12. Crossing a solid white line should be avoided, as well as double line
Various Rules
1. Last year (2003) traffic accidents in TX killed about 4,000 people
2. If you move, you should report your change of address to the DPS within 30 days
如果搬迁,必须在30天内将变更地址向DPS报告。 3. Pedestrians using white canes are usually blind
4. After passing another car on a two-lane road, you can best judge when it is safe to return
back into the right lane when you can see the overtaken cars’ headlights in your rear-view mirror
5. When you hear a siren coming, you should move to the right edge of the road and stop, if
possible. Do not block intersections 当听到警笛声时,应靠右停车。不要停到十字路口。
6. The most important thing in backing a car is looking back carefully 倒车时最重要的是仔细观察。
7. When driving down a steep hill, you should shift to low gear
8. If you should have an accident in which someone is injured, you should examine he injured
with great care and send for skilled help 假如你发生事故使人受伤,你应当细致检查伤者,并迅速送医(寻求专业的医疗帮助) 9. When driving long distances you should rest 10 minutes for every 2 hours of driving
10. If you run off the pavement, you should steer straight and slow down before attempting to
return to the pavement
当(不慎)驶出道路时,应保持前向并减速,然后再驶回道路 11. It is usually safe to get out of the car on the curb side of street
12. If you must walk on the roadway, you should walk on the left side to see oncoming cars or on
a sidewalk whenever possible
13. If you have a blow-out while driving you should: take your foot off the accelerator, grasp the
steering wheel hard and slow to a stop
行车时若发生爆胎,应将脚从油门上拿开,紧握方向盘,慢慢停车。 14. Cars registered in TX must be inspected once a year (State inspection)
15. If you run over or hit someone and kill them while driving under the influence of alcohol, the
penalty will be involuntary manslaughter
当你酒后 驾车撞倒某人并致人死亡,将被处以过失杀人罪。
16. You may lawfully allow an object to extend beyond the left fender of your car only 3 inches
合法的载物不能超过车左侧挡板3英寸。(约7.5cm 1英寸=2.54cm)
17. Your chances of being injured when not wearing your seat belt are 5 times greater
不系安全带受伤的几率是(带安全带的)五倍。 18. The minimum tread depth for tires is 2/32 of an inch
轮胎的花纹不得少于 1英寸的2/32
19. Warning signs are a diamond shape and are yellow or orange
20. If another driver crowds you in traffic, you should move out of your lane to avoid an accident
如果另外的驾驶员强行并道,为避免事故你应让出你的车道(让速不让道??) 21. A minor is someone under the age of 21.
22. When you wish to make a turn you should signal at least 100 feet before the intersection and
be in the correct lane half block before the intersection 转弯时,应在十字路口前100英尺(约30米)处打转向灯,十字路口前半个街区走到正确的路上。
23. Top accepted blood-alcohol concentration in TX: 0.08
德州驾驶员血液中酒精浓度不得高于0.08。 数字:
stopping your field of vision Driving speed时速 (MPH) Approximate
distances 刹车距离(英尺) 视野变化 0 20 30 40 50 60 70
63 109 164 229 303 387
180 2/3 2/5 1/5
child 60 ft. ahead of car – can brake safely at
top speed school zone
at night, dim headlights for oncoming car within 夜间行车,对面有车,应开启近光灯的距离
applying brakes at a danger situation at 50 mph 时速50M,遇到紧急情况,从
intersection, bridge, railroad crossing
20 mph 20 mph
500 ft (约150米)
car will travel about 110 ft before stop
no passing > 100 ft.
靠近十字路口、桥梁、铁路路口 top speed in TX
70 mph
Parking Rules 泊车规则
from fire hydrant 距离消防栓 from crosswalk 距离人行横道
> 15 ft (约4.5米) > 20 ft (约6米)
from traffic light / stop sign 距离交通信号、> 30 ft (约9米)
railroad crossing 距离火车路口
parallel parking (from curb) 平行停车距
Traffic & Sign Lights 大灯
? hour after sunset until ? hour before sunrise
enforced use of headlights
6” to 18” (15cm-46cm)
> 50 ft (约15米)
lights on anytime when view is reduced to < 1,000 ft 视线不好时看不到多远的东西时, 约300米
500 ft at night, dim headlights for oncoming car
within 约150米 夜间行车,对面有车,应开启近光灯的距离
Fines & Financial 罚款及经济
proof of financial responsibility 需要提交财产证明
show financial responsibility 需要提交财产证明
1st / 2nd / 3rd DWI offense
(driving while intoxicated) 醉酒驾车 intoxication manslaughter or assault 醉酒过失杀人(开车) drinking while driving 酒后驾车
1st / 2nd DUIA by minor (Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol by minor)
1st conviction no driver’s license 第一次无证驾驶
at accident injury/damage > $1,000 大于$1,000的财产损失及人员伤亡 proof kept for 2 years 需要保存2年
$2,000 / $4,000 / $10,000 第一次/第二次/第三次
$10,000 $500
美国德克萨斯州驾驶考试模拟题及相关资料 中英对照 - 图文