on highway numbered by this state or the United States is: 1. 45 mph 2. 55 mph 3. 70 mph 4. 65 mph
10. When the vehicle ahead of you stops to let a pedestrian pass in front of it, you should:
1. sound and horn (immature) 2. overtake to the right (risky)
3. overtake to the left (stupid)
4. stay in line and wait until the vehicle ahead proceeds
11. You may lawfully allow an object to extend beyond the left side of your vehicle: 1. 3 inches 2. 6 inches 3. 9 inches 4. 12 inches
12. On multiple lane highways slow drives should drive: 1. in a middle lane (stay out Bud, I’m here!) 2. in the left-hand lane (passing only now!) 3. in the right-hand lane
4. in whatever lane other slow drivers may be using
13. Stopping a vehicle with good brakes from 20 miles per hour under good conditions requires about:
1. 63 feet including thinking distance 2. 80 feet including thinking distance
3. 128 feet including thinking distance 4. 186 feet including thinking distance
14. When possible, pedestrians should walk: 1. on the side of the road facing traffic
2. on the right side of the road avoiding oncoming traffic 3. on a sidewalk
4. on the side of the road with the lightest traffic
15. Drivers become subject to the liability insurance law when accident damages amount to: 1. $25 to property of one person 2. $50 to property of one person
3. $100 to property of one person 4. at least $1,000 to property of one person
16. It is a violation of State law for pedestrians to:
1. stand in the roadway for the purposes of soliciting a ride 2. cross streets in groups
3. jaywalk on any street in any city (jaywalk: act of crossing streets with traffic in a careless and dangerous way)
4. run while crossing the street
美国德克萨斯州驾驶考试模拟题及相关资料 中英对照 - 图文